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Thread: Will taking Tren or other cycles create a false reading on a urine alcohol test ETG?

  1. #1

    Will taking Tren or other cycles create a false reading on a urine alcohol test ETG?

    I am considering starting a cycle of tren with test E. I was researching the side effects and saw that it increases your liver enzyme count is this true? Do other steriods do this as well? I get randomly urine alcohol screened also known as an ETG. They measure liver enzymes I'm pretty sure, and I do not want to fail for a false reading. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    liver and kidney values will def be elevated. what is your cycle exp and age?

  3. #3
    28 and second cycle. I'm just wondering if anyone knows if it's the same type of liver enzymes they measure for in the urine alcohol test aka ETG test

  4. #4
    You got it all wrong man. The etg test measures ethyl glucunoride which is a metabolite of ethanol (what the body converts alcohol into). The etg test basically measures whether or not you've consumed large amounts of alcohol in the last few days. The etg test does not measure liver values and even if it did measure liver values that would be a poor indicator of alcohol consumption.

    To answer your question though, tren can definitely raise both liver and kidney values, as well as fvck your lipid profile.

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicybear View Post
    28 and second cycle. I'm just wondering if anyone knows if it's the same type of liver enzymes they measure for in the urine alcohol test aka ETG test
    tren on a 2nd cycle is a tad too much, why not stick with something less harsh?

  6. #6
    Sweet That's just the info I was looking for thanks. I just didn't want to chance it.

  7. #7
    I'm not advising you to run tren for a 2nd cycle. It honestly has some nasty sides that you're probably not prepared for after only running 1 cycle. The fact that tren will fvck your blood work is just the tip of the iceberg.......

  8. #8
    Well after doing alot of researching and talking, tren looked like it produced the results I am looking for which is lean mass and intense strength. I am scared of some of the side effect and it would actually be my 3rd cycle not that, that means anything. I did deca and sus 250 the first two times with good results. But yeah I am a little scared of tren side effects. What would be a good suggestion in replace of it. I'm looking for lean hard mass and intense strength plus not be scared of something like tren dick want my girlfriend to stay happy.

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