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Thread: "My Cycle!" What Do You Think? I need Advice!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Bakersfield, CA

    Question "My Cycle!" What Do You Think? I need Advice!

    "What Do You Think?"

    Week1 400mg Test - 400mg Deca 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week2 400mg Test - 400mg Deca 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week3 400mg Test - 400mg Deca 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week4 400mg Test - 400mg Deca 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week5 400mg Test - 400mg Deca 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week6 400mg Test - 400mg Deca 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week7 400mg Test - 400mg Deca 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week8 400mg Test - 400mg Deca 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week9 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week10 1pill Nolvadex per/day
    Week11 100mg clomid
    Week12 50mg clomid
    Week13 50mg clomid
    Week14 300-400mg EQ - 200mg Winstrol 1pill Proviron per/day
    Week15 300-400mg EQ - 200mg Winstrol 1pill Proviron per/day
    Week16 300-400mg EQ - 200mg Winstrol 1pill Proviron per/day
    Week17 300-400mg EQ - 200mg Winstrol 1pill Proviron per/day
    Week18 300-400mg EQ - 200mg Winstrol 1pill Proviron per/day
    Week19 300-400mg EQ - 200mg Winstrol 1pill Proviron per/day
    Week20 300-400mg EQ - 200mg Winstrol 1pill Proviron per/day

    "Good?" "Bad?" "What?" If anyone has any suggestions regarding This Cycle I am All ears. I will greatly appreciate any advice that is given. Thank You, and I Hope to hear from You all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    A cage in the Zoo!
    Not knowing your goals or past experience with AAS, i would suggest using the test/deca for more like 12 wks and maybe use the winny and proviron the last 6 wks or so. Also no need for the nolva, just have it on hand, use ldex if you are concerned about gyno, which you shouldnt be really.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Bakersfield, CA
    Thanx for the Advice. I do very much apreciate it. This has been a day in day out mission of mine to find the best advice concerning my cycle. I've talked to everyone and this is what Ive cam up with so far.

    My Stats:
    I'm 21, 5'9, 170lbs, My home scale says I'm 17% BF, but i have a six pak and a 32 inch waste so i dont know. This will also be my 2nd Cycle. During the 1st Cycle i ran 200mg of Deca 50mg - 400mg of Test 200 for 12 weeks followed by EQ/Winny/, but i cant remember the dosage. I gained a solid 25 pounds & lost 10% BF.

    My Goals: To gain another sold 20-25lbs and hit 10-12% BF.

    So what do u think now? Got any further Advice?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Bro i would change that eq and deca should be run for atleast 10 weeks 12 is better. They take so long to start working by the time they kick in youll be off
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I'd say run a test/eq/winny cycle with liquidex. I don't like the ones you posted up there, its not planned very well IMO. I'm extremely busy at the moment however, so if you want PM me and I'll get back to you about helping you w/your cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Bakersfield, CA
    I forgot to Mention tat durng the Second Cutting Cycle of week 14-20 ill be runnin 400mg of test with the EQ/WInny. Sorry, get back to me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I confused did you do 1 cycle or 2?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Bakersfield, CA
    Scroll up.....I'm doin one cycle, but i guess u can call it two. weeks 1-8 ill be running test-deca then clomid/nolv therapy. in weeks 14-20 ill be running test/EQ/Winny. So i dont know, we can call it what you want.

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