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  1. #1
    NotConvincedYet's Avatar
    NotConvincedYet is offline Associate Member
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    First cycle check in

    Alrighty, please critique. I need advice from experienced persons please.

    This will be my first cycle. I am mainly unsure about the PCT:

    Wk 1-12enth 500mg wk (250mg Monday and 250mg Thurs)
    Wk 3-14 adex .25eod
    Wk 14-19 nolvadex 20/20/20/10/10

    Age: 33
    Weight: 180lbs
    Height:183cmn (6ft)
    BF%: 8-10%
    Experience training: Since I was 16, non stop 15+ years

    2500cals (approx). Over 6-8 meals. I carb cycle as I have found my body responds well (gain strength and size with minimal fat). Happy to increase if need to on cycle. At the moment I find I gain fat if I go over this.

    General guidelines with diet:
    Protein (from real food) every meal. 2-300gms. (Chicken, turkey, eggs, etc)
    I use Quinoa and sweet potato for carbs for 2 x post training meals with protein foods. The amount of carbs I use varies from day to day depending on if I am feeling full or depleted.
    Fats at night with protein food.
    I am gluten and dairy free. That means I also have to forego protein shakes! That was hard to do. But now all my calories come from real food.
    Heaps of veges with every meal.

    Please provide your feedback on the cycle I am proposing.


  2. #2
    musclelover's Avatar
    musclelover is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2011
    Nice cycle with pct if not using hcg wanna look at torem or clomid i have found them very useful in pct

  3. #3
    NotConvincedYet's Avatar
    NotConvincedYet is offline Associate Member
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    If i dropped my test dosage, say 250-300mg once a week, would PCT still remain the same (assuming I add clomid to the mix)?

    I have been reading that you can gain around 20lbs in 12 weeks with 500mgs a week. Too much for me, I can't afford to have questions being asked, so need to go slower!

    Also, is there a need to take the arimidex whilst on cycle, or is it better to 'have on hand?'

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Cycle's fine imo...Inject twice a week to keep blood levels stable.

    Yes, PCT would still be the same and clomid makes it complete.

    Might want to have HCG and Arimidex on hand just in case.

  5. #5
    NotConvincedYet's Avatar
    NotConvincedYet is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Wicked. Thanks :0)

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