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  1. #1
    DesPr8's Avatar
    DesPr8 is offline Associate Member
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    Do think you Clen/T3/Var is right for me?

    Im 33 y.o 6'2" 200lbs dont really know my BF and its kinda hard to tell with some loose skin that I have from loosing a lot of weight previously.
    Did hgh for a few months and it got way too expensive and all it did was make me hairy,horny and hungry.

    I want to burn some stubborn fat that Ive had issues with, without loosing any muscle.

    I'm thinking of doing Clen and noticed that its commonly stacked with T3.(I dont know why)
    And also doing Anavar since its a bit more on the mild side.(maybe skipping the var and just Clen/T3)

    I'm looking for strengths gain while getting lean and almost NO bad side effects.
    I'm doing hgh cause from what I've seen its pretty good without any of the crazy aas side effects like loss of hair, pimple and low sex drive etc etc.
    My libido is already a bit on the low side so I would not want anything to lower it even more lol.
    Looking at it as my noob cycle if I ever decide to kick it up one day.

    So do you think I should go this route? I'm looking for a bit of guidance and any recommendations.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Have ago at clen on its own first mate, it works wonders for me, start at 40mcgs and work upto 120mcgs for two weeks. Do 2 weeks on, 2weeks off and then 2 weeks on again and report back...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Todd the truth is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DesPr8

    I'm looking for strengths gain while getting lean and almost NO bad side effects.

    My libido is already a bit on the low side so I would not want anything to lower it even more
    Your looking for the perfect steroid . Why not try ECA stack? What does your diet look like? What does your workout look like? Clen , ECA, and T3 aren't without side effects you won't have libido problems but they come with their own unique sides like sweating, anxiety, high blood pressure, and insomnia .

  4. #4
    DesPr8's Avatar
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    Im not looking for the perfect steroid just one that wont wont mess me up long term. I can take a few sides but if it gets me in the hospital then its not worth it for me. Besides I really dont wanna jump into anything too fast.
    My diet is shit currently and my workouts is weak, but I was on a break and im starting to get myself in check again. After doing clen ,t3 and var are there any pct's i gotta do?

  5. #5
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Todd raised some good points, paramount to which is diet. The compounds you're considering won't do much of anything on a poor diet, so I'm glad to hear you're back in the proverbial saddle. Do you have a sound weight training regimen, as mentioned by Todd?

    You cited loose skin earlier. How much weight did you lose and how quickly? 6'2'', 200lbs sounds good, but these particular compounds don't lend themselves well to high bf which frustrates many. You should be able to locate a BF scale or get caliper measured at a local gym. It's always good to know your starting points to monitor progress.
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  6. #6
    DesPr8's Avatar
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    I was a sloppy 270lb at my highest weight ever, no exercise besides playing xbox and shoveling food down my pipe.
    Then I quit smoking and gained more weight, but atleast I quit smoking. I started doing a little cardio, then some p90x and then started running and going to the gym for the past 2 years
    Trying to change my body composition since I didnt have much to begin with.
    Was using hgh just to see if it would fix my skin and maybe fix me up but gh is expensive and long term

  7. #7
    Todd the truth is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DesPr8
    I was a sloppy 270lb at my highest weight ever, no exercise besides playing xbox and shoveling food down my pipe.
    Then I quit smoking and gained more weight, but atleast I quit smoking. I started doing a little cardio, then some p90x and then started running and going to the gym for the past 2 years
    Trying to change my body composition since I didnt have much to begin with.
    Was using hgh just to see if it would fix my skin and maybe fix me up but gh is expensive and long term
    Good job on the lifestyle change and and the weight loss, it sounds like you've done everything right. You joints and heart have taken some abuse with the smoking and being over weight. be careful with the B2 agonists like Ephedra and clen they tax your heart more. Higher heart rates = less time in diastole and diastole is not only when the heart chambers fill, its when blood flows through your cardiac arteries and oxygenated the cardiac muscle (can't perfuse cardiac muscle when it's contracted during systole) If you are in a rapid heart rate all day your cardiac muscle is not being oxygenated properly all day and then you add other stressors like a heavy workout and / increased body temperature which will both increase cardiac muscle oxygenation demand on an already stressed cardiac muscle =. B2 agonists (specifically Ephedra) also have A1 agonist properties which mean they increase BP by increasing blood return to the heart by peripheral vasoconstriction and smoking causes chronic peripheral vasoconstriction, so you may be eliciting peripheral oxygen supply and demand deficit while working out with the drugs. I re-read my post and just wanted to make sure you know your not f****** around with an 18 year old heart. I think (not scientific) these drugs may promote weight loss more by extending workouts and increasing workout intensity then from a slight increase in basal metabolic rate.

  8. #8
    DesPr8's Avatar
    DesPr8 is offline Associate Member
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    I might do clen alone but I also want to get stronger so would you do anavar & clen and skip the t3? (or maybe any other aas)
    I appreciate the help guys please let me know soon cause I'm gonna put in a order with my connect and I like ordering in one shot everything I'll need.
    And are there any PCT's i gotta do?

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