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Thread: pinning tricks

  1. #1
    gearbox's Avatar
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    pinning tricks

    Starting my second cycle soon and wanted to k.ow some tricks to help reduce the injection soreness after ... I always did glutes and quads. Never got use to soreness. I was doing test c at 400 mg a wk. 200 e5d

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Could have been a number of things...Needle size being the first. High BA being the second. Or maybe, you're just a wimp. hahahaha...J/K man. But every 5th day isn't good enough. Try every 3rd for best results.

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
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    I could be a wimp what do you mean every 3rd day pin...not five. I dont want to pin the other leg,quad.glute is i cant walk on the other lol..I did size 23 1.5 things like get in spa before after help? or heat up the needle with a heating pad> stretch after or DONT... what is BA?

  4. #4
    FCVtec's Avatar
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    This depends on your body type, I can only speak for mine. I am pretty lean around 11 - 12% bf. I use 23g 1 inch for glutes, quads I use 25g 5/8 -->works great, when I put 1 inch on quads the pain is considerably worst. I believe every one's body is different so you kinda got to trial and error it a bit.. Just know if you dont go deep enough there will be a "ball" under your skin right after injection, I believe you wanna go deep enough but never too deep. I use 25g 5/8 on delts too and its a great shot every time. Just my .02

    All that is a waste if your gear is whats causing it.

  5. #5
    vBRAH's Avatar
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    Massage the area after an injection - I also found injecting after a nice hot shower helps too

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    I could be a wimp what do you mean every 3rd day pin...not five. I dont want to pin the other leg,quad.glute is i cant walk on the other lol..I did size 23 1.5 things like get in spa before after help? or heat up the needle with a heating pad> stretch after or DONT... what is BA?
    BA=Benzyl Alcohol...And every 5th day would be fine w/cyp i guess, but i prefer at least twice a week. Your needle size is fine. Don't contaminate the needle!! Even a little piece of lint will hurt you upon injection. Don't mess w/the needle!!

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    just inject the stuff, no amount of hocus pocus alleviates any pain

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    just inject the stuff, no amount of hocus pocus alleviates any pain

  9. #9
    gearbox's Avatar
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    thanks guys, I am going to jump to a 25 guage needle and try that. and also the 5/8 in the delts.. i may have been going to deep also. thanks guys

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    quads sometimes give me trouble
    but rarely shoullder or gluts

  11. #11
    jeepfreak is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 7 weeks in on my first cycle....started with test e pinning every 3rd day...due to a mix up on my sources part, had to swap over to test c mid I'm pinning every 4th day.....I rotate quads and glutes also....after a few weeks my glutes don't even get sore anymore, my quads felt like a horse kicked me in the leg at first but after a few weeks they still get a little sore but nothing like it was, I kinda like the soreness now and it may sound crazy but I always look forward to pinning now....

  12. #12
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I would assume you had some really shitty gear, Test C even in virgin flesh should not be a crippling sort of compound.

    As to pinning techniques,

    As said use a 25 by 1 needle and in quads you should only have to go in 3/4 inch, delts 3/4 and glute 1 inch to get good penetration unless you have a lot of fat (in which case you should slowly back away from the steroids LOL) on the delt I feel differently than others here, I use a 1 inch needle and pin delts and I frequently bury the needle in my delt and I am 6'1" 205 and as my name says far from massive...

    The gauge of the needle was not the problem the 1.5 length was. The only major pain a 23g needle will cause is to allow you to inject very fast which can rupture muscle tissue. Always move the plunger slowly take 20-30 seconds per CC to inject also if the oil is at or slightly above body temperature it will allow it to pass through (be absorbed) the muscle tissue more easily, with less tissue damage.

    Good luck,


  13. #13
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Thanks again guys. This forum is great!!!

  14. #14
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Lately my injects are double delts, double pecs, double biceps. I do the biceps on days right before I work them. Never more than 1 ml or a little more for these muscles learned that lesson the hard way. Wouldn't normally favor biceps but lately been getting really clean injects because i can see my veins on them and avoid hitting one.

  15. #15
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    thanks guys, I am going to jump to a 25 guage needle and try that. and also the 5/8 in the delts.. i may have been going to deep also. thanks guys
    unless you're anorexic that wont be a concern. 1 inch needles will do the job in all sites but glutes, were 1.5 is more suited. AAS are supposed to be a deep IM injection

  16. #16
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Here are some more pointers for reducing soreness. I have learned this through the years and it has helped me a lot.

    1. Once needle is in you... don't move it around much. Keep it as steady as possible to prevent tearing up more muscle tissue.
    2. Inject need to go too fast.
    3. When empty, do a slow count to 10 seconds before removing.
    4. Apply good pressure and massage area a little.

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