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  1. #1
    bobbyboy is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Prohormones - First timer

    Ok, so this is my first time trying any sort of prohormone/steroid . I wanted to run my plan by you guys and see if you had any opinions.

    I am currently 5 feet 9 inches, 150 lbs, and 24 years of age. I've been lifting for about 1-year, and in that time I've gained about 20-25 lbs. My current supplements are whey protein, multivitamin, and 5-10g of creatine a day. I am in pretty good shape, with decent strength relative to my body weight. I can rep bench 150 about 9-10 times and max out at about 180-185.

    I plan on doing my first cycle of prohormones. Ive been doing some research and currently this is my gameplan:

    1st week: Preload with CEL cycle assist, glutimine, multivitamin, taurine, and fish oil. These will also be used throughout the cycle and PCT.
    2nd week: P-MAG (similar to halotest-25) 50
    3rd week: P-MAG 50
    4th week: P-MAG 75
    5th week: PCT start (Powerlab PCT) + Nolvadex as a SERM just to be safe
    6th week: Powerlab PCT + Nolvadex

    Why only three weeks of P-MAG? Well, it's my first time and I want to play it as safe as I can. I figure I'll try a short cycle to see how it goes and then rest on it for a while, and who knows maybe I'll pick up a few lbs or so.

    Any comments/suggestions are welcome, or any information you could give me that might help me would be great. Thanks!

  2. #2
    SufferToReturnHarder's Avatar
    SufferToReturnHarder is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2011
    At 5'9 you should weigh much more than 150.
    Sounds like you need to get your diet figured out.
    My suggestion would be to research/post in the diet section. You need to get that figured out before you take type of cycle.

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