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Thread: Nipples may be getting sensitive...

  1. #1

    Nipples may be getting sensitive...

    I am not sure but I think that my nipples may be getting sensitive, I just noticed it for the first time today doing flat dumbbell presses, but its hard for me to tell if I am imaging it. I think that I will prob keep an eye on it before I jump to any conclusions. Anybody have exp with this?

    By the way I am in my 2nd week of my cycle Test E @ 500mg per week and D-Bol @ 40mg per day.

  2. #2
    Did you ever experience this before ? Maybe due to tight shirt ? Or anything else ,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Dbol may be causing it. If your worried run a low dose of Aromasin to be safe. Sometimes they get a bit itchy, it may go away or could turn to gyno. Or it could just be all in your head! Noticed any other estro sides?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    new jersey
    Might be your shirt rubbing while your working out, happens to me sometimes..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    Doesn't sound like anything to stress about you just sound paranoid, I have only done a cpl of ph cycles and am nearing end of my first actual cycle of test and on all three occasions my nipples have actually hurt when pressure is applied and there are small hard lumps under the nipples, but they disappear during pct. It is something I monitor but the size doesn't seem to change so I just deal with it. Have even held off using an ai, probably should have it doesn't seem get any worse. My point is start running an ai at low dose is a good idea but don't get all stressed over sensitive nipples, just my 2cc from the small experience I have had.

    This has reminded me of a question I wanted to ask, will not hijack ur thread. Will start a new one.
    Last edited by auswest; 11-23-2011 at 02:21 AM.

  6. #6
    Yea its pretty much just what i think may be some sensitivity, and I have also noticed some tiredness but I am not too worried about it, I don’t think that I will start running anything until I am definitely experiencing sensitivity or I am noticing small lumps. On another note I am not sure if the tiredness is due to not sleeping well because of soreness from my injections, that being said my sides may all be in my head.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    Doesn't sound like anything to stress about you just sound paranoid, I have only done a cpl of ph cycles and am nearing end of my first actual cycle of test and on all three occasions my nipples have actually hurt when pressure is applied and there are small hard lumps under the nipples, but they disappear during pct. It is something I monitor but the size doesn't seem to change so I just deal with it. Have even held off using an ai, probably should have it doesn't seem get any worse. My point is start running an ai at low dose is a good idea but don't get all stressed over sensitive nipples, just my 2cc from the small experience I have had.

    This has reminded me of a question I wanted to ask, will not hijack ur thread. Will start a new one.
    That's not very good advice there. If your getting gyno your estrogen must be high and should be controlled. It doesn't always disappear during pct but it does shrink. My buddy did the same thing as you and a few cycles later didn't disappear anymore and he ended up under the knife..

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by sensaispike View Post
    I am not sure but I think that my nipples may be getting sensitive, I just noticed it for the first time today doing flat dumbbell presses, but its hard for me to tell if I am imaging it. I think that I will prob keep an eye on it before I jump to any conclusions. Anybody have exp with this?

    By the way I am in my 2nd week of my cycle Test E @ 500mg per week and D-Bol @ 40mg per day.
    My wife sez it's an early sign of pregnancy..................u should take a pregnancy test.

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