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  1. #1
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2008

    why wouldn't a test prop, dbol, winny cycle work?

    I want to know if anyone would put up a fuss about a 10 or 12 week cycle of test prop... running dbol to kick off the cycle and then winny for the last part to shred, starting a week after the last dbol pill. I can't really find any reason why this won't work.

  2. #2
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    It would work but everybody is going to bang on about your liver giving up and you shitting it out of your own arse due to liver toxicity when taking orals for such a long time. I would run the dbol for 4 weeks and then run the winny for the last 4/6 weeks up to pct. The test will kick in pretty quick

  3. #3
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    BTW - I am picking certain substances based on a major factor. I work at a hospital, while I know they generally do 5 panel drug screens for narcotics and they send them out (they are not done in house which would save on costs), I would not rule out if I pissed off someone above that they wouldn't have me tested for AAS and say it effects my mood/performance.

    My back up plan was to have on hand over the counter products that would give false positives of each substance (which only stay in my system for a short time as it is). I am dieting for another month or two and training with clen and T3 before I start this next cycle. Stats and what not are irrelevant IMO, I'm asking simply if the cocktail would or would not work effectively and why or why not.

  4. #4
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    I know my liver will not appreciate it. I am ok with that. I am good to it all the rest of the time. I don't drink or anything, so it'll have plenty of time to replenish itself.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I am more interested to hear which OTC product could mask/potentially give false-positives for test prop.

  6. #6
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    ^ I second that Bonaparte

  7. #7
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    eh, thats the only one I haven't figured out... but considering it is out of your system within such a very short time, I'm personally not to worried about it. I was comparing it to something along this lines of Deca which takes 18 months.

  8. #8
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    and yes, I know (and am not sure if since the last time I looked, these have been made illegal) helladrol (hdrol) may show a false pos for Turanabol, m14add may show a false pos for dbol , and diesel (mlmg) may show a false pos for tren or deca , but 18 months is too long to be in my system in case diesel (mlmg) is made illegal next month and nothing comes out to replace it.

  9. #9
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    You think that they would test for steroids because you piss somebody off? The only way you will turn into an arsehole is if you are already an arsehole! I'd crack on with the cycle, bin the 'OTC' masking agents which won't do shit for you anyway! I'm not sure that you know what you're up to by the sounds of your posts

  10. #10
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    ... and since you felt like calling me out on the test prop to make me look like a dick head, the reason I say I'm not worried about testing positive for test prop is because not only are 3,5,7 etc. pannel tests for THC, coke, opiates, etc., and that they would have to test me for each specific thing... but even if I did test positive, they woud have to interview about anything we are taking such a prescription meds or supplements, etc., that could have caused the positive. They are also required to conduct a gas chromatograhy/mass spectrometry analysis which will show all compounds in your blood or urine, thus confirming or rebuking any positive response... but by the time these results came back, enough time would pass that prop would likely be out of ones system.

    All of this is besides the point, I was asking specifically of why NOT to do 10 or 12 weeks of prop, loading dbol in the front and winny towards the end.

  11. #11
    El Corvino is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not taking the OTC stuff, I know they are weak and next to useless, it's just on hand as an explanation of why I would possibly test posisitve. Yes, I can be a dick head to answer your question shortly, no supplements required. I moved to sort of a small town, and yes, they would run a full panel test to get rid of someone that they didn't like. Where I lived in FLA, no, that wouldn't happen they'd just fire at will, but up here they would and everyone is in everyones business.

    You say with the line up I don't know what I'm doing. Please go specifically into why that cycle is bad? I agree typically one does nothing but bulking in a cycle or nothing but shreding. I am tying to find a hard reason why it is not a good idea.

  12. #12
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    I didn't say it was a bad cycle my little mexican bred chum.

    I was implying that you give it at least a couple of weeks break before starting the winny to give your liver a break.

    I don't give a **** if you get busted from your night carers job or whatever it is you do.


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