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  1. #1
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    Question So how do I cook this HCG stuff?

    I has:

    1 ml 5000iu hcg
    2 ml sodium hydrochloride (came with HCG)
    10 ml sterile water for injection
    10 ml sterile vial


    1) so basically I draw 3 ml water and inject into vial, draw 1 ml hcg and inject into vial, and shake it?

    2) if so, I simply pin 0.4 ml and that makes 500 ius, right?

    3) can I draw this into the same syringe after I draw in my testosterone ?

    4) if i'm pinning hcg by itself, do I just inject the 0.4 ml im like a test shot?

    5) So take 500 ius every 4-5 days all the way until 5 days from pct?

    Thanks for any input. I'm kinda clueless here.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Use only bacteriostatic water.
    And DO NOT shake it. That will destroy the peptide.
    If it needs help mixing, roll the vial around gently.

  3. #3
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Is the HCG in powder form i cant tell from the picture.Evadently they want you to mix the 2ml of dilutant with the HCG powder.Theres no need to use that much dilutant,you can use 1ml bacteriostic water and each 10iu on a insulin string will be 500iu hcg.

  4. #4
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post

    Use only bacteriostatic water.
    And DO NOT shake it. That will destroy the peptide.
    If it needs help mixing, roll the vial around gently.
    So "sterile water for injection" is not "bacteriostatic water"? Where do I get the latter from?

    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Is the HCG in powder form i cant tell from the picture.Evadently they want you to mix the 2ml of dilutant with the HCG powder.Theres no need to use that much dilutant,you can use 1ml bacteriostic water and each 10iu on a insulin string will be 500iu hcg.
    It says it's 1 ampule of sterile freeze dried chorionic gonadotrophin and 1 ampule of diluent, which is 2 ml sodium chloride.

    WHAT DO I DO?? lol

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    U use bact water so it keeps sterile, the dilutent is common saline which is fine but doesn't stay sterile.

    Get bact water from *arr* . Com
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    U don't need that much dilutent but w/e it's just math whatever liquid u add is 5000iu of hcg drug. If u wanna do 500 u take 1/10th of it (250iu is 1/20th)
    So add 10 gallons to 5000iu hcg then 1 gallon is 500iu.... See how it works? Don't use that much tho lol

    And just swirl it no need to shake it should dissolve real quick

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post

    Use only bacteriostatic water.
    And DO NOT shake it. That will destroy the peptide.
    If it needs help mixing, roll the vial around gently.
    Funny you should say this. I used to believe it 100% myself. Then recently i read something Pat Arnold posted about it being 100% BS- that it is impossible to shake a peptide and harm , destroy or break the bonds of the peptide. He stated the onyl thing to truly fear that cause instant harm or damage is high temperature (ie heating with a burner). The only reason he could think of to even remotely justify this was to say it would keep down the foam that could occur when mixing some peptides. Just wanted to throw that out there - as I said I was always of the same impression you were.

  7. #7
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    ^^ Its in all the medical texts to not shake the peptides when you are reconstituting them.
    I agree, i wouldnt think that shaking would do much damage but who knows?

  8. #8
    mephisto212's Avatar
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    "15)How does hcg come packaged?
    You get 2 vials or amps, 1 has the powdered hcg in it, and the other has a diluent in it(solvent). The diluent is typically bacteriostatic water, or sterile water w/ .09% sodium chloride. ***ending on the brand and version, the package commonly comes w/ enough diluent to make concentrations ranging from 250-10,000iu per ml.

    If your package is 5000iu, and you add 1ml diluent, you have 5000iu per ml.
    If you add 5ml diluent, you final mix is then 1000iu per ml.
    If you add 10ml diluent, then 500iu per ml and so on.

    This is simple math, and you don't wanna screw it up, know what dose you are taking!

    If your package doesn't include enough diluent to make the concentration you want, you have 2 options to make it easy to accurately measure your doses.

    1-buy some insulin syringes, U-100 type. On the graduated markings, the 100iu mark is equal to 1ml, the 50iu is .5ml etc. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IF YOU FILL IT TO THE 100IU MARK THAT YOU ARE TAKING 100IU OF HCG ! Iu's are not a measurement of volume or weight, they are a measure of effectiveness for a desired response from specific drugs/compounds. Every compound is different. These are insulin syringes, and they are made for insulin -not hcg . Insulin is the same iu concentration per ml everytime(if its u100 type), hcg is not. Imagine if you made your hcg 10,000iu per ml. if you fill the insulin syringe up to 100iu mark, you now have 10,000iu in there! Not good. You must understand this.
    So if you had 5000iu per ml, and wanted to take a 500iu shot, you would inject 10iu on the insulin syringe scale.

    2-buy some bacteriostatic water off the internet, its easily found. Simply add more to dilute it to the desired conscentration. Making lower concentrations are easier and more accurately dosed. Then it can accurately be measured w/ a regular syringe.

    Mix the two together, they dissolve very easily. Hcg can be very unstable and to make sure to not shake it and let it foam.... Be careful when reconsituting it . Be gentle and run the bac water down the side of the vial not allowing to foam up... Keep things sterile folks. Unused hcg can be refrigerated and is ok to use within 30 days after the initial mixing.

    Remember: Store hcg at controlled room temperature (59° to 86°F)(15° to 30°C). After reconstituting store in refrigerator (36° to 46°F) (2° to 8°C).

    taken from HCG (Pregnyl) FAQ

  9. #9
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Remember the dilutent amounts, type, etc. that come with HCG are designed for single use injection where you are pinning the full amount at once for use in childbirth etc. Not for biweekly injections to keep the boys happy.

  10. #10
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Use bact water it will last longer than the dilutant that comes with HCG ,that is intended for a couple of shots and doesnt have to stay stable for a long time.HCG will remain stable for 60 days when refrigerated when mixed with Bacteriostatic water. I use the 1/2 mil insulin syringes which are easier to get smaller dose regulation because they are graduated in .5iu instead of the 10iu like the 1mil syringes.Even with 1mil of water it still mixes quickly without shaking the vial,just swirl it a little and it will totaly disolve,i usually swirl mine a little just before i draw some for injection.

  11. #11
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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  12. #12
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    yea that will work. The bacteriostatic part u need to look for is the Benzyl Alcohol. that is bact saline solution which should be fine.

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