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Thread: 1st cycle, EQ?

  1. #1
    wvu304 is offline Banned
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    1st cycle, EQ?

    EQ 600mg/week for 12-14w? higher dose, i know it takes 8 weeks to feel it, but maybe higher dose, or longer cycle?

    should i run hcg with it? or just the last 4 weeks?

    pct nolvadex and ?? due to low estrogen and aromatize is it necessarie to due a 4-6 week pct? Ive read that EQ is worhtless with out test , but it seems that the perfect gear for me is EQ, or at least what i am looking for to get out of the gear. i wish i didnt have to run test so i can keep my sexy ass hair hahahah. no homo.

    any help will be great.
    Last edited by wvu304; 11-23-2011 at 04:08 AM.

  2. #2
    wvu304 is offline Banned
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    if not EQ what about running test e for 10 weeks at 450-500mg with week 6-10 adding winni, and running weeks 1-9 w/250ui of hcg . and 500ui hcg 3 weeks pct and nolvadex 40/40/20/20.i also have clom but ive read some ishh about it making your eyes foocked so i dont really want to take the stuff. and also will be running Fin 2.5 everyday of the cycle. advice on what route to take please!!!
    Last edited by wvu304; 11-23-2011 at 04:16 AM.

  3. #3
    wvu304 is offline Banned
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    stats 181 lbs.
    bf 13-14%
    eat around 250g of protein daily and around 170g of clean carbs.
    for some reason it wont let me post more than a few lines =(

    work out 4 xs a week mt-th,f intense heavy ass lifting and 2 days of cardio.

    my goal is to gain about 10-12 lbs of solid lean clean muscle.
    Last edited by wvu304; 11-23-2011 at 04:06 AM.

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Even as mild (& pointless / useless) as Eq. may b, u still shouldn't run it or any other compound 4 that matter without Test. I offer this info not so u will go get som Test. & start a cycle, but I offer it so u now hav this knowledge 2 fall back on when u r ready 2 cycle in a couple yrs. 23 is too young 2 cycle, @ that age there is significantly greater risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 ur undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA.

  5. #5
    wvu304 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Even as mild (& pointless / useless) as Eq. may b, u still shouldn't run it or any other compound 4 that matter without Test. I offer this info not so u will go get som Test. & start a cycle, but I offer it so u now hav this knowledge 2 fall back on when u r ready 2 cycle in a couple yrs. 23 is too young 2 cycle, at that age there is significantly greater risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 ur undeveloped Endocrine / HPTA.
    I hear what you are saying, and I've read about the danger of taking steroids before 25, but I am 99.99% sure that taking Fin 2.5 everyday for the passed 3 years has suppressed my HPTA anyway, so i feel like it wont affect it or hurt it as much. I feel like I've waited a while to take these and already paid for the gear and pct, I know i am being hard headed plus ill be 24 in Jan hahaha... if i do decide to run the cycle against your educational advice and my own dumb risk, should i run HCG while on it to help my testes and ease the hpta change. and what about the pct modify anything? length of cycle. remember ill be 24 in Jan, =)

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Test is best for a cycle, not running test can get u in bigger problems

  7. #7
    wvu304 is offline Banned
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    thanks for the advice and i think i will run the test e cycle first to see if any sides occur, do you think my dose is too low, what about my pct and hcg ?

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You're taking far too much finasteride. .2mg is just about as effective as the larger doses.
    Eq is worthless unless you're just after vascularity.
    And FYI, winstrol is probably the harshest AAS on your hair.

  9. #9
    yzfrr11 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Eq is worthless unless you're just after vascularity.
    Not true. EQ really boosts my muscular endurance. Its a great compound for athletics.

  10. #10
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by yzfrr11 View Post
    Not true. EQ really boosts my muscular endurance. Its a great compound for athletics.
    In other words, it's good 4 vascularity, juat as Bonaparte sed.............

  11. #11
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yzfrr11 View Post
    Not true. EQ really boosts my muscular endurance. Its a great compound for athletics.


    The OP did not say he was after an increased hematocrit, or anything of the sort.

  12. #12
    wvu304 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You're taking far too much finasteride. .2mg is just about as effective as the larger doses.
    Eq is worthless unless you're just after vascularity.
    And FYI, winstrol is probably the harshest AAS on your hair.
    What do you think about primobolan or oxandrolone to substitute the last six weeks insted of wini since its harsh on the hair line? i want to get a shredded look but get big at the same time, i don't want to get bloated like crazy.

  13. #13
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by wvu304 View Post
    EQ 600mg/week for 12-14w? higher dose, i know it takes 8 weeks to feel it, but maybe higher dose, or longer cycle?

    should i run hcg with it? or just the last 4 weeks?

    pct nolvadex and ?? due to low estrogen and aromatize is it necessarie to due a 4-6 week pct? Ive read that EQ is worhtless with out test , but it seems that the perfect gear for me is EQ, or at least what i am looking for to get out of the gear. i wish i didnt have to run test so i can keep my sexy ass hair hahahah. no homo.

    any help will be great.
    I have used a lot of EQ,it works reasonably well for me.It doesnt take 8 weeks for it to kick in,i dont know who started this but its a load of crap.You will see results in 3 weeks.You dont have to take a lot of test with the EQ if you dont want to,you could use a low dose of test 200mg a week and get good results.I never had hair loss issues with test,but i did with masteron . I personally stay away from orals,they are hard on your liver and there are too many good injectables that you can use.

  14. #14
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You're taking far too much finasteride. .2mg is just about as effective as the larger doses.
    And FYI, winstrol is probably the harshest AAS on your hair.
    I agree with the first statement, becareful fina is a harsh ass compound.

    I would have to say maste is the harshest on hair, winny wanst so bad for me.

    As far as the OP, if you are set on doing this I would run the eq at 1000mgs ew.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  15. #15
    yzfrr11 is offline New Member
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    Brothers, I've used quite a bit of EQ over the years. I have to agree with this thread that it is a fairly mild compound. There are definitely others that are much better suited for strength and size gains. And as far as hematocrit goes, most androgens with boost your crit. EPO is way better for crit.

    EQ does something special. Hard to explain other than to say that when on it, my legs seem to have a lively snap to them. Really affects performance in a positive way.

  16. #16
    wvu304 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by yzfrr11 View Post
    Brothers, I've used quite a bit of EQ over the years. I have to agree with this thread that it is a fairly mild compound. There are definitely others that are much better suited for strength and size gains. And as far as hematocrit goes, most androgens with boost your crit. EPO is way better for crit.

    EQ does something special. Hard to explain other than to say that when on it, my legs seem to have a lively snap to them. Really affects performance in a positive way.
    Thanks for the input, i want to try EQ as one of my buds told me it makes a great combo with test-e but for this first cycle i want to run the test-e to see how i react to it, im even considering a lower dose like 250-300/w to see if sides are an issue, if not ill up accordingly, for what ive read 250/w should be enough for a first cycle to make some gains, plus i want to make sure gyno, and bloating isnt a issue.

  17. #17
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    If you use 250-300 mg now when you up it your side will be more severe for sure.TRT for most people is 200mg a week.I would use a little more to how you react to the doses you plan to use.

  18. #18
    wvu304 is offline Banned
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    just got my sciroxx test e 250mg/10mlx2, so i will run 250/week to see how i react to it, do you recommend doing nolva 10 mg eod, or 20mg, and pct 40/40/20/20+ clom 30/30/20, is armidex necessary, i want to avoid as gyn by all means. i also want to make sure i keep from bloating to much, as well as the sides away as much as possible, any suggestions would be great thanks.

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