So I was low on test about 6 month's ago. I was at levels around 120-150. So my doc gave me AndroGel I used it for 5 month's then stopped it for a month and went got blood work done my levels where at about 600. So he stop prescribing me them. I have two refiles left at the time. When I started my first cycle NOV 2, I had been using it 1 week prior, and stopped using it around Nov 15th. I was doing 8 pumps a day witch is about equal to 10mcgs. NOW my question is im not sure if my gains where coming from that or from my test E cause i do notice allot more strength and can lift allot more now in the gym. Im doing 500mg a week of test E(Injections). What do you guys think? What is stronger? What is the difference between the two? and when well I really notice the effects of Test E?(again I started my cycle nov 2 and been doing 500mg a week so tomorrow will be exactly 3 weeks I been on.