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Thread: new to this need help !!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    new to this need help !!!

    Hey, so I'm 21 204lbs and been training for aprox 5-6 years and I'm currently did a anavar only cycle which sucked. Only noticed stregnth gains but that's very minimal. I'm going on vacation in afew months and would like to mabye gain 5 to 15lbs but mostly get shredded. I don't wanna have to reply on the gear, but also wouldn't mind doing the gear. I don't wanna stack abunch of shit though either. I was thinking winstrol? With a shitload of fishoils and nolvadex ? Run for a month or so? Or some form of test? Not sure what kinda test though, there's so many forms out there!! Help!! Haha

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    wichita KS
    Here we go

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    You don't want to touch steroids at your age, you have enough natural testosterone to make great gains with diet and training. Shutting down your natural test before its fully developed can result in many issues like limp dick, low sex drive, low testosterone, weight loss, depression to name a small few. My advice is to play around with your diet and training and use what you have naturally and dont risk shutting down a system whats not fully developed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hey Mate your too young ! they dont recommend steroid use untill a minimum of 25 as you've not finished developing. And your natural levels are high enough at 21 I'm the same age as you. I'm sure a mod will post the link about the young and steroids. Use your time whilst developing to read, this forum has everything!! you need to get over the the nutrition section . Pumping iron in the gym for a hr at night is easy eating 5-6 clean meals a day , now thats hard work !

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Bi6 7omo View Post
    Hey Mate your too young ! they dont recommend steroid use untill a minimum of 25 as you've not finished developing. And your natural levels are high enough at 21 I'm the same age as you. I'm sure a mod will post the link about the young and steroids. Use your time whilst developing to read, this forum has everything!! you need to get over the the nutrition section . Pumping iron in the gym for a hr at night is easy eating 5-6 clean meals a day , now thats hard work !
    The man that wrote "The young and steroids" has already addressed him, ur in good hands OP.

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