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Thread: Nolvadex vs Clomid for PCT ?

  1. #1

    Nolvadex vs Clomid for PCT ?

    I am finishing up my 8th week of Anavar that I have been running at 50mgs a day in conjunction with Test once a week. I am wanting to start my PCT but wanted to get opinions on Nolvadex or Clomid and also how I should run it and for how long. Thanks guys for any advice you can offer.

  2. #2
    They are virtually the same

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    You should use them both,they do differnt things.20mg Nolvadex and 50mg clomid the clomid for 2 weeks and the nolvadex for 4 weeks.

    After AAS cessation the secretion of LH is nil. It will not be able to initiate T production until a certain stimulus LH level is reached. Studies have shown that the time for this to occur can be lengthy. Thus the idea is to ‘push’ the testicles with hCG and get them started. Once T production is initiated the dependent variable is LH. If the hCG is withdrawn without adequate LH to couple with the testicles return of HPTA functionality will fail.

    The increased production of LH is achieved by a dual action of clomiphene citrate and tamoxifen. Clomiphene is a mixed agonist/antagonist (SERM) at the estradiol receptor. Clomiphene will increase the secretion of LH by action at the hypothalamo-pituitary area. Clomiphene will cause an increase in LH and secondarily increases in T and estradiol. Estradiol has a negative feedback influence on the HPTA. Estradiol is 200X the inhibitory effect of T per molar basis. Normal serum levels are the following:

    Testosterone: 3-10 ng/ml (10-35 nM/L)

    Estradiol: 15-65 pg/ml (55-240 pmol/L)

    Tamoxifen will counteract the effect of the estradiol. Once the hCG is withdrawn the LH, initiated by clomiphene and tamoxifen, will couple with the testicles and take over production of T by the testicles. The levels of LH to maintain and couple with the testicles are maintained by clomiphene and tamoxifen. Clomiphene is continued for 15 days while Tamoxifen is continued for 30 days.

    Since your cycle was only 8 weeks,you shouldnt need HCG.But if you do longer cycles which i dont recomed you should use HCh for the last 4 weeks of your cycle to jump start your test production.
    Last edited by MR10X; 11-22-2011 at 06:48 AM.

  4. #4
    Thanks MR10X, very helpful info. One more question for ya. My partner who started the same cycle has only been on it for 2 weeks and got injured and cant work out for at least 6-8 weeks. Since he has only been taking 40mg Var daily, can he discontinue with no adverse reactions? Please advise. Thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Yes,in short peroid of time he probably wont have any issues. All the above info is from a doctor who treats problems associated with AAS use.

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