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Thread: second cycle help please chaps !!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Arrow second cycle help please chaps !!!

    second cycle, first was prop & winstrol got good gains no sides on cycle but then got some little lumps under nip into pct even using nolva at 40mg ed, tiny lump still remains but have gotten alot smaller. next cycle i origionally wanted to do enanthate and d-bol but am thinking is it a bad idea seeing as i got a little gyno before ??? other option was running anavar only for 8 weeks. whats my options guys ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    How long ago was your last cycle? If it hasn't been too long u may be able to get rid of that gyno with letrozole.

    Anavar only isn't a good idea. Test should be the base of all cycles

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    finished the cycle about 8 weeks ago, got slight gyno about 3/4 weeks ago started taking arimidex and that seemed to help alot, more or less gone nothing visible but a tiny lump. so on cycle il probally use .5mg arimidex to try keep it under control.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    being fairly recent, the letro may be able to get rid of that. I've never dealt with gyno before so I'll let a vet drop some knowledge

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    yea its just letro is hard to get were i am and soo dam expensive too !! another question is can you still cycle with small lumps under nip ?? just have to use an AI to stop them from growing ??

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    second cycle, first was prop & winstrol got good gains no sides on cycle but then got some little lumps under nip into pct even using nolva at 40mg ed, tiny lump still remains but have gotten alot smaller. next cycle i origionally wanted to do enanthate and d-bol but am thinking is it a bad idea seeing as i got a little gyno before ??? other option was running anavar only for 8 weeks. whats my options guys ??
    What r ur stats?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    13% b,f (14 tops)
    training 4 years
    1 preveous cycle under my belt with good gains

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    roughly 78kg
    i would guess and say between 13-16% bodyfat, but not too sure.
    GOAL: looking to get some nice ripped abs, also ripping up everywere else. try and get down to 6-8% b,f.

    diet so far
    meal 1: 2 whole eggs 3 egg whites. 1 small cup porrage oats, banana
    meal 2: (post workout) 50g USN pure protein.
    meal 3: tin of tuna, tea spoon light mayo. medium size sweet potato
    meal 4: eather lean steak or chicken breast with small cup of rice and apple.
    meal 5: 25g USN pure protein.

    i am eating roughly every 3 hours or so. started doing a 20-30 minute run everynight, apart from weekends and am training with weights 5 days a week split bodypart workout. i am also starting to take clenabuterol to help achive my goal quicker.

    does my diet look good for my goal if i wanted to get there within 8 weeks ??

    thanks you
    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    yea fair shout, im 22 in 3 weeks
    im just trying to get some info under my belt. not planning on using anytime soon but do want to find out as much info as possible so the day i feel im ready i know 100% eactly whats for me and what to do. at the moment my goal isnt to be gaining as much muscle mass as possible as im trying to get my b,f lower so im not ready for them yet anyway as my diet would suit.
    more info would be great.
    So in March u were 20, & in April u were 3 wks away from 22, but now, in November, ur 24?????????
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-22-2011 at 06:10 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    lol.. called out

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    my bad, you caught me out, fair play just thought id lie about my age to save all this, im 21 now not that it makes much different, and the rest of the stats are correct but my age. ive cycled, fell great, no libido problems etc etc just slight gyno which could have happend at any age. not that it makes it right, any info on gyno & cycling would be appreciated. do appolagise about the lieing.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    my bad, you caught me out, fair play just thought id lie about my age to save all this, im 21 now not that it makes much different, and the rest of the stats are correct but my age. ive cycled, fell great, no libido problems etc etc just slight gyno which could have happend at any age. not that it makes it right, any info on gyno & cycling would be appreciated. do appolagise about the lieing.
    It makes a difference to ur undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA. Do urself a favor, count urself lucky thus far, & just wait a few mor yrs til u cycle again. If u need help making gains naturally, we can help with that too.

  12. #12
    Never do oral only cycle! Especially something weak like Var

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