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Thread: Anavar for quick fat loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Anavar for quick fat loss

    Ok so im not totally sure I want to do this but i would like an opinion from the guys who know what they are doing. I am 18, 5/7 and about 87kg's, I like my frame but I have heaps of fat on me. I love lifting and have been doing it for a couple of years but I think its time I lost this fat. I am seeing a nutritionist tomorrow to get my diet sorted out and I will be pushing the cardio a bit more, but I want faster results. I am VERY new to steroids and I am only just considering doing it, I know traditionally they are used for muscle gains but this Anavar seems to be the exact king of thing im looking for. It supports fat loss while producing hard muscle (apparently). The only thing stopping me is A. the risks involved, yes I am still scared by the media and B. Obtaining it, but please im not looking for places to buy it i dont want to break the rules (I have read the rules and respect them). I would like results in 3 months (yes I know its lame but I would like abs), do you think I can do it with a strict diet and lots of cardio and do you think Anavar would have a big effect on my fat loss/muscle gain? Also, do you think I should speak to a nutritionist about steroids, are they the kind of professionals who respect privacy and would they know about them and I know this is on the limits of the rules but is there any kind of doctor who can prescribe steroids (please dont answer this question if you think you/I am breaking the rules).
    Thanks for reading, Newbie.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Bad idea.
    Have you tried dieting and doing lots of cardio?
    That works much better than just taking Anavar, without the cost and risks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    With a good diet and Cardio it wouldn't be unrealistic for you to lose 24-36lbs (11-16kgs) in 3 months and up to 5% bodyfat. Any knowledgable person on here will tell you that because of your age and the fact that you have "heaps of fat" you are not ready for AAS. It's just not a good idea. Go to the diet forums and see what guys are doing without resorting to steroids.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    thanks mate, will do

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    As for asking the nutritionist about steroids, should I do that or will that just be a waste of time?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Well, if you're going to listen to advice given to you on here and not do AAS....why do you even need to ask him/her? Plus I highly doubt any nutritionist is actually going to give/recommend steroids because you want to drop a little weight. They would more likely recommend liposuction before AAS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I haven't totally ruled doing AAS but I have taken your advice, I will put a little more research into it and maybe when I loose the weight I will want to start gaining muscle, the nutritionist might be able to provide me with some information that I didnt know about steroids, I know they wouldn't condone it but they might have a good medical insight.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    Maybe, but doubtful. Give it shot and let us know what they say.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Espada View Post
    I haven't totally ruled doing AAS but I have taken your advice, I will put a little more research into it and maybe when I loose the weight I will want to start gaining muscle, the nutritionist might be able to provide me with some information that I didnt know about steroids, I know they wouldn't condone it but they might have a good medical insight.
    A snowball's chance in hell.

    Besides, 18 year olds and AAS do not mix.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Ok well I will rule them out then, I have been reading other posts and I think Ive got my head around it now. Could you give me any estimation on what I could do in 3 months with an extreme diet and intense cardio?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Espada View Post
    Ok well I will rule them out then, I have been reading other posts and I think Ive got my head around it now. Could you give me any estimation on what I could do in 3 months with an extreme diet and intense cardio?
    That depends on you. No way for me to know.
    And why does it have to be 3 months? This isn't a race.

  12. #12
    3 months is a long time brah u can lose anywhere from 12-24 lbs of fat. i'd say keep it in the middle and hope for 18ish lbs. The main thing is diet when it comes to shedding fat. when bulking u might be able to get away with cake here and there but when cutting if u go over your caloric limit that's a day wasted it comes down to the basic math.

    roids dont help in cuts in the long term (yea some raise bmr a bit and some dry u out but that's for people stepping on stage) they help in retaining mass and/or gaining mass while leaning out.

    plus ure 18

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    That depends on you. No way for me to know.
    And why does it have to be 3 months? This isn't a race.
    Hey, great having a vet on my post. Well I say 3 months because ive got 3 months till Uni goes back, so i have 3 months of absolute free time and im planning to really get into shape. If you could suggest anything that could make it faster it would be greatly appreciated. It doesnt even have to be about AAS I have been reading the diet page but since ive got a vets attention ill use it .

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    thanks for the reply mate, what ratio of cardio/weights should i be doing and how much/what type of cardio would you suggest

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