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Thread: Test and EQ

  1. #1
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    Test and EQ

    Was wondering what to expect running a test/eq cycle at 300 test/450 eq for like 13-15 weeks.

    I've been on trt for some time and test over 2-300 irritates my hair loss. None of that propecia shit works. Just wondering if it will be enough test to build any mass. Had great results at 400 per week. But I upped the dose like 10 days ago and my head is already itchy.

    I know eq by itself isnt really a mass builder but enhances the test.


  2. #2
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    For some reason many on this forum dont like EQ, it works great. A friend has put on 25 lbs on it so far and he is in week 8. But what makes you think the EQ wont be harsh on your hair? ( Although it is less harsh than some) For good results EQ should be run 500 mg+ a week and for long cycles. I would do Anavar instead.

  3. #3
    Johnny Sinn is offline Associate Member
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    I love the eq. Gets me huge. I thought eq Doesent raise dht tho

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A friend has put on 25 lbs on it so far and he is in week 8.
    This is likely not at all because of the eq other than it making him more hungry it is a useless compound and he is probably getting bloated from test.

  5. #5
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    No actually he is getting pretty hard and veiny. But he is on 500 mg test and 600 EQ.

  6. #6
    georgewbush is offline New Member
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    drop the test and finasteride, both of those are garbage and run deca instead. it's the easiest on your hair though you have to run a bit more than test-e because nandrolone decanoate contains only 50% hormone while the rest is the decanoate ester.

    i'd suggest running npp first for a few weeks to see how you feel on nandrolone and if you like it then i would continue the npp and add deca while phasing out the npp.

    eq is great but can cause hairloss. all of the steroids will cause hairloss to those prone to hairloss and eq isn't one of the easier ones on the hair so take that into consideration when you are running a total combined weekly steroid dosage nearing a gram.

  7. #7
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    i dont think its the eq that makes you huge,vascular and hard looking yes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Sinn View Post
    I love the eq. Gets me huge. I thought eq Doesent raise dht tho

  8. #8
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I have used a lot of EQ,i never had a hairloss issue with it.It does make you more vascular and thickens your blood,it does not not convert to DHT and the estrogen conversion is very small. It does increase your apetite.It is not useless,if yours is not working its probably fake or inert.
    It doesnt bloat you like decca.Nobody or i should nobody should use any steroid without test at least a little bit of test,its the test that cause the hairloss not the EQ,you cant single out the Eq as causing the hairloss when your using test and EQ together.Some people are more prone to hair loss when using steroids ,some are not.I have done over 30 cycles and i still have all my hair,and i have done cycles with a lot test and EQ and some with Tren also.The only thing i have used that made my hair fall out is masteron ,but it grew back after i stopped the cycle.

  9. #9
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^^^^ nice post.

  10. #10
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I call bullshit on anyone who tells me they've gained notable size form EQ. As i've said before..... I ran it at 1000mg's/wk and saw NOTHING. It's a waste of money, time, and space inside the syringe. How come every compound i've used from the same supplier has had a noticable effect but the EQ didn't seem to do anything?

    Everyone likes to claim that EQ works but no one wants to try 600mg's/wk by itself for 14 weeks. If everyone is worried about not running test with it then run the lowest possible ammount and i guarantee you the results will be the same.

    In the end..... it's your money and time. Do as you wish.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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