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Thread: First time need cycle help.

  1. #1

    First time need cycle help.

    First i know i should look for information before asking but im asking in particular because i am pretty light and dont want to over do it.

    im 22 weigh 115 pounds have been working out and have tried eating 5000+ cals a day. tried it all.

    i want to start a cycle and was thinking test e and dbol, can you guys help me come up with a good cycle and pct? would be appreciated. im obviously looking for pure bulking.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    SO. CA.
    if you dont have a tape worm then you should get some blood work done first. you can find what tests you should run in the EDUCATIONAL thrread at the top of this board i believe. if every thing is ok and you still insist on steroids then 250mg to start of TEST Enanthate a week for 2 months would probably work. then some Nolvadex for PCT
    Last edited by TED66; 12-03-2011 at 12:58 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmar3 View Post
    First i know i should look for information before asking but im asking in particular because i am pretty light and dont want to over do it.

    im 22 weigh 115 pounds have been working out and have tried eating 5000+ cals a day. tried it all.

    i want to start a cycle and was thinking test e and dbol, can you guys help me come up with a good cycle and pct? would be appreciated. im obviously looking for pure bulking.
    How tall are you? Do you have any medical conditions that contribute to your low weight? For what period of time did you consume 5k cal. with no results? What is the average size of your male relatives; dad or brother?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    How tall are you? Do you have any medical conditions that contribute to your low weight? For what period of time did you consume 5k cal. with no results? What is the average size of your male relatives; dad or brother?
    no thyroid problems been to several doctors who insist its just the way my body is and my matabolism is just extremly fast, my father was about my size for alot of his life until he got older and my mother is pretty small too.. i consumed 5k calories a day for about 3 months straight with normal meals and weight gainer, i was working out and on countless other supps aswell ( weight gainer, protien, casien protine, bcaa, creatine, multi vitamine) i gained about 5 pounds over thoes 3 months. so it isnt health related. and im 5'7 btw.

    Quote Originally Posted by TED66 View Post
    if you dont have a tape worm then you should get some blood work done first. you can find what tests you should run in the EDUCATIONAL thrread at the top of this board i believe. if every thing is ok and you still insist on steroids then 250mg to start of TEST Enanthate a week for 2 months would probably work. then some Nolvadex for PCT
    Thanks for the response.
    Last edited by nightmar3; 12-03-2011 at 01:56 AM.

  5. #5
    Thank you for your reply. The problem with your weight being static at 115 needs to be addressed prior to considering steroids. You tried 5k a day and it only lead to just above maintenance results. If thats true your metabolism is in hyper drive and/or your daily output is very high. A lot of guys make the mistake of running juice to solve their nutrient deficiencies. The results are typically a small amount of forced lead gains; which quickly waste away after the user stops.

  6. #6
    well thanks for the honest input much appreciated. maybe its time to see a nutritionist first and see what happens.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by nightmar3 View Post
    well thanks for the honest input much appreciated. maybe its time to see a nutritionist first and see what happens.
    If you have access to a nutritionist that's awesome. A lot of guys here would jump at that! I would not get down on yourself either. Everyone here has strong points and week points. Some guys have to struggle to pack on every ounce; others have to count every calorie to avoid looking like a teletubby.

    Also steroids are only one part of this forum. There are many sections on here that are relevant regardless of using steroids or not. So hang around!

  8. #8
    dont have access to one gotta see what i can do. i hear what your saying but i might give it a shot. im gunna give the doctor another try. but if that fails i might have to give this a shot. would rather be safe about it which is why i was asking someone was talking to me about trying a test e dbol cycle to see if it works well for me. just didnt want to be unsafe about the dosages considering my size. but i have taken your words into consideration it wasnt a waste of typing dont worry . rather be safe about it if i decide to take the other route tho.

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