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Thread: Steroid Cycle and Acne.

  1. #1

    Steroid Cycle and Acne.

    I've been lifting 3 years now. I'm 20 years old and have a pretty good base built. But i've always had a terrible problem with acne. My whole family has had severe acne.

    I'm on accutane right now, face is almost 100% clear except for red marks from previous acne. I have 2 more months left, i will be done by the end of january. When i get off i really want to take a cycle, and only one. I only need 10-15 more pounds to get too the size i want and i'm thinkin 1 cycle should do it as i've never taken anything before.

    My questions are as follows:

    Will a cycle make my acne come back?

    What steroid will cause the least or no acne?

    What about dbol? I've kinda been wanting to take that.

    How long of a cycle would you recommend me to take?

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Welcome caseyizzle. R u aware of the significantly greater risk of potentially irreversible damage 2 ur undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA that comes with cycling @ ur age? Wut r the rest of ur stats?
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-21-2011 at 05:31 PM.

  3. #3
    thanks for the welcome and yes i am fully aware and i am willing to take the risk. I am 5"8 160 at 8% bodyfat. So 10-15 more pounds and i will have the fitness model physique i want. My frame is pretty small so every pound is noticable on me.

    I would love to have my physique before next summer and definitely before 2012. You never know, the world could end.

  4. #4
    So u understand there is the possibility u may still b growing, & u may stunt that growth by cycling now? And u understand, there is a greater probability of permanently shutting down ur body's natural hormone production & ending up on TRT or HRT 4 life? How would u like 2 hav 2 use Viagra in ur 20's & 4 the rest of ur life 4 that matter cuz ur pecker don't work any mor? Do u REALLY care that little bout ur health & future, that u would risk these things 4 vanity?
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-21-2011 at 05:56 PM.

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Sounds like TheBear is talking about the important stuff.

    Regarding the acne - you will most definitely see an increase. I get it on my shoulders, arm and back. Basically it gets worse in all the places I normally get it.

    Regarding cycle length etc. - if you decide to move forward despite advice to the contrary, do some research here on beginner cycles. Seriously though, no need to take a health risk if you only want to put on 10 or 15 pounds. The guys in the nutrition section can get you there by eating more chicken. I am not kidding.

  6. #6
    Yes i am aware of this. But unless you can convince me that i can put a good 10-15 pounds of muscle on by next summer as an ectomorph then i probably will cycle. I don't care about living till I'm 80, i want to enjoy life in my younger years. I've been lifting for a long time naturally, don't you think i have the choice to take them if i want? I have a clean diet with good macros and very experienced in the gym. I don't take this lightly.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    I've been lifting 3 years now. I'm 20 years old and have a pretty good base built. But i've always had a terrible problem with acne. My whole family has had severe acne.

    I'm on accutane right now, face is almost 100% clear except for red marks from previous acne. I have 2 more months left, i will be done by the end of january. When i get off i really want to take a cycle, and only one. I only need 10-15 more pounds to get too the size i want and i'm thinkin 1 cycle should do it as i've never taken anything before.

    My questions are as follows:

    Will a cycle make my acne come back?

    What steroid will cause the least or no acne?

    What about dbol? I've kinda been wanting to take that.

    How long of a cycle would you recommend me to take?

    Thanks guys.

    At 20 my friend,,take advantage of your own natural hormone production. All you need is FOOD,,TRAINING,,REST,,and DISCIPLINE!!!

  8. #8
    so basically. I'm coming here to get honest and helpful advice. I didn't ask you guys to preach for me. I know the risks. I know you guys just want me to be safe, but it's just a decision i may be making.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    At 20 my friend,,take advantage of your own natural hormone production. All you need is FOOD,,TRAINING,,REST,,and DISCIPLINE!!!
    I've been lifting with a clean diet for a while and even upped my calories. I have a huge problem gaining any more size.

  10. #10
    Good luck 2 u.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-21-2011 at 06:21 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    I've been lifting with a clean diet for a while and even upped my calories. I have a huge problem gaining any more size.
    Ur diet is most likely insufficient.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Good luck 2 u.
    See this is what i don't understand. I make a post to get help and all you can do is preach to me about how terrible AAS is. I don't need a preaching. I need informational answers, isn't that what this forum is for?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Ur diet is most likely insufficient.
    trust me, after 3 years of serious natural lifting, my diet is pretty much perfect. I can gain weight, just not good weight AKA muscle. I don't have the best genetics either.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    See this is what i don't understand. I make a post to get help and all you can do is preach to me about how terrible AAS is. I don't need a preaching. I need informational answers, isn't that what this forum is for?
    No one sed anything bout AAS being terrible. u cycling @ ur age is terrible. May not b the answers u wanted, but it's the truth.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    trust me, after 3 years of serious natural lifting, my diet is pretty much perfect. I can gain weight, just not good weight AKA muscle. I don't have the best genetics either.
    If u only knew how often that EXACT post is made here..........................Y dont post ur "perfect" diet here 4 us all 2 c................

  16. #16
    Basically my meals go as follows.

    1. Eggs and oatmeal, with protein shake (Milk is added)
    2. Couple servings of almonds
    3. Chicken and rice, with protein shake (Milk is added)
    4. Peanuts, with an apple and some sort of other fruit.
    5. Rice and Broccoli
    6. Chicken with a few servings of fruit.

    It can vary from day to day but those are usually the foods i eat. I also take fish oiil and a multi on top of everything.

  17. #17
    Basically my meals go as follows.

    1. Eggs and oatmeal, with protein shake (Milk is added)
    2. Couple servings of almonds
    3. Chicken and rice, with protein shake (Milk is added)
    4. Peanuts, with an apple and some sort of other fruit.
    5. Rice and Broccoli
    6. Chicken with a few servings of fruit.

    It can vary from day to day but those are usually the foods i eat. I also take fish oiil and a multi on top of everything.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    Basically my meals go as follows.

    1. Eggs and oatmeal, with protein shake (Milk is added)
    2. Couple servings of almonds
    3. Chicken and rice, with protein shake (Milk is added)
    4. Peanuts, with an apple and some sort of other fruit.
    5. Rice and Broccoli
    6. Chicken with a few servings of fruit.

    It can vary from day to day but those are usually the foods i eat. I also take fish oiil and a multi on top of everything.
    OK, ur eating the rite foods, just not enuf of them.

  19. #19
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    so basically. I'm coming here to get honest and helpful advice. I didn't ask you guys to preach for me. I know the risks. I know you guys just want me to be safe, but it's just a decision i may be making.
    We have all read this exact same thread a million times. That is why only a few of us are responding. A few of us willing to type the same things we have typed before knowing exactly what your responses will be.

    I gave you advice: if you want to do a cycle, research starter/beginner cycles. There are some incredibly helpful stickies at the top of the forum, and in the Educational Threads forum. I encourage you to do some reading rather than taking the advice of whomever stumbles across your thread and leaves some random advice.

    Additional advice: do a lot of reading about nutrition/diet, and post what you eat for the nutrition guys to give you feedback. Please don't think that you can keep doing what you are doing, add some chemicals, and magically get the muscle you have been wanting. That isn't preaching, it is honestly wanting to save you some time, hundreds of dollars and a lot of wasted effort.

    Don't get frustrated and leave. You will not find a place with more cumulative experience and knowledge.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    OK, ur eating the rite foods, just not enuf of them.
    alright well i'm eating close to 3500 calories. I would think that would be enough. Some days i even hit 4k.

  21. #21
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    You guys posted a few times while I was typing, and I see what you have been eating. Here is what I eat, and I am cutting at only 1800 calories a day. You will need to eat a LOT more than this:

    Two cups egg whites and two whole eggs
    1/8 cup (uncooked) oatmeal

    6 - 8oz chicken breast
    1/8 cup almonds

    6 - 8oz chicken breast
    1/2 cup brown rice
    1 cup broccoli

    6 - 8oz chicken breast
    1/8 cup almonds

    After workout
    Protein shake

    8oz fish
    Handfull of spinach with balsamic vinegar and olive oil

    Before bed
    1 cup cottage cheese
    1/8 cup almonds

  22. #22
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    It is against board rules to advise those under 25 with AAS cycle advise. It would be irresponsible for any member here to help you because of your age. You will not get the answers you are looking for. Either read the stickies or be stubborn but don't come back whining if you run into problems because you were warned.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    alright well i'm eating close to 3500 calories. I would think that would be enough. Some days i even hit 4k.
    I know u prolly already feel full all the time, but ur gona hav 2 start upping ur intake, not all @ once, squeeze in another 700 - 1000 cals over the coarse of 30 days or so, if u want 2 gain, ur gona hav 2 eat on schedule, even when ur not hungry. Eventually, ur body will adjust, & it wont feel forced any mor. I've been in ur shoes man, I force fed myself for months til my body adjusted & it just became normal. I made 209 lbs / 9% BF, from 170 lbs / 11% BF, b4 I ever did my 1st cycle.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    It is against board rules to advise those under 25 with AAS cycle advise. It would be irresponsible for any member here to help you because of your age. You will not get the answers you are looking for. Either read the stickies or be stubborn but don't come back whining if you run into problems because you were warned.
    Since when?

  25. #25
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    It has always been advised to push the "over 25" rule, but recently there has been a softening in an attempt to get useful into into the hands of young guys that will not listen to reason. Truthfully, the info is available for anyone willing to spend a few minutes searching, but this place is a community and support is what we do. Some will chose to strongly advise against youth using AAS, some will try to give practical advice in addition to discouragement and overall health advice.

    This is my observation. I have no official capacity, obviously. But I have seen a few discussions including mods and vets about this in the past few months.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Since when?

  27. #27
    There's a real thin line there bro. Dont get me wrong, I'm 100% on the the dont use under 25 train, but where in writing does it show the "appropriate age"?

  28. #28
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    It is not against the rules

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    Basically my meals go as follows.

    1. Eggs and oatmeal, with protein shake (Milk is added)
    2. Couple servings of almonds
    3. Chicken and rice, with protein shake (Milk is added)
    4. Peanuts, with an apple and some sort of other fruit.
    5. Rice and Broccoli
    6. Chicken with a few servings of fruit.

    It can vary from day to day but those are usually the foods i eat. I also take fish oiil and a multi on top of everything.
    you didnt post marcros or portion sizes but i really doubt its 3500 calories

  30. #30
    Tbh, im 21, started at 20. Id give you the green lights.. However.. Their totally right.. And over 1 cycle?! Are you crazy.. Enjoy learning your body, you can put that weight on without steroids.. If your not going to compete or do many cycles... Id never sacrifice all that just for one cycle..

    However regarding acne.. I get it soooo bad! But ive controlled it by learning what promotes acne and what my body gets along with.. Something that takes time/trial and error. If you have a small frame and only want to add a few pounds.. Id strongly recommend doing it naturally.. And this is coming from a 20 year old too. So unless you want to forever grow id stay clean in all honesty. Even my sex drive 'plummeted' and drove me beyond depression you have no idea. And that was my first one but i guess if that really doesn't bother you.. Go ahead LOL i mean my sex drives perfectly fine now and im on cycle.. But for some reason i don't cum much at all. I dont mind it because its my 4th cycle and i want to compete after this one, however if it were lust to get a few quick pounds, i was growing fast enough without taking anything, not even protein, its training efficiently and diet diet diet.

    I hope im being honest enough and not preaching this is first hand experience at your age lol. And if you do decide to, good luck and remember you have to eat better and cleaner or those spots will come back and hit you hard .

    And also i wouldn't take dbol.. Id settle for deca, way more efficient, you'll add more size quicker and for a whole 10-12 week course. Dbols for a max 6 weeks and its horrible on your body.. And i sometimes doubt if its even working lol. Have fun

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    thanks for the welcome and yes i am fully aware and i am willing to take the risk. I am 5"8 160 at 8% bodyfat. So 10-15 more pounds and i will have the fitness model physique i want. My frame is pretty small so every pound is noticable on me.

    I would love to have my physique before next summer and definitely before 2012. You never know, the world could end.
    of course you are...

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    Yes i am aware of this. But unless you can convince me that i can put a good 10-15 pounds of muscle on by next summer as an ectomorph then i probably will cycle. I don't care about living till I'm 80, i want to enjoy life in my younger years. I've been lifting for a long time naturally, don't you think i have the choice to take them if i want? I have a clean diet with good macros and very experienced in the gym. I don't take this lightly.
    You have the choice to do whatever you want with your body, doesn't mean we don't have the choice to assist you.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by caseyizzle View Post
    See this is what i don't understand. I make a post to get help and all you can do is preach to me about how terrible AAS is. I don't need a preaching. I need informational answers, isn't that what this forum is for?
    Difference between preaching and advice to people like you is whether or not it's what you want to hear, not if it's informative...

    You're bad attitude is enough to understand why you feel like you need something like AAS and have no patience or discipline to work for results.
    Every post I've read gets progressively worse, excuse after excuse, woe is me bs...I am done, i hope no one is ignorant enough to help you kid.
    Last edited by sir.solidarity; 11-22-2011 at 03:11 PM.

  34. #34
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    your acne will prb get alot worse if you cycle. If thats worth the 15 extra pounds than thats your choice. You dont need us to give you advice,, all you have to do is read,, its all there.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    It is against board rules to advise those under 25 with AAS cycle advise. It would be irresponsible for any member here to help you because of your age. You will not get the answers you are looking for. Either read the stickies or be stubborn but don't come back whining if you run into problems because you were warned.
    No its not.

    I do it all the time.

    Its called damage limitation.

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