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  1. #1
    fasteddy32 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    Need a little help with the Novice Cycle #2-1 when to take clomid?

    This is my first post here at steroid .com forum. Hello to you all

    I am going to run the Novice Cycle #2-1 that is posted here in and am a little confused with a few thing. I would like to make sure all is proper before i start this cycle.

    Question 1 is clomid therapy is states that it needs to be taken in wekk 1 to week 3 but is also says to run it from week 14 to week 16 is this correct. Some say to run it for the whole cycle. Do i just follow the chart to a tee and run it with nolvadex for the first 3 weeks?

    also i have 20mg tablets of D-bol and it says to run 35mgs a day. is it ok to run 2 tablets at 40mgs instead of the 35mgs like it states.

    Let me tell you a bit about my self.
    I am a 40 year old male that has only been working out for the last year hard and when i started weight lifting i was 200lb and with all the hard work i now weigh 175lb and look good. with 18% body fat. I waited to take this cycle because i had to much fat on my body. my height is 5'11".
    the only other cycle i have done was winny tabs for 6 week cycle 6 months a go which i was told was a wasted cycle for doing it alone but it worked for me.

    Any help on this cycle would be apreciated.


  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    wait on doing a cycle, sounds like you are doing good already and dont need AAS quite yet.

    FYI those 'cycles' are a bit outdated, there is more current info on the forum also many people here that are very knowledgable. I would start reading some of the stickies and info threads.

    For a first cycle, test is best. And by it self.
    Read up on PCT, and HCG usage they are very important topics!

    Check up on your diet plan also, if you arent eating right how can you maximize your gains from the cycle?

    Anyways, Welcome! and there is a wealth of info here, you just have to have some tenacity to go read it :-)

  3. #3
    fasteddy32 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    Thank you very much for the info. I have been treading this forum as a guest for at least 6 months noe. I have read almost every sticky thread on this whole board.

    I have a bottle of test, i have the diannabol tabs i have the decca, i have the clomid and nolvadex as well.

    I was thinking of doing the slingshot 8 weeks hard and the 2 weeks slow down light.

    If i do the test can i take the dianabol for the start of the cycle.

    for what i have posted what is the best combo fornthis cycle. or should i just do the test.


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