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  1. #1
    Gman87 is offline New Member
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    On my 6th week of sus 250 and no gains

    Hey guys,

    just thought id see what people think.

    basically im 6 weeks into a sustanon 250 cycle.

    i did heaps of research before starting to learn all i could.
    i take 375mg a week broken up into 2 shots per week (Sun and Wed) into my glutes with a 23g x 1-1/4 pin
    i have every reason to believe the gear is legit as i have had a few of the effects such as oily skin, increased libido (pretty much wanting to hump any female i see) eating like a horse etc

    the problem im having is i am not gaining any muscle, my strength has definately gone up and my aggression for the gym but i just cant seem to gain any weight at all. i work my muscles till i cant lift anymore every gym session and they are generally sore for the next couple of days.

    i eat a fair amount every day generally consisting per day is

    -protein shake
    -bowl of oats in skim milk
    -4 large wraps throughout the day usually eating 3/4 of a chicken, 2 tomatoes, 1 avacado, 1/2 cucumber, lettuce.
    -2 tins of tuna
    -either steak or chicken fillet with vegies (broccoli, beans etc)

    i cant seem to gain AT ALL. any ideas?


  2. #2
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    Hmm I would do 500mg a week and break up my shots every other not think ur getting the effects of the short esters just injecting two days a week

  3. #3
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    That IS NOT a mass building / gainers diet.

  4. #4
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    Not sure about you research or where u read but sus is usually not taken two days a week

  5. #5
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    Agree his diet is not really geared towards bulking but the dosage and injects are lacking as well

  6. #6
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    I am not ur diet guy though I only know what works for me...up the protein intake though...with good fats

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    Hmm I would do 500mg a week and break up my shots every other not think ur getting the effects of the short esters just injecting two days a week
    So after reading that post, the 1st & only thing that comes 2 mind, is that his steroid intake is insufficient?!?!? Really?!?.........

  8. #8
    Gman87 is offline New Member
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    RangersLTW - i am aware of the short esters etc, i do twice a week for convenience, and from many places have read about great results from just 1 shot per week at 250mg, i decided on 375mg as this is my first cycle and didnt know how my body would react (side effects etc)

    what would you guys recommend i add into my diet to bulk up?

  9. #9
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    Really? I answer one question at a on one and go to another... first issue dosage(that would be as u read the first problem)...I do not get into pissing contest or agrue on the noticed the diet instead of asking me questions....answer the op

  10. #10
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    I would up my protein to around 1.5 to 2.2 grams of protein per body say 50 to 60 grams of protein per meal 6x daily....with pre and post workout protein shake...
    unsalted nuts half a cup
    Im sure with the diet you listed your trying to stay just watch how u feel if u do not take in much simple carbs..

    Meal for me
    2-4oz chicken breast
    10 oz red potatoes
    1 cup steamed broccolli

    I snack on nuts...usually eat unsalted almonds constantly

  11. #11
    JordanC is offline New Member
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    Im a steroid noob, but your diet is insufficient. You probably werent making gains with that diet before the sust. So why would you make gains now with the same diet? You body is starving!

  12. #12
    Gman87 is offline New Member
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    ok, so sounds like i should up the protein shakes, and basically just eat more.. would carbs such as pasta and potatoes be a good choice?

  13. #13
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    no to protein shakes...whole foods

    I do not give diet advice sorry...still say ur dose is to low but ur diet is not helping matters either...shouldnt start this lifestyle without proper knowledge

    Luckily I had diet guru's on here such as Narkosis and Phate...I always read post from Swifto..BG..Marcus..Ronnie...any many others

    Knowledge is here and plenty of advice...some members may even help by posting a complete diet but I don't because there is a lot of others already posted if u will just search...

    Diet is number one...then rest and exercise for gear to be used properly

    You really should read more on this board and become active...cycle off as soon as you can if you can not stop and be sure to do proper pct

    Then read and learn ask questions...get a proper diet and workout from the experience in here...then plan a cycle basedon your knowledge from reading and asking questions to accomplish your goals

  14. #14
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    no to protein shakes...whole foods

    I do not give diet advice sorry...still say ur dose is to low but ur diet is not helping matters either...shouldnt start this lifestyle without proper knowledge

    Luckily I had diet guru's on here such as Narkosis and Phate...I always read post from Swifto..BG..Marcus..Ronnie...any many others

    Knowledge is here and plenty of advice...some members may even help by posting a complete diet but I don't because there is a lot of others already posted if u will just search...

    Diet is number one...then rest and exercise for gear to be used properly

    You really should read more on this board and become active...cycle off as soon as you can if you can not stop and be sure to do proper pct

    Then read and learn ask questions...get a proper diet and workout from the experience in here...then plan a cycle basedon your knowledge from reading and asking questions to accomplish your goals
    Bingo. There is an old saying about finding yourself in a hole. It's best to stop digging.

  15. #15
    RangersLTW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    So after reading that post, the 1st & only thing that comes 2 mind, is that his steroid intake is insufficient?!?!? Really?!?.........
    I have no idea who you are and do not care...I do not post on these boards much on helping members because of comments like yours...every thread I read always has some member posting on previous comments that someone else makes...that are off topic...

    This guy dosage is low in my read the diet post the diet issues not at me...this guy could care less about your comments he wants answers that is why he came here...

    Not saying you did anything on purpose just focus on helping the OP rather than pointing out what I said....if I am incorrect...correct it...if I leave something it...but do not make random post and then leave by not trying to help anyone out

  16. #16
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    I have no idea who you are and do not care...I do not post on these boards much on helping members because of comments like yours...every thread I read always has some member posting on previous comments that someone else makes...that are off topic...

    This guy dosage is low in my read the diet post the diet issues not at me...this guy could care less about your comments he wants answers that is why he came here...

    Not saying you did anything on purpose just focus on helping the OP rather than pointing out what I said....if I am incorrect...correct it...if I leave something it...but do not make random post and then leave by not trying to help anyone out
    The fact that u think he needs mor steroids & not a better diet, shows ur inexperience. OP, if u post ur diet & goals in the diet section, we can help u put 2gether a mass building diet.

  17. #17
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    So are you saying his dosages are correct at the current injection times?

    Since every single thread about sust 250 usually indicates to use 500mg a week....although a lot of vets agree that sust 250 can be taken at lower dosages due too the prop but most still post to take 500mg a week broken up EOD even for novice cycle

    Half Life of Sust 250-4 blends

    prop-2 days

    phenylprop-3 days

    isocap-4 days

    decan-7 days

    I never disagreed with you about the diet just did not make a comment about it

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