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  1. #1
    resudior12 is offline New Member
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    D-Bol overload???

    My cycle:
    650 mg Test E a week
    600 mg EQ a week
    400 Tren E a week...
    To kick start my cycle I'm taking 75 mg of DBol a day. Breaking the dosage up taking one tab 3 times a day. Is that too much DBol? I'm 5'11,200lbs with low body fat.. Have taken DBol in the past but not t this high dosage.
    Any suggestions on the D-Bol and overall cycle?? Thanks

  2. #2
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    Which of these compounds have you taken before? And I also need your stats and diet

  3. #3
    resudior12 is offline New Member
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    I have used all of the above in the past. My diet is pretty clean. I eat salmon twice a day with brown rice or chicken breast. Oatmeal and shake for b-fast. I'm 5'11, 200 not sure of bf % but I would guess 14...

  4. #4
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    How many previous cycles with what compounds? What dosages? Your age/height/wieght/bf% How long have you been lifting?

    Most ppl do 50mg and under

    Personally I used for 4 weeks
    50mg dbol broken into 10mg taken every two hours 5x daily

  5. #5
    resudior12 is offline New Member
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    I'm 30.. I have been lifting since I was 18.. Only been on gear for the past 2 years. I am 5'11,200 lbs and maybe 14% bf

  6. #6
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    14% is not that low actually but at least under the bf% of getting higher side effects...

    Y eq? and tren e?

    Im guessing your wanting a lean bulk
    1-16 test
    1-14 deca
    start winn 4 weeks before last pin of test and run weeks out before pct
    or maybe tren a last 8 wks ask vet about this one thoough?

    What are your pct plans...and hcg ?

  7. #7
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    Just an option above

  8. #8
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You've benn "on" for two years?

  9. #9
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    ^^^haha I saw that and was hoping it meant breaks in between

  10. #10
    musclelover's Avatar
    musclelover is offline Junior Member
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    wow on gear for 2 years and have them stats

    I worry you dont have alot of knowledge of what your undertaking

  11. #11
    buster12 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by resudior12 View Post
    My cycle:
    650 mg Test E a week
    600 mg EQ a week
    400 Tren E a week...
    To kick start my cycle I'm taking 75 mg of DBol a day. Breaking the dosage up taking one tab 3 times a day. Is that too much DBol? I'm 5'11,200lbs with low body fat.. Have taken DBol in the past but not t this high dosage.
    Any suggestions on the D-Bol and overall cycle?? Thanks
    That's one bad ass cycle
    If your Diana is 20mcg just take one in the morning and one for lunch
    Take 4 weeks
    Your gonna require HCG mid way through cycle and a really good PCT

    Hope this helps
    Last edited by buster12; 11-25-2011 at 01:39 AM. Reason: misspelled

  12. #12
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    That is a lot of gear, that being said you dont need more than 40-50 depending on your experience. You might also consider running the d bol for first 3-4 weeks and later around week 8-10 when you plateau with your gains take d bol again till you finish the cycle. Like an extra boost.

  13. #13
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    from my research on and off this site, 60 mgs a day of Dbol for 4-6 weeks is the best way to hit it before bad sides really come into play

  14. #14
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by resudior12 View Post
    My cycle:
    650 mg Test E a week
    600 mg EQ a week
    400 Tren E a week...
    To kick start my cycle I'm taking 75 mg of DBol a day. Breaking the dosage up taking one tab 3 times a day. Is that too much DBol? I'm 5'11,200lbs with low body fat.. Have taken DBol in the past but not t this high dosage.
    Any suggestions on the D-Bol and overall cycle?? Thanks
    stupid amount of dbol and completely unnecessary. 99.9% will tell you EQ is worthless.

    age and AAS experience????
    Last edited by dec11; 11-25-2011 at 01:13 PM.

  15. #15
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RB3232 View Post
    from my research on and off this site, 60 mgs a day of Dbol for 4-6 weeks is the best way to hit it before bad sides really come into play
    back to the drawing board, 60mgs is still unnecessarily taking too much. 40mgs is plenty enough

  16. #16
    buster12 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    back to the drawing board, 60mgs is still unnecessarily taking too much. 40mgs is plenty enough
    Agreed 20mcg morning and 20mcg afternoon works for me but watch the acne

  17. #17
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    personally I do 40 mgs a day, but what I was trying to say is 60 is the max one should ever take before the sides outweigh the benefits, and again thats just personal choice and how your body reacts to the compound.. should have posted that in the first place.

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