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  1. #1
    MAKAVELI The Don's Avatar
    MAKAVELI The Don is offline New Member
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    Deca & Andriol testocaps 40mg

    hay brothers;

    I am planning on duing my 4th cycle "Hair Loss Free",,
    So, would i experience any hair loss if i used two pills of andriol testocaps 40mg a day during my Deca 500mg/wk cycle?
    i read that two pills a day is the lowest you could go to prvent any erictile disfuntion?
    Or, would it be better doing 100mg/wk Test E. instead?
    I only want to use test for erictile disfuction prevention and not for gains and for as less as posible hair loss.


    - 94kg
    - 4th cycle
    - 6 ft
    - 32 years old

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    80mg a day of andriol is nothing, most run it at 320mg (8 caps) a day which makes it expensive. And as far as im aware it is run for 4 or 6 weeks max which isnt long enough for the deca to have much effect. 100mg of test e is no where near enough thats a low trt dose and deca is a 19nor( which means it shut you down hard) and will do nothing for you unless your on/needing trt. 250mg- 500mg week would be a far more effective dose, if its only to keep libido then 250mg should suffice, what does your cycle history look like? have you got a pct planned and an a.i for on cycle, have you considered using hcg during cycle? how long do you plan on running the cycle for?

  3. #3
    MAKAVELI The Don's Avatar
    MAKAVELI The Don is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    80mg a day of andriol is nothing, most run it at 320mg (8 caps) a day which makes it expensive. And as far as im aware it is run for 4 or 6 weeks max which isnt long enough for the deca to have much effect. 100mg of test e is no where near enough thats a low trt dose and deca is a 19nor( which means it shut you down hard) and will do nothing for you unless your on/needing trt. 250mg- 500mg week would be a far more effective dose, if its only to keep libido then 250mg should suffice, what does your cycle history look like? have you got a pct planned and an a.i for on cycle, have you considered using hcg during cycle? how long do you plan on running the cycle for?

    Thanx a lot Bro,, I am fine with PCT I’ve done it three times already, my concern here is to avoid anymore hair loss sides, hence, I want to understand how low can I go with Test during my 12 week Deca cycle to avoid DHT build up and the resulting hair loss. “only to keep libido”.

    On the Steroid .com Andriol profile you may find the following: quote - “Despite all of its problems, if I had the money to run 10-15 caps of Andriol/day, and if I were looking for a stand-alone oral compound to safely run for a full cycle (of perhaps 12 weeks), then I have to admit, Andriol would be my #1 choice.” Which means Andriol can actually be used for a full 12 wk cycle.

    As to ur other questions, I am planning on using Caber, and Clen (cycled 2 wks on 2wks off) instead of an AI during cycle to stay dry and Gyne free. I’ve done a DBol - Test E cycle, a Tren Hex - Test Prop cycle & an Eq - Test Prop cycle.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    it sounds to me like you should go get your blood panels taken and see where your total/free test is at, amongst other things. That way, instead of self administering/diagnosing, you will know for sure what is going on.

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