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Thread: First cycle..did research. Kinda flip floppin between things..Help Me Out

  1. #1

    First cycle..did research. Kinda flip floppin between things..Help Me Out

    short n sweet. Check it out.

    Week 1-12_500mg(per week) Testosterone Ethanate (inject monday at around 4pm 250mg. Thursday 250mg 4pm)

    Week 1-4_Winny (to boost the cycle of test)

    Week 1-12_Armidex (to keep gyno away and lower estrogen due to high test?)

    *then during week 13 and 14 i am planning on dropping EVERYTHING and staying in the weight room**

    Week 14-16? (2 weeks? maybe more?) RUN PCT**-NOLVA AND HCG

    ...ok thats bout it fellas. Im not sure at all on the doses of things. winny im not sure maybe 30 mg a day split between 3 tabs??? i dont know what does to take the armidex everyday? or everyother day? and for PCT i need help on the doses of NOLVA and HCG?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    what re your stats and goals

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    new jersey
    Doesn't sound like you did much research at all of you font know any doses and at 18 years old, you risk permanently damaging your endocrine system and hpta

  4. #4
    Im about 220lbs. 5ft 10inches. been lifting since 6th grade i am now a senior. Started doing it very seriously for about 2 full years now. I know alot of stuff more than it sounds but im kind of asking alota of ?s to get more oppinions and thoughts instead of stateing facts. But anyway yes im 18 yrs old almost 19. My buddies ran cycles of test and did very well and kept alot of gains btw i know ALOT of people that ran cycles in this age and are fine. As long as you run pct right better yet the whole cycle. But im open to everyones thoughts it jus seems like everyone says HPTA and ENDOCRINE system but honestly everyone i kno that did a cycle did it at around 18. NOTTT saying its right. but Bodybuilding is my life.

  5. #5
    220 5 10 at what bodyfat percentage?

  6. #6
    id say 15 20ish...not sure on that could be higher could be lower

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MjDub724
    id say 15 20ish...not sure on that could be higher could be lower
    Lol, yeah and my weight is 150-200ish might be higher might be lower

  8. #8
    lol id say 15 broooo...sorry im not sure on that

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Welcome to the board mate!

    Sounds like you need to do more learning. first of all, not knowing your BF%, saying somewhere between 15 and 20% is only guessing. The solution is to pry open that dusty wallet of yours and kick out the $20 for a set of BF calipers. this is the set me and my son got
    Accu-Measure Fitness 3000
    the main benefit, besides cost and qualtiy, is that this is one of the few sets where you can easily check yourself.

    Next, you need to familarize yourself with the RISKS (not just benefits) of taking drugs to try to gain muscle. Read this:

    and this...

    and this...

    now here's the part where I try to scare some sense into you...

    by taking steroids now, you run the risk, a real risk of developing the following symptoms:
    limp dik
    low libido (not interested in fukking your woman)
    high blood pressure
    high cholestoral
    AND you run the risk of shutting down your natural test production early in life, requiring hormone therapy.

    Mate, these are all old man's diseases. I was just talking to a bloke in another thread that started taking steroids at 18, now he's 30. He's gained alot of weight, not interested in sex, physical strength is gone. Why would you want to take a chance like this when you don't have to? Your body is still increasing it's natural test production!

    Steroids are the last thing to consider. how's the diet? Why don't you go to the diet section and post your diet.
    Bet Gbrice will be able to really take a good look and show you some opportunities for improvement.

    Speaking of diet, know anything about Macros and why they are import? No? then read this:

    Know anything about your BMR/TDEE and why that is also important? No? then read this:

    Know anything about a proper diet to bulk, WITHOUT taking steroids? No? then read this:

    Not too many will disagree that if your diet isn't dialed in, and you are not consuming enough food, you will not gain, regardless of whether you are taking steroids or not.

    Take some time, read the material I've given you, then come back if you have any questions.

    Fair enough?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Todd the truth View Post
    Lol, yeah and my weight is 150-200ish might be higher might be lower
    LOL Thats good one...

  11. #11
    yea man thanks i really want to to get big and cut and just JACKED. but ill say forget it. i needa good diet tho to pack on muscle im willing to do anything...i think i need to cut carbs bc im not trying to have this much fat neither but **** it i give up

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    new jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by MjDub724
    yea man thanks i really want to to get big and cut and just JACKED. but ill say forget it. i needa good diet tho to pack on muscle im willing to do anything...i think i need to cut carbs bc im not trying to have this much fat neither but **** it i give up
    This is one reason you shouldn't be using aas.. You shouldn't give up.. Change your diet.. Eat a lot more and put on some natural muscle until your 24-25

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Welcome to the board mate!

    Sounds like you need to do more learning. first of all, not knowing your BF%, saying somewhere between 15 and 20% is only guessing. The solution is to pry open that dusty wallet of yours and kick out the $20 for a set of BF calipers. this is the set me and my son got
    Accu-Measure Fitness 3000
    the main benefit, besides cost and qualtiy, is that this is one of the few sets where you can easily check yourself.

    Next, you need to familarize yourself with the RISKS (not just benefits) of taking drugs to try to gain muscle. Read this:

    and this...

    and this...

    now here's the part where I try to scare some sense into you...

    by taking steroids now, you run the risk, a real risk of developing the following symptoms:
    limp dik
    low libido (not interested in fukking your woman)
    high blood pressure
    high cholestoral
    AND you run the risk of shutting down your natural test production early in life, requiring hormone therapy.

    Mate, these are all old man's diseases. I was just talking to a bloke in another thread that started taking steroids at 18, now he's 30. He's gained alot of weight, not interested in sex, physical strength is gone. Why would you want to take a chance like this when you don't have to? Your body is still increasing it's natural test production!

    Steroids are the last thing to consider. how's the diet? Why don't you go to the diet section and post your diet.
    Bet Gbrice will be able to really take a good look and show you some opportunities for improvement.

    Speaking of diet, know anything about Macros and why they are import? No? then read this:

    Know anything about your BMR/TDEE and why that is also important? No? then read this:

    Know anything about a proper diet to bulk, WITHOUT taking steroids? No? then read this:

    Not too many will disagree that if your diet isn't dialed in, and you are not consuming enough food, you will not gain, regardless of whether you are taking steroids or not.

    Take some time, read the material I've given you, then come back if you have any questions.

    Fair enough?
    This is what i'm talking about!! Thanks Roman for spending the time and trying your best to educate.

    You went above and beyond. And OP, please take his advice as he knows what he is talking about.

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