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  1. #1
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Criticize my first cycle.

    This will be my first actual cycle. I'm 5'9 200lbs at about 11%bf. I'm planning on running 500mg/week of test ethinate, 400mg/week of equi, 50mg/day of anadrol , and .5mg/day arimidex . Please let met know if this sounds about right. Thanks a bunch!

  2. #2
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You know damn well if you've done any research at all that that doesn't sound right.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    Well, I would like to know your age, because that is always relevent to the advice i give.
    Having said that, as a first cycle, you are over doing it. the standard first cycle advice is test only, E, at 500mg/week for 12 weeks. So forget the EQ and the drol. Why? Because you should understand what a single compound by itself (test) does for you first, and then later on, you can add one (1) additional compound you are not familar with. If something goes wrong, or you get horrible sides, how are you to know what is causing it. Never add more than one unknown compound per cycle at a time.

    So please let me know what the rest of your stats are...
    lifting experience?

    Is your diet in check?
    What about your lifting routine, how's that looking?

    I won't offer advice on your PCT protocol, since I TRT, and will defer to someone else with some actual experience in this area.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    mattydaman88's Avatar
    mattydaman88 is offline New Member
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    If he just runs the test cycle only what would u suggest for post cycle..

  5. #5
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks. I'm 26 been lifting for about 3 years consistent. I am entering a bodybuilding competition in 6 months so I'm hoping this will help. I must say this isn't first time using anabolic steroids but my first time actually stacking them. I have run test ethinate at about 600mg/week at the peek of my cycle for about 8weeks total after I followed with anadrol at 50mg/every other day and 50 every day at the peek. Had solid results of both but honestly want more. My diet is on point although I do cheat done but not much. No beer out anything like that just the occasional pizza or mcd's.

  6. #6
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel
    You know damn well if you've done any research at all that that doesn't sound right.
    How in the hell do you figure? I appreciate the post but the advice is more so what I'm looking for. If you believe it's wrong please feel free to add your opinion. And yes I have done a ton of research.

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    huh? Ok, for some reason, I thought you said this was your first cycle.
    Regardless, the dose looks ok for the test and the drol. some will say you could go higher on the drol, I certainly have. Not sure why you would go 50mg eod with the drol from before? Drol has an active life of up to 16 hours, so once a day is preferred. I've got several grams of drol sitting in my wall locker, hesitant to use, since the gains dissapate quickly, and drol makes me sleepy. Since drol is HARSH on the liver, don't run over 4 weeks, and remember your liverall, or milk thistle to protect your liver. Since you are using test E, and it has an active life of 15 days, it will take at least 3 or 4 weeks for your blood serum levels to stabilize. This means you will begin to see good results after this period, so a good 12 week cycle sounds about right unless you have a specific reason for longer/shorter. Sometimes you can reduce your cycle and front load the first week or two to jump start things, something to think of. Since I have no experience with EQ, I won't offer any advice. No one likes a parrot! However, you can go here and read up on it if you like, it's full of good information:

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    vBRAH's Avatar
    vBRAH is offline Member
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    How long were you planning to run Test E and Anadrol ? Whats your PCT going to be? And why .5mg of Arimidex ED?

  9. #9
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vBRAH
    How long were you planning to run Test E and Anadrol? Whats your PCT going to be? And why .5mg of Arimidex ED?
    12 on the test E and anadrol for only 4weeks. I am planning on taking arimidex to keep my conversion to estrogen low so I start away from some sides. I haven't started anything yet and I'm still looking into everything so as of right now not sure about my pct.

  10. #10
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Romen thanks for the help. sorry to confuse I only ment this would be my first cycle stacking anything... The only other time I've done them were like you said by them selves. The only new thing I'm adding in is the arimidex . Still contemplating on the equi, that was just a subject brought up by my brother who likes it. Wanted to get some opinions. I have read up on it and it sounds life it would help since most gains are lean mass and I'm planning on entering a show.

  11. #11
    vBRAH's Avatar
    vBRAH is offline Member
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    What are you unsure of when it comes to PCT?

  12. #12
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    I have used nolvadex before and liked it but a friend was talking to me about HCG ? Just reading about it now so not sure what to go with.

  13. #13
    vBRAH's Avatar
    vBRAH is offline Member
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    Even if you run HCG you still need Nolvadex so I'm not sure where you're getting your info from. Are you going to take anything for your liver while on Anadrol ?

  14. #14
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Yes I have liver care. I take it 3 times a day with meals. I just got a reading done and my liver is in good shape. Thanks for the help. Like I said want sure about much when it came to HCG all I've taken was nolva. I kept most my gains so I'm pretty sure I'll sick with that.

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