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Well i started taking it and today is day 4. I was worried about it being fake because the pill container has some kind of asian writing on it. But it cant be since after i take it my lungs open up like crazy(im an ex smoker). Also, it has a seal at the top that the real pill pharma pills have. Feels like ive never smoked a day in my life. Im full of energy everyday. I only shake a little, only get kind of hot if i move around a lot or do something strenuous. and i feel no increased heart rate or abnormal hotness throughout my day. Im making this post because ive read how so many people would take and shake a shit load and have some cray heart rate and get wicked hot so they stop taking it....why hasnt that crazy stuff happened to me? I mean i feel it working...my hands do shake a little when i hold them up, i feel energized, a little jittery where its enough to feel it but not enough to be uncomfortable. so whats up? or is it that only few people get the ridiculous side?? Because those people made me afraid to take it at first. Thank you
Day 1- 80mcg
Day 2- 80mcg
Day 3- 120mcg
Day 4- 120mcg