hey fellas, a friend of mine had gyno surgery about 6 months ago and he assumed that he could not get gyno again. i told him not to assume anything and get some nolva but he did not listen.
well he told me last week he thinks he was gettin gyno again. and that he felt lumps and it was sore. i had some nolva.
i started him on 40mg/day for the first few days and then when he said it started feeling better i have him on 20mg/day now.
what do you guys think is that ok or should he get something else as well.
also i figured that he should stay on the nolva for at least 2 months. what do you think?
he was on dbol for 4 weeks and is only on 200mg/week of test cyp right now.
thanks for any input guys. H Bomb