I'm 25 years old, 6' 220. Finished PCT on my first cycle a couple weeks ago of Test E 500mg for 12 weeks with a 4 week Beastdrol kickstart at 30mg ED. Was 190 before cycle, gained some fat. I'm looking to run this cycle in March and want to order my gear now. Tell me if everything looks good.
Weeks 1-10: Test Prop 60mg ED
Weeks 2-8: Tren Ace 50mg ED
Weeks 2-8: Anavar 60mg ED
hcg on cycle 250iu Monday/Thursday
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD on cycle and through PCT
PCT: Clomid 100/100/50/50
I have it setup to run the test beyond the tren to let the tren clear my system and make sure my libido is in check and recovers. Is the dosing on the test too low do you think? Should I change anything?