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Thread: Peaking?

  1. #1
    SalzRugger is offline New Member
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    Stats: 34 m 6' 205lb bf 12-14% Former college athlete and have been training since I have been 16 with no more then 10 days off. Diet is very good 90% of the time.

    My goals are strictly for performance in Rugby any physical appearance up grades are certainly not unwanted but they are not the primary reason. Also I am not trying to put on a ton of weight since it would be a disadvantage in certain aspects of my game.

    1. I want to peak at the end of April(for rugby). Should I start either one of these so they would end a week after I have the competition? Or is it best to cycle before say stating in De***ber or the beginning of January so I have been off everything for a month or so?

    2. Do these look good? I have been doing a ton of research and get differing opinions on everything. Trying to do this right

    week 1-8 80mg anavar ED
    clomid 100/100/50/50 ED
    nolvadex 40/40/20/20 ED
    milk thistle threw out for liver cleansing


    week 1-12 Test E 300mg per week (150 mon and 150 thur)
    week4-12 40mg anavar ED
    week 1-12 armidex .5mg ED (or just EOD keep seeing differing opinions?)
    week 14-18 clomid 100/100/50/50 ED
    week 14-18 nolvadex 40/40/20/20 ED
    week 14-16 armidex .25mg ED then week 17 EOD

    will keep letro on hand in case of any gyno problems

  2. #2
    SalzRugger is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Do you have drug testing?

    I would go with Test Prop, test is best for a cycle and its out of your system fast.

    i would start asap so you can be completely off gear when season starts.

    What your gains are depend on how you train....
    Along with your diet, make sure to eat extra clean so you can have the leanest gains possible and not gain xtra fat also

    IF u use prop, i would go with 50mg ED for 8 weeks
    Hold on the use of a AI, unless you get noticable sides that cant be taken care of by hygeine
    As for PCT, looks good, continue the nolva to 2 more weeks of 20mg ED. IF you have clomid sides then lower the dose from 100 to 50 after the first week, then down to 25 after 3rd week so 3-4 weeks of clomid at (100, 50, 50, 25) and stay on nolva at 40,40,20,20,20,20

    if you use hcg on cycle, and this being your first cycle that you can prolly be fine with a nolva only PCT. HCG on cycle is at 250 iu 2x a week so E3D.

    keep extra nolva on hand for gyno issues, but if bloating and acne become uncontrollable (which i doubt unless ur really prone to them, just extra precautions can handle most issues) if other sides begin start an AI (with aromasin or adex)

    Smart move to become informed on what you are trying to do before doing so. Good luck!

  4. #4
    SalzRugger is offline New Member
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    No drug testing. Thats why I'm leaning towards trying it out during the season (no I don't feel bad they are all in their early 20s I'm mid 30s, jk)

    Thanks for the info on the PCT. I really want to get as much info as I can before I purchase anything and go ahead with it. Rather take my time and do it right. I heard I should be running an AI with test but you think only if I show signs of gyno I should? Info I seem to come across is saying run the adex at a low dose threw out and if you show signs of gyno use something like letro right away.

    HCG is that 250iu every 3 days for how long?

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    IMO, i would try to stay off during season, you have less to worry about but to each his own.

    Running an AI with a long estered test is a good idea but since i suggested test prop, then wait to see if you need it. Im more for using the minimum amount of drugs possible and if you dont have bad sides and arent running a crazy amount of test then just hold off o the AI. but i do test prop cycles and seems that the needicessity of using an AI is lower than using a longer estered test. along with other benefits of short ester test vs long ester but if ur not worried about testing... Ur choice.
    My fav is short esters, so :-)

    letro is powerful stuff, i would use htis last resort if really prone to gyno on cycle.
    Nolva is used for gyno, IMO it should be the first step towards reversing gyno.
    If you are gettin bad gyno and nolva isnt doing much (it will take time, so if it continues to grow after upping yoru nolva to 40mg ED, then go back to 20mg nolva and start taking an AI either adex or aromasin . Seems many like both, personally i dont need one w/ the short ester but if i did i would go with aromasin first. DOnt go above 60mg nolva ED.)

    HCG is for ON CYCLE. So take it up untill first day of taking PCT meds. stop when you start PCT meds.
    so for test e, still use it in the 2 weeks after ur last test shot then 2 weeks after that shot u start pct.

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