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Thread: Clenbuterol is the shizzit!

  1. #1

    Clenbuterol is the shizzit!

    Well i started taking it and today is day 4. I was worried about it being fake because the pill container has some kind of asian writing on it. But it cant be since after i take it my lungs open up like crazy(im an ex smoker). Also, it has a seal at the top that the real pill pharma pills have. Feels like ive never smoked a day in my life. Im full of energy everyday. I only shake a little, only get kind of hot if i move around a lot or do something strenuous. and i feel no increased heart rate or abnormal hotness throughout my day. Im making this post because ive read how so many people would take and shake a shit load and have some cray heart rate and get wicked hot so they stop taking it....why hasnt that crazy stuff happened to me? I mean i feel it hands do shake a little when i hold them up, i feel energized, a little jittery where its enough to feel it but not enough to be uncomfortable. so whats up? or is it that only few people get the ridiculous side?? Because those people made me afraid to take it at first. Thank you

    Day 1- 80mcg
    Day 2- 80mcg
    Day 3- 120mcg
    Day 4- 120mcg

  2. #2
    Try being a fire fighter taking t-3 and clen! Omg the sweating lol

  3. #3
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    I love clen, and swear by it....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    it makes me feel absolutely GREAT. Im never drowsy during the day. I always feel like im getting as much oxygen as a human being should get lol. How long do you guys weight after taking yours to do your cardio or lifting?? And im doing the 2 week on 2 week off way. The 2 day on day off one sounded kind of silly. Maybe it works for others, but for me im not feeling that one.

  5. #5
    Totally agree clen is awesome! Just finished my second off week so back on it tomorrow, I can't wait! Personally I take 2 when I wake up one midday and another 2 one hour before my workout. I exercise late though. Usually around 20:00.

  6. #6
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	chinese_clen_store.jpg 
Views:	5466 
Size:	26.4 KB 
ID:	118122
    If its chinese clen then it amy be this one

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6tom6tom6 View Post
    Well i started taking it and today is day 4. I was worried about it being fake because the pill container has some kind of asian writing on it. But it cant be since after i take it my lungs open up like crazy(im an ex smoker). Also, it has a seal at the top that the real pill pharma pills have. Feels like ive never smoked a day in my life. Im full of energy everyday. I only shake a little, only get kind of hot if i move around a lot or do something strenuous. and i feel no increased heart rate or abnormal hotness throughout my day. Im making this post because ive read how so many people would take and shake a shit load and have some cray heart rate and get wicked hot so they stop taking it....why hasnt that crazy stuff happened to me? I mean i feel it hands do shake a little when i hold them up, i feel energized, a little jittery where its enough to feel it but not enough to be uncomfortable. so whats up? or is it that only few people get the ridiculous side?? Because those people made me afraid to take it at first. Thank you

    Day 1- 80mcg
    Day 2- 80mcg
    Day 3- 120mcg
    Day 4- 120mcg
    so its the biz just on how it makes you feel rather than what iits supposed to do?

    i know loads of ppl who shake like crazy on it. you've only been on it 4 days and your thread title is a tad misleading.

  8. #8
    i put the title because i really do love it. It just makes me feel better for some strange reason. I mean am i taking enough? anyone take more then 120??

  9. #9
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    ^^ Ive gone to 160mcgs and know others that go to 200mcgs...

    I wouldn't recommend going any higher than 120 to be honest.....
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  10. #10
    Ive gone above 160. I found that once your system begins to down regulate b2 receptors, hiking the dose doesnt do what you would hope.

  11. #11
    how many days off and how many days on do you gentlemen do??

  12. #12
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    I tend to run it for 4 weeks but if you do this you need to run Ketotifen at some point...
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6tom6tom6 View Post
    i put the title because i really do love it. It just makes me feel better for some strange reason. I mean am i taking enough? anyone take more then 120??
    ive done 160mcgs of it, it still didnt burn any significant bf

  14. #14

  15. #15
    i do know that there is no miracle drug for massive weight loss.....if there was, everyone in America would be on it. I just really like the energy it gives me and how it lets me get in extra oxygen through out my workouts. If it actually does help with body fat even a little bit then that's a little bonus, ya know?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by 6tom6tom6 View Post
    i do know that there is no miracle drug for massive weight loss.....if there was, everyone in America would be on it. I just really like the energy it gives me and how it lets me get in extra oxygen through out my workouts. If it actually does help with body fat even a little bit then that's a little bonus, ya know?
    So u started using Clen. 4 it's originally intended purpose? Not 2 lose weight / burn fat?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6tom6tom6 View Post
    i do know that there is no miracle drug for massive weight loss.....if there was, everyone in America would be on it. I just really like the energy it gives me and how it lets me get in extra oxygen through out my workouts. If it actually does help with body fat even a little bit then that's a little bonus, ya know?
    thats akin to cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. a nasal spray would open your airways and give you deep breathing feeling. jack3d will give a massive energy boost. thats a very bad reason for using clen mate

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    thats akin to cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. a nasal spray would open your airways and give you deep breathing feeling. jack3d will give a massive energy boost. thats a very bad reason for using clen mate
    Agreed, the danger(s) of Clen. r not worth the reward of "a deeper breath".

  19. #19
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    To each their own, but if your avatar is a picture of you, you have no business using clen. You should be able to achieve better results with an in tune diet. Then, if necessary, add clen.

  20. #20
    Well so we are all clear, what do you guys say Clens original intended purpose is??

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by 6tom6tom6 View Post
    Well so we are all clear, what do you guys say Clens original intended purpose is??
    It's not wut we "say", it's the truth / fact. Clen's original purpose was 2 treat Asthma, that's y u "breath better" on it.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-20-2011 at 06:30 PM.

  22. #22
    For what purpose do you all take Clen? =)

  23. #23
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Not used it for a long time but I've had my fair share of clen and loved it. Used it for cutting and in pct, had good results from it and preferred the 2 wks on 2 wks off approach. I stopped using it because of the palpitations to be honest but its a great tool to use and used it on and off for over 10yrs.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Not used it for a long time but I've had my fair share of clen and loved it. Used it for cutting and in pct, had good results from it and preferred the 2 wks on 2 wks off approach. I stopped using it because of the palpitations to be honest but its a great tool to use and used it on and off for over 10yrs.
    why do you reckon i never saw much diff with it as compared to without it? ive ran keto diets with it and still didnt see any great difference. i got all the shitty sides but thats really about it, only useful thing i experienced was focus and energy.

    you reckon its only really useful if you are already sub 10%?

    or can it be that it just isnt as effective in some ppl?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    why do you reckon i never saw much diff with it as compared to without it? ive ran keto diets with it and still didnt see any great difference. i got all the shitty sides but thats really about it, only useful thing i experienced was focus and energy.

    you reckon its only really useful if you are already sub 10%?

    or can it be that it just isnt as effective in some ppl?
    Ive heard this before from a few people that they didn't respond well to it or they didn't see any benefit from using it.

    I know some guys have great tolerance to it and dosages needs to be increased for some. How long did you run it for?

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    I have lots of friends who tried clen and didn't notice anything other than shakes and heartrate increase, not worth the risk especially if it doesn't do anything drastic for fat burning...I use albeutrol instead, really opens up the air paths and no sides..

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