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Thread: EFA s up whilst in advanced stages of shredding professional advise plz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    EFA s up whilst in advanced stages of shredding professional advise plz

    Diet 100% 6%bf
    Macros 50p 45c(fibourse raw green veg cut out starch) 5efa
    Im wanting to advance to around 4%bf
    Thinking of changing my whole diet around to gain some more energy and futher my results!
    Eg 50p 20c 30efa
    For 30days if ok what and why would more efa be beneficial?
    Plz break it down in simple terms
    Training 6days 10 sess a week HIIT
    Weight in on Sunday 77kgflat

    Thank very much inadvance Riggar

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Are you in the mist of prepping?
    Are you a vegan?
    Diuretics at that bf level would do magic, just putting that out there. Assuming your trying to reach a peak for some reason
    Are you on cycle? 5 days 10 sess a week? you must be feel like dirt?
    Upping the calories in the form of efa's might stimulate some more fat burning and it might not, lot's of factors to take into consideration
    when do you plan on re carbing?
    good luck with your goals
    also might be worth puttin this in the contest prep/nutrition section

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Yes I'm prepping
    Not a vegan
    Natural at the moment

    Iv just stoped starch carbs temp when reach bf target
    W cycle them Can y send me the link plz

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    arent you a fighter? i cant see how the hell you'd be able to fight at 4% bf?!

    thats bordering on being in a coffin

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    That's right. R you able to Answer my questions?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    arent you a fighter? i cant see how the hell you'd be able to fight at 4% bf?!

    thats bordering on being in a coffin
    I agree. If you have to get that low to make weight you would be better fighting a higher class

    4% isnt something you can maintain

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by rocknRIGGAR View Post
    That's right. R you able to Answer my questions?
    Maybe if you aint something you wouldnt be so crabby.

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by rocknRIGGAR View Post
    That's right. R you able to Answer my questions?
    ive just answered it, no need to be a jerk off. its impossible to stay at that bf % without danger. do you know anything about dangerously low bf?

  10. #10
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    [QUOTE=dec11;5814463]ive just answered it, no need to be a jerk off. its impossible to stay at that bf % without danger. do you know anything about dangerously low

    A little yes not as much as u guys .
    It's not something I would be stupid enough to continplate staying at!
    I never said that it would be something I'd try to maintain that's just plain stupid also!
    Let me start by saying one dosent get in this sort of shap with out knowing how to achive it succfully and in a healthy maner .
    been doing this most of my life.
    It's not my fight weight eiather!

    Its simply my goals and like all I set out to achieve I set the bar very high and seldom r satisfied.
    I'm constant with my health training goals and being the best at what choices I decide and comit too.
    There is a big bunch of of the other stuff along with all the above I don't wish to go into!
    Life to me has only ever been about pushing boundaries and breaking pesonal bests ect!
    That's my cho

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    ive just answered it, no need to be a jerk off. its impossible to stay at that bf % without danger. do you know anything about dangerously low

    A little yes not as much as u guys .
    It's not something I would be stupid enough to continplate staying at!what the hell you doing it for then?!
    I never said that it would be something I'd try to maintain that's just plain stupid also! oh, im the stupid one now?
    Let me start by saying one dosent get in this sort of shap with out knowing how to achive it succfully and in a healthy maner . what the hell you asking for advice for then?
    been doing this most of my life.
    It's not my fight weight eiather!

    Its simply my goals and like all I set out to achieve I set the bar very high and seldom r satisfied. ever thought about getting checked for body weight mental probs?
    I'm constant with my health training goals and being the best at what choices I decide and comit too.
    There is a big bunch of of the other stuff along with all the above I don't wish to go into!
    Life to me has only ever been about pushing boundaries and breaking pesonal bests ect!
    That's my cho
    i cant fathom you at ll, and i think you're very sketchy to say the least. good luck with starving yourself to the point of danger for nothing

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Ur a tossa amen

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