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Thread: AI on cycle. YES or NO?

  1. #1

    AI on cycle. YES or NO?

    I see many people advise using aromasin or armidex on cycle as a preventative measure, but I also see tons of people saying its not necessary and to only have it on hand in case of estrogen sides.

    I understand the "better safe than sorry" type thinking, but im basically wondering if its overkill to run it from start. As in, maybe its too safe?

    what to do?

    Do i really need an AI from start or should I wait?
    How much of an impact will it have on my gains if i run it from start compared to if I dont run it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    as long as you dont kill your estro levels it will not hurt gains. The goal is to keep them in the normal range. And unless you have bloodwork done you really cant tell.

    i onlt take if needed personally. I try and take as little drugs as possible.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    as long as you dont kill your estro levels it will not hurt gains. The goal is to keep them in the normal range. And unless you have bloodwork done you really cant tell.

    i onlt take if needed personally. I try and take as little drugs as possible.
    I agree that one should take as little as possible in most circumstances.

    Estrogen is a potent carcinogen in males, causing a host of side effects including, CHD, prostate cancer, gyno,, increased BP and other cancers.

    Its not something that should be elevated EVER.

    Aromasin 10mg/ED.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I agree that one should take as little as possible in most circumstances.

    Estrogen is a potent carcinogen in males, causing a host of side effects including, CHD, prostate cancer, gyno,, increased BP and other cancers.

    Its not something that should be elevated EVER.

    Aromasin 10mg/ED.
    Isn't it not true though, that even AI's over time can cause a negative impact on ones health as well? How do you go about weighing out the benefit to risk ratio of either running an AI or not? Strictly from a "health" standpoint

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dann3 View Post
    I see many people advise using aromasin or armidex on cycle as a preventative measure, but I also see tons of people saying its not necessary and to only have it on hand in case of estrogen sides.

    I understand the "better safe than sorry" type thinking, but im basically wondering if its overkill to run it from start. As in, maybe its too safe?

    what to do?

    Do i really need an AI from start or should I wait?
    How much of an impact will it have on my gains if i run it from start compared to if I dont run it?

    IMO I think they are a must in most cases. I think its better to prevent something
    from happening then waiting until it's sometimes too late
    and estrogen raises its ugly head. Getting the dosage correct and not running to much is key.

  6. #6
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    I've had it on hand, but not once used it in over 13 years of cycling. Just saying...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I've had it on hand, but not once used it in over 13 years of cycling. Just saying...
    Your one of the lucky ones then. Thats great though. Some guys have no problems while others can just look at a bottle
    of DBOL and get gyno.

  8. #8
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    I no longer take AI's, when I use them I develop immediate joint pain particularly in the neck. Of course since I am over 50 and have put my body through a lot of abuse in my younger years this may have a lot to do with it. The strange thing is when I started using gear a few years ago I would aromatize pretty easily on moderate test cycles. Now I am on TRT and can do gram plus multicompound blasts with no symptoms whatsoever, of course my body fat has dropped quite a bit so that probably plays a big part in it. Still I am curious if anyone else has noticed a dramitic change in their bodies ability to deal with sides.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Your one of the lucky ones then. Thats great though. Some guys have no problems while others can just look at a bottle
    of DBOL and get gyno.
    Yeah, very fortunate indeed. Some of my friends also have to deal w/loss of hair as well. But even w/those sides, i'd still use AAS. No doubt about it.

  10. #10
    thanks for all the input guys. appreciate it. I have some follow up questions tho;

    why not just go with letro on cycle then. since it "only" stops 95% conversion i will still have 5% estrogen left. Is 5% estro not enough?

    how much is enough? what is considered "killing estro levels"? 50%,70%,80%,90% etc...??

    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I agree that one should take as little as possible in most circumstances.

    Estrogen is a potent carcinogen in males, causing a host of side effects including, CHD, prostate cancer, gyno,, increased BP and other cancers.

    Its not something that should be elevated EVER.

    Aromasin 10mg/ED.
    why aromasin over adex?

    from what ive understood adex only inhibits 50% conversion, while aromasin as high as 80%. wouldnt it be wiser to opt for adex so that I still have sufficient estro production?

    again, how much is enough? 80% inhibition from armomasin wont affect gains?
    Last edited by dann3; 12-11-2011 at 08:41 AM.

  11. #11
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    Im curious a bout letros use on cycle as well.

  12. #12
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    From my understanding A-dex occupies the aromatase enzymes and when you discontinue you can have a estrogen rebound. Aromasin kills the enzyme. But dont fret, you will produce more.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chevroletstud View Post
    Im curious a bout letros use on cycle as well.
    i have been told that letro is an over kill...stick with aromasin or adex

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    Why is everyone typing in blue? lol

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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical engineer View Post
    From my understanding A-dex occupies the aromatase enzymes and when you discontinue you can have a estrogen rebound. Aromasin kills the enzyme. But dont fret, you will produce more.
    correct, i simply tapered my adex down last time and had no rebound side effects at all

  16. #16
    i used liquid esemestane on cycle as apreventative measure. I took 12.5mg or half a cc eod. the only negative effect i had was towards the end of cycle i had slight ed bc i was eliminating to much estro and u need some for erecetions..

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