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  1. #1
    dt69 is offline New Member
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    Cool newbie cycle help.dbol/enthate question

    gday all.
    im on my 1st cycle of sustanon 250 every 7 days 500mg.
    thinking of using this for 1 mth then use dbol or enthate
    and maybe deca for last month.
    im on my second week diet not to bad,heaps of protien
    6 days gym. 80kg at moment

  2. #2
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Full stats please : Age, body fat, height ...

    Also 500mgs of sus. is a great first cycle. Save the dbol and deca for later. This concept will also help you pin point which compounds give you which side effects. This information will become invaluable as you move forward with future cycles. Welcome !

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    what is this d-bol or enthate? maybee deca for last month? do some research your way off.
    Quote Originally Posted by dt69 View Post
    gday all.
    im on my 1st cycle of sustanon 250 every 7 days 500mg.
    thinking of using this for 1 mth then use dbol or enthate
    and maybe deca for last month.
    im on my second week diet not to bad,heaps of protien
    6 days gym. 80kg at moment

  4. #4
    ecruz's Avatar
    ecruz is offline Member
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    you want some advise u should post ur stats.. start simple then u can advance, starting sust then stopping and starting deca ?? bad idea search the boards you'll get a good feel for whats right then post again with a little more knowledge under your belt.. best of luck

  5. #5
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Stats Bro.. No one going to answer you if you are not going to put stats..


  6. #6
    dt69 is offline New Member
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    Angry response

    age42.. 23%body fat.. height 175cm.. 80kg..
    train 6days plus trying to fit 3 cardio sessions in morning.
    thanx for help sofar.

    train hard!!!!

    (i meant enenthat)

  7. #7
    gsRuffneck's Avatar
    gsRuffneck is offline New Member
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    its enanthate . 23% body fat is too much your leaving yourself open for more side effects and even higher blood pressure. and by saying diet is not to bad just sounds terrible. and for a first cycle test enanthate at 500 mgs a week would have been your best bet you dont need any other compounds yet. have you even thought about PCT?

  8. #8
    dt69 is offline New Member
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    so i finish my month on susto then finish cycle with enanthate and pct with nolvadex ?????
    and my diet is lots of protien some carbs and no that ok???
    dous enanthate leve ya with water retention when finished cycle???

  9. #9
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    why switch from sust tpo ent after a month . run the course with 1 or the other or quit now and pct accordingly. so you have taken 4 shots right?

  10. #10
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dt69 View Post
    age42.. 23%body fat.. height 175cm.. 80kg..
    train 6days plus trying to fit 3 cardio sessions in morning.
    thanx for help sofar.

    train hard!!!!

    (i meant enenthat)

    Thats too high bro... agree to gsRuffneck.. Lower that bf to 12-15%....

  11. #11
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dt69 View Post
    gday all.
    im on my 1st cycle of sustanon 250 every 7 days 500mg.
    thinking of using this for 1 mth then use dbol or enthate
    and maybe deca for last month.
    im on my second week diet not to bad,heaps of protien
    6 days gym. 80kg at moment
    This is all wrong....I suggest you stop cycling now and run a small PCT. Might not need it, but it won't hurt. Do you know what PCT is? If you choose to continue, we need to know how much test you have. Currently, your dosing is off. Either way, you need to educate yourself on PCT. and i suggest you hit the PCT Forum ASAP.
    Let us know so we can help further.

  12. #12
    sjsharks38 is offline New Member
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    your bodyfat is way too high to be doing a cycle

  13. #13
    dt69 is offline New Member
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    ive had 2 doses of susto250 at 500mg per jab. i will get test levels done and let ya no.
    i am working extra and eating good to get my b/fat down.
    i am already seing small chang and its a kick off for further gym training.
    i am following the dose recomended on this site.
    500mg per dose every 7 days.
    if that is wrong than tell me the rite one.
    thanx for ya's time and help!!!!

  14. #14
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Cool Knowledge is the power...

    You should have done more research before starting AAS...

  15. #15
    Blade15's Avatar
    Blade15 is offline Senior Member
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    Split that 500 mgs in two... monday and 250 mgs per jab...

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