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    been on gh for 2 months - now TEST PROP only 6 wk cycle, EQ for joints possible?

    been on gh at 3ius a day every day for fat loss.. now i wanna do my first cycle of test prop..

    im not wanting to be big or huge but this gh is making me lose tons of fat all over. I can now fit into 32 skinnys! before i was 36! lol
    the gh is boosting my metabolism thru the roof and everyone sees it in my face

    most of my mass i had i think was fat and water so i want to add in a test only cycle of test prop along with my gh .. im not looking to be massive but just look good

    250 mg of test prop for 6 week cycles
    aromasin ED
    nova 3 days after the last injection for pct
    everything on hand

    test prop is fast acting so i rather just do short cycles, follow up with a pct, and go again with short fast acting cycles.. next cycle would be test with dbol

    my joints are really acting up only in my right shoulders, could i benefit adding in EQ 300mg a week just to add callagen synthesis to my joints? i know eq is a minimum of 14 weeks but if i run this for 6 weeks would it make my joints better?

    im not looking to benefit anything from the EQ, as I rather benefit more from the test prop instead..

    thanks again!!!

    im around the 180 less or more mark depending on what i ate the day before, but i can still bench 120lb dbs for 7 reps all day

  2. #2
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Can you please lay out injection timing.

    It would also help for a quick run down on ALL current stats. BF percent, height, age, and cycle experience.

    Prop is a great choice. One of my favorite. Not just for fast action and bang for your buck, but also for the feeling that your really a part of your cycle. It may sound corny but its like describing the difference between driving an automatic vs driving stick.

  3. #3
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    scale says 20 percent body fat clipper says 15
    started off at 130 went up to 210 now im down to 180

    the gh is hitting me hard im eating alot more and sometimes my weight is less the next day

    is 250 mg of test prop good enuff? im not looking to be huge i just want a lil boost in the cutting stage, i was thinking of doing less .. 200 or 175mg a week

    goal is to lose the rest of the fat and gain back some more muscle (or get back the muscle i had before when i was 210 but at a higher bf tho)

  4. #4
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Test prop needs to be injected everyday or every other day. For instance my cycle currently is 50mg ed. For a total of 350 mgs a week.

    Btw I am also 210 5 10 26 yrs

  5. #5
    musclelover's Avatar
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    EQ is a long ester gonna need more than 6weeks test prop is good for 8weeks


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    particularly_another's Avatar
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    i know test prop is injected ed or eod, but im not looking to be really huge, just better looking than average, can i be okay with 250 mg a week? can i get away with something lower at like 200mg a week for 50mg eod??

    is there anything I can use to lube the joints for a short 6-8 week cycle at all? im not looking for any gains off EQ just the benefit of using it for my joints

  7. #7
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    injection timing would be everytime when i wake up - i wake up different times due to work hours

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  9. #9
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Test prop and Masteron Prop you can run the Mast at 400 and the test at 200 should be a good cut combo. Don't worry you won't get huge of Mast.

    Mast. 100 EOD
    Test Prop 50 EOD

    Run for 12 weeks.
    Last edited by Brohim; 11-25-2011 at 09:28 PM.

  10. #10
    particularly_another's Avatar
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    12 weeks seem too long i rather do short 6 week cycles pct it then do it again
    less sides lol

    can i run 200mg of test prop by itself?

  11. #11
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    I personally think 200 mgs a week is too low. And yes running test alone is fine.

  12. #12
    particularly_another's Avatar
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    first time cycle? at 200? im not looking to do high dosages n be some big bodybuilder lol

    i dun want to be doing 700mg and be bald

  13. #13
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another View Post
    first time cycle? at 200? im not looking to do high dosages n be some big bodybuilder lol

    i dun want to be doing 700mg and be bald
    200mgs for 6 weeks is low, and no one is suggesting 700mg. I think 250 -300 would be great. And steroids alone will not transform you into a big bodybuilder.

  14. #14
    guitario's Avatar
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    200mg for a first cycle is absolutely fine. Bear in mind that is about 3 times what your body will produce naturally. Put it this way, if it's enough test to shut you down, then it's enough to do a job in my opinion.

  15. #15
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    200mg for a first cycle is absolutely fine. Bear in mind that is about 3 times what your body will produce naturally. Put it this way, if it's enough test to shut you down, then it's enough to do a job in my opinion.
    Your logic makes little to no sense. So what if his body produces 100mgs a week; are you going to tell him 101mg is a great cycle? Im not stating that 200mgs will not increase anabolism past natural limits. My argument is that if your going to shut your system down for 6 weeks you should take a dose that will get you the highest risk/reward ratio.

    "If its enoguh test to shut you down then its enoguh to do a job in my opinion" LOL. Ill log that one in my Broscience folder; BS for short.

  16. #16
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    any advice from the seniors on this forum?

    also is there anything i can do for my joints in the 6 - weeks period

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Your logic makes little to no sense. So what if his body produces 100mgs a week; are you going to tell him 101mg is a great cycle? Im not stating that 200mgs will not increase anabolism past natural limits. My argument is that if your going to shut your system down for 6 weeks you should take a dose that will get you the highest risk/reward ratio.

    "If its enoguh test to shut you down then its enoguh to do a job in my opinion" LOL. Ill log that one in my Broscience folder; BS for short.
    Bear in mind i said 'do a job'. I didn't once say it wouldn't be as good for muscle building as 300mg or 400mg. Some people only want a helping hand, others want to put as much mass on as humanly possible. 200mg is a high end TRT dose, and that can give you great results.

  18. #18
    dec11's Avatar
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    imo if you are going to shut yourself down, you may aswell take a larger dose than that. you may see results with 200mgs per week but it certainly wont rock your world. i personally would do 100mgs eod of the prop, but as i said, just my thoughts, there is no right and wrong (within reason)

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitario View Post
    Bear in mind i said 'do a job'. I didn't once say it wouldn't be as good for muscle building as 300mg or 400mg. Some people only want a helping hand, others want to put as much mass on as humanly possible. 200mg is a high end TRT dose, and that can give you great results.
    thanks... all i just want is another helping hand, i dun want to start off on sumtin so big then for my next cycle i have to rely on sumtin bigger
    i understand my genetics are not the best and i dont want to put on soo much mass as possible. in the last year i went from 170 to 215 course part of it was fat but i gained mass in my arms back n chest but even more mass in my stomach lol.

    I am currently passed my 3 month mark on using hgh, im trying to rid this lil rut of a gut that i still have left over, so im just looking for a helping hand or boost u could say, while im doing a calorie deficit diet

    i really wished when i started last year to go on a mass gain, i should of taken the hgh too.. i would of had nice mass all over minus the gut

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    imo if you are going to shut yourself down, you may aswell take a larger dose than that. you may see results with 200mgs per week but it certainly wont rock your world. i personally would do 100mgs eod of the prop, but as i said, just my thoughts, there is no right and wrong (within reason)
    you are more advanced and 400mg seems a bit high for me to start at especially with test prop which has more test than a longer ester..

  21. #21
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    100mg eod is best worked out over 14 days. 100mg x 7 (eod) = 700mg divided by 2 = 350mg per week. Which seems to be the average test prop cycle. Best thing about test prop is that if you experience any sides or wish to discontinue, it is out of your system a lot quicker than other forms of test.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another View Post
    thanks... all i just want is another helping hand, i dun want to start off on sumtin so big then for my next cycle i have to rely on sumtin bigger
    i understand my genetics are not the best and i dont want to put on soo much mass as possible. in the last year i went from 170 to 215 course part of it was fat but i gained mass in my arms back n chest but even more mass in my stomach lol.

    I am currently passed my 3 month mark on using hgh, im trying to rid this lil rut of a gut that i still have left over, so im just looking for a helping hand or boost u could say, while im doing a calorie deficit diet

    i really wished when i started last year to go on a mass gain, i should of taken the hgh too.. i would of had nice mass all over minus the gut
    it doesnt work that way, ive gained on 250mg pw and ive used doses of up to 825mg before that.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another View Post
    you are more advanced and 400mg seems a bit high for me to start at especially with test prop which has more test than a longer ester..
    works out at 350mg pw.

    i'll be perfectly honest mate, you'd be best not using AAS rather than shutting yourself down over little dabbling amounts. its not worth the risk of permanently screwing your natty system for

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    imo if you are going to shut yourself down, you may aswell take a larger dose than that. you may see results with 200mgs per week but it certainly wont rock your world. i personally would do 100mgs eod of the prop, but as i said, just my thoughts, there is no right and wrong (within reason)
    I agree with Dec on this . Run 350 mgs of the prop weekly. Pin 100mg EOD for 12 weeks. This should be high enough to be effective and low enought you dont need to really worry about any serious sides. Test only is a great first time user steroid . The prop is a good choice because if you needed to stop you could do so failry quick if you experience side. The water retention with this is low. Im starting Test Prop, And primo tomorrow in addition to HGH which ive been on for 3 months at 2IUs daily 5 on 2 off.

  25. #25
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    so i can see some results at 200, but everyone says average 350 is best to see something nice.. can i just do it down the middle and do 250mg a week? lol
    or should i do 100 eod for 2 weeks then go do to 50 eod after that?? or should i do 50 eod first 2 weeks then bump it to 100 eod after that??

    also, no one is giving me any advice with my joints. is there any possible way i can still take eq for 6 weeks just to repair the joints and make it feel better?? again not looking for any gains off eq just strictly for joints.. i also have deca on hand

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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another View Post
    I also would like to know what there is for joints as my elbow gives me grief and adding something to a future cycle may be beneficial.

  28. #28
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    i know eq and deca must be taken for at least 12-16 weeks to see any results, but i know they are great for the joints.. i just wanna know if i can still benefit from either or on a short 6-8 week cycle for just my joints..

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    man, in all honesty just dont go on AAS at all. you wont get any diff answers by keeping bumping this

  31. #31
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    How many nights in row is this thread going to be up top. You have gotten way more attention than the average thread.

  32. #32
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    i already know the answers for the test prop im not asking about that all i was just asking was bout the eq for the joints but nobody answered anything at all about that lol

    all i just wanna know is there any point of running eq at all for 6-weeks just to feel more better in my joints

    thank you

  33. #33
    sizzlechest's Avatar
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    If its a short cycle, a short ester Deca will give you good colagen synthesis. Eq does it at a slightly higher rate but your cycle is too short for it to work correctly. I would do Nandrolone phenylprop.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    If its a short cycle, a short ester Deca will give you good colagen synthesis. Eq does it at a slightly higher rate but your cycle is too short for it to work correctly. I would do Nandrolone phenylprop.
    thank you! finally getting back on topic and some answers. I already did my first test prop shot yesterday. how much of a dosage a week i can do so its just enuff for collagen synthesis?

  35. #35
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    i read somewhere, but i cant seem to find it anymore where guys usually do 50mg a week on a cut cycle just so their joints are at ease. not sure if its 50 or 100

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another;581***3
    i already know the answers for the test prop im not asking about that all i was just asking was bout the eq for the joints but nobody answered anything at all about that lol

    all i just wanna know is there any point of running eq at all for 6-weeks just to feel more better in my joints

    thank you
    no, not even deca will help, it will cushion a joint but once you discontinue it will go back to square one. even hgh did nothing for my aches and strains.

    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    If its a short cycle, a short ester Deca will give you good colagen synthesis. Eq does it at a slightly higher rate but your cycle is too short for it to work correctly. I would do Nandrolone phenylprop.
    you'd get better advice off the fairies than this guy, he hasnt a clue.........

  37. #37
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    50 mg a day of NP should do it.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    50 mg a day of NP should do it.
    im not getting into a flame war, but im sick of seeing your BS ramblings dressed up as 'advice' over these forums. you constantly mislead ppl on here with broscience parroting.

    how you've gotten away with it for so long baffles me.

    lets hear you explain this to the OP, how exactly 50mgs of NP per day 'should do it'

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    hmmm ok i guess i will wait before i even add deca or eq to this cycle. i thought sizzlechest seems reputable since hes been here from 2004 ...

    so is there any hope for joints? lol maybe i should lighten the weight or do a pre-exhaust first

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by particularly_another View Post
    hmmm ok i guess i will wait before i even add deca or eq to this cycle. i thought sizzlechest seems reputable since hes been here from 2004 ...

    so is there any hope for joints? lol maybe i should lighten the weight or do a pre-exhaust first
    means absolutely nothing, the guy's 'advice' is mostly shocking and as ive said before, its time someone clipped his wings. his avi suits him well lol. i'd love for him to post his stats and full training and AAS history. you noticed he hasnt returned to explain his 50mgs of NPP? cause its just a BS statement for the sake of it, thats why.

    deca will do jack, you might get a bit of relief from extra water cushioning the joints but its temporary. hell even hgh did jack for me
    Last edited by dec11; 11-28-2011 at 05:23 PM.

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