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  1. #1
    lilmax34 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    i need advice on cycle guys as many opinions as posible thanks

    ive been lifting on and off for years. i gained about 40lbs in the last year being confined if you know what i mean. anyway, i want to lose some wieght before i run a test cycle with any sust..... so i know for sure im getting some clen and some letrozole to help with some gyno issues form before, i was thinking maybe some winstrol or trem or equipiose. im staying away from t3 i think my thyrods screwed up enough but be honest would like a few differant opinions but will take all in consideration im 6'2'' 250 like i said the last year i put on 30lbs all i could do is push-ups where i was. so let me know guys for your time and knowlege

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    Welcome to the best board around !!

    glad you are no longer confined. First I would get your diet in check over in the diet section. Look around at some of those diets that may fit where your body is at now and what your particular goals are. Second, the diet along with cardio may help with the gyno some before you need to hit the letro. You could use the clen but wait until you get your diet going a few weeks. Third, don't start the cycle until you get your body fat below 15% so your side effects will hopefully be minimal

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