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  1. #1
    Yourtruuly is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    Sust 250 - newbie that got bad info.

    Ok: this is me: I am 215 lbs and just under 6ft.

    Cycle is: world Pharmesouticals sust 250 for 12 weeks. I am in week 6. I was told to do 3cc twice a
    Week. I was also told to do 1cc twice a week. I met in the middle and have been doing 2cc twice a week.

    I was recently told this is WAY too much (?)

    This is my first test cycle.

    I have nolvadex for my PCT.

    Here are my questions:
    I F'd up by not getting all my gear to start. Now I may have a delay before I get the rest of my sust... How long can I wait before it istoo late to continue the cycle?

  2. #2
    ecruz's Avatar
    ecruz is offline Member
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    post full stats, i'll give u a little info..what!! 750mg of sust a week for a first cycle!!! u sure did get some bad info, even 500 is a little high to start off with. so now ur on wk 6 and your running out... bro STOP right now and get all the edu "info" you can.. never ever order a few weeks of gear always order your full cycle for this very reason.. all that said, do some more homework and get it right.. i know it sucks but it will b a waste of ur gear unless u have it all.. u could just run 250 or so for the rest of the cycle and just consider it a crazy front loading

  3. #3
    Yourtruuly is offline New Member
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    Yeah. I know I should have got it all before starting... It is actually quite frustrating to hear cuz it seems to be the only answer anyone has, which is actually why I am new to THIS forum... Either way, I must move forward.

    So what are my options? I may still get some more sust and I may not have a problem... But say I don't get any more, can I continue this cycle with another test? Should I start PCT?

    If I do get more sust, should I lower my dose? Is it ok to drop my dose like that?

    I just REALLY REALLY don't want these past few weeks to be a waste.

    I did a bunch of research before I began, and I thought I had it worked out. I was a little eager, admittedly...

    I have gone thru the "coulda shoulda woulda" stuff. I have done a LOT of research today... I just want an option.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You can start w/another test. 500mgs split twice a week is just fine. Since it's a long ester, you can wait up til 7 days if you have too. But i wouldn't go any longer than that.

    Add clomid to your PCT.

  5. #5
    Yourtruuly is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

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