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  1. #1
    cgsuperman1 is offline New Member
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    hgh, deca, winny, and test? cycle help please

    Hello all thanks for checking out my question and hopefully putting in some advice. Im setting up my next cycle and little worried about deca dick. I am looking at 6 months of hgh at 3 iu's a day. Using more for the skin, hair, fat loss, sleep, well feeling, and some muscle gain from the stack. I understand that this is usually taken between 8 and 10iu's a day or more but Im good with my dosage. Also adding in 300mg of deca a week and 50mg of winny a day. The deca is for 13 weeks, the winny will run another two weeks till week 15. Then another 30 days of pct of nolva and clomid. Then the remaining 6 weeks of just hgh.
    The question is the deca dick. I have heard that from levels even from 200 or 300 a week have caused this issue. So normaly test is added to the infamous deca and winny stack. Not a big fan of test, not into the mental **** or acne. Winny never bothered me and Im assuming that deca is the safest of them all with basically no sides except for a little one pun intended.
    I have read many forums on the deca and winny and then add a test to offset the limp dick. My question is will this still be an issue with the hgh? Do I need to add test and if so how much? What kind would you say is the safest with least amount of sides. Only ever used sust 250. How many mgs a week? Also can I drop the winny and just get decent results of the hgh, deca, and test. I am trying to be as low mg total of everything possible and still see results. If Im wasting money this is my decision thank you. Im not interested in taking hcg at all dont like the possible sides to that feel comfortable with the clomid and nolva. I also dont like the idea of running the nolva or clomid or something like during the cycle to offset.
    I am about 189lbs, 10-12% bodyfat, 5'10".
    Please any and all advice would be great, main goal is the fat loss and if some gains are made during great bu tightening and hardening up are main priority. No clen or t3 either. If I forgot anything please let me know, thanks again in advance.

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Let me get this've been a member for 17 months and have done no research whatsoever? Is that correct? You are all over the place...We need some stats before any of this goes any farther.
    Age?'s not on your profile.
    Training Experience
    Your ideas of PCT are way off...And who told you to use during cycle?

    That's just for starters....Be glad to help once those are answered.

  3. #3
    cgsuperman1 is offline New Member
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    Me being all over the place yes, research no I would say off and on for 3 yrs I have read alot of info forums profiles and such on steroids . From everything that I have read I have found comfort with the theory of dont stay on cycle long, keep under 1000mgs a week, and pct for 30 days after, then stay off for 3 months of anything and good to go so far. I just like to try stuff out but stay on the healthiest side possible. Last cycle was 500mg sust 250 a week and 50mg winny ed. Very happy with the results but didnt not enjoy the mind **** that followed or back acne so Im good on that, before that was just a cycle of sust 250, 500mgs a week and that wasnt so bad but different company's stuff. Before that was damn I cant remember what it was, it was a tri stack allready mixed, I want to say tren , master, and something just cant remember. Before that was just two runs of winny 50mg ed.
    In my 30's, 5'10", 189lbs, train 6 days a week for 6 yrs now, dont know everything but Im good there. Diet is 3000 to 3500 calories a day, 6-7 meals,
    oats and eggs for bkfast,
    eggs, almonds, broc, baked potato if not cutting
    1/2 chicken, broc, almonds, baked potato if not cutting
    protien shake and baked potato
    protien shake and glycomaize
    1/2 lb fish, broc, almonds

    The pct part I read on some forums in answer to deca dick and saying run arimedex during cycle, alot of forums show that suggestion for helping sides like bitch tits take nolva thru out, Im not interested.
    I know I dont know everything, thats why I am here asking for help, but Im not some idiot that doesnt know anything or hast put some thought into this. Going to do the cycle this way and amounts because thats what fits my comfort level, I would also take in any info on better way about pct but so far I am very happy with results and if it works why fix.

  4. #4
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    so what you are going to cycle is HGH 3iu's for 6mnths, deca 13 weeks, winny 15 weeks? No test in cycle cause of hormonal stuff and acne but you are not wanting to get deca dik?

  5. #5
    cgsuperman1 is offline New Member
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    That pretty much sums it up, do I need the test or will the hgh keep me little me working, if need test then what kind how much and can I drop the winny and safest test there is?

  6. #6
    10nispro's Avatar
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    it takes HGH several months to really kick in. Test is test. Prop seems to help with sides more. But since you will running the deca twice a week then use test e or c and inject at the same time. You just need to run 125-150mg of test per week to keep little me working. I would just drop the whiny all together.

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    OP- i'd help, but you contradict yourself too much. And, you are making things too complicated! First, you're going to run nolva and clomid, then it's too much. AI for limp dick, good luck w/that. HGH usage is off...Thanks for taking up 15 minutes of my life that i will never get back. No wait, that's my fault.

    Good Luck in whatever you decide...

    Do some research on your own first. Then question people to see if your opinions match theirs.

  8. #8
    cgsuperman1 is offline New Member
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    10nispro thank you so much for a posotive adn helpfully reply, I can tell by your small comment of hgh needs along time to kick in that maybe you dont aggree with my time line or amounts but you kept it cool and still helped out, I really appreciate, I am interested in any constructive and helpfull critisism that may make things better so thank you, as far as the 6 months, I decided that because even at a low dose too long of anything still isnt good, I mean there are links from hgh to that giantism disease and permanent hormone damage adn or you can get cancer like lance armstrong. For this reason I am comfortable with the 6 months, plus you dont see effects for awhile but everyone neglects that it was still in your system for 6months and there will be some effects that carry on after. Either way this is my decision and choice of my comfort level and I truly appreciate you respecting that but any input or advice with explanation I would greatly appreciate. See my goal is to gain about 5-10lbs of mass adn loose about 12-15lbs of reamining fat. Then maintain, so this low dose and proper clean diet should give me the results Im looking for.

    Ok so Im going to run 6 months 3 iu's ed of hgh, deca 250 mg to 300mg a week for 12 weeks, 14 weeks of 125 mg test c, then pct. What do you mean test prop seems to help more with sides, that was the third in that tri blend cycle I did, It was tren , master and test prop mix, worked great no real sides. I am looking for less acne and no mental **** so whatever is the best for that. So test prop, test e or test c. Rather do test c than test e so I dont have to shoot everyday but if the difference in the two is that much different then I will deal with daily. Dropping the winny all together, thanks for that. So just to clarify which is best test and why, thanks again.

    To stpete, I was going to add a line at the end of my post that said please only posititve and helpfull replys only, not looking for the internet troll that lives in mommys basement and beats off in her dress to pictures of his underage cousins that hates his life so much that he has nothing better to do than to come onto a site and be a hardass that knows everything and basicaly talk down to someone and say they arent worth your time adn be rude to them with no provoction what so ever. You are the definition of a bully my friend, go away troll your oppinion no longer matters and is just wasting my time, I left that comment out giving the benefit of the doubt that maybe I would just luck out and get more help from people like 10 nispro but no wait thats my fault for assuming,

    Please any and all help I would greatly appreciate, I have studied the info but some sites say this and some say that so this is why i am asking for help, it is me humbly saying i dont know enough can I get your input but I do know enough to not hear the you shouldnt be doing shit unless you are educated or steroids kill babies go see your doctor and eat healthy and work out daily, thats not what I asked for help with. I also specificaly stated not looking for huge muscle gains mostly fat loss and tightening, breaking it down barney style for you stpete not everyone wants to be a 400lb house that cant whipe his own ass, Its like it says in the rules when you sign up here, some are powerlifters, some athletes, some bodybuilders and some for asthetic purposes just want to look good, so my questions are welcome and my choice decisions and goals should be respected adn if you dont want to help or answer the questions i have asked and just want to comment on everything else that is just a waste of my time please dont I dont have time for it, I really am asking nicely and just looking for help please, that and stpete was the last jackass i will even acknoledge that does so if your trying to get a rise i will just ignore regardless and move on to those that help, thanks.

  9. #9
    cgsuperman1 is offline New Member
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    Oh and do some research first, I am not allowed to post references but 2-4 iu's a day of hgh is the amount recomended to a male for all effects of hgh without the mass gain for a male, 6 months minimum most suggest 1 yr, I may be pushing it all the way to a year not sure yet, deca and winny are a well known combo but most add test for deca dick, my question was will the hgh mean I dont need the test but 10nispro brought to light i wont get the effects for several months so still will have limp dick, pct during is recomemned several times in different forums I just dont want to go with it, you dont even know the amounts of my pct so how do you know if it is way too much or off at all, and once again the combo of the two are is a popular suggestion also. Im just saying that there are several oppinions and suggestions and different ways and just wanted alittle input before making my decision but if you dont have a doctorate you should stop assuming yuo know everything and that it is your oppinion from your experience, just like diets and workout programs, might work out for one when it doesnt for another same here 500 mg of sust 250 ****ed my head and gave me backne all over when my friend who took the same shit had no sides at all and took closer to 850-1000 mg a week, he also weighed about 285 to my 189. Not everyone is the same and you dont know everything boss, constructive not rude or roll out dude.

  10. #10
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hgh IMO is a waste, I would go with the peptides that increase natural secretion.

    As for deca dick, you need to run test also to help prevent that. Also running a dht compound like winny would also be beneficial, and running an ai would keep estrogen in control which would control any rise in prolactin and the negative effects of progesterone ( the issues are primarily mediated by estrogen, hence that's why they are more active in women, but a aas cycle would increase estrogen in a male making the body think its going female)
    So use a ai on cycle, use hcg , and use a clomid/nolva combo pct.
    Its actually pretty interesting how sex hormones determine sex and sex changes through hormonal supplementation but that's a different issue.

  11. #11
    cgsuperman1 is offline New Member
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    You right on the peptides but the cost and availability are the issues. My 3ius a day for 6 months is abut a grand so not bad at all and I get its not the best oprion or amount but for a grand over 6 months its more of a why not lets se what i get out of it. From reviews on same brand I have many have said with 2-4ius a day they had some great hair and skin, hard dick, and fat loss in first 6 months so I am comfortable giving it a try adn if I dont like I will try to venture into peptides then. Now if I run the test why would i still need the winny, what wil that then add to the mix that i want, dont really feel comfortable with the hcg , could I run like 10mg of nolva thru cycle adn then pct nolva and clomid, dont want to but rather than the hcg, and with such low test and deca is that necessary, if just deca and test it will be about 350- 400 mg a week, if deca winny and test it would be around 600-650mg a week, at that low of stuff and doesnt really push to the negative at all do I still really need to run something during. Lemonada 8 thanks so much for your help. Is ther a test you suggest that would have the least amount of estrogen conversion, and was trying to take out the winy cause if its not necessary then why add a dht to the mix, kind of like my hair

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