I have a coworker that does a 12 week cycle of Tren and Test (1 shot a week) and i have been thinking about trying it. He is a bit older than me, but he swears by it.
I am 25
5'11 - 150-155lbs
I have been working out hard for the past 2 years with very slow gains. I have put on about 10 lbs of muscle mass in the last 2 years, but i have a very fast metabolism so i am still quite skinny. I do not have the best diet , but i try to keep my protein intake high.
Currently i drink Casein Protein at night, Creatine and NO-Xplode at 4:30. I work out Mon-Fri from 5-6:15. I also drink Myoplex Protein 20 mins after work out.
Any advice on if i should try the Tren/Test stack out?
Any advice would be appreciated.