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Thread: Deca and Tren

  1. #1

    Deca and Tren

    Some stats..
    age: approx 30
    height 6.1
    weight 220lbs
    bf: 17-18 %

    nowdays after two months training.
    bench: 10 reps at 220lbs
    squat: 20 reps at 240lbs
    deads: 10 reps at 330lbs

    I just came back from a 4 years old break and thats my current stats. Before that break i did alot of cycles with many diffrent compounds.

    my goal is to be as big as possible, i dont care how strong i am.

    I have searched alot on the web about mixing those two and mostly i read is parrotpeople or posthunters without experience. It can cause prog sides if doses are high i know. I have also read that people grows like hell on it. Does anyone have experience with both? what would you choose? anything you would change from these two cycles?

    Test C: 250mg / Week 1-22
    Deca: 200mg / Week 1-10 | 300mg Week 11-19
    Tren E: 200mg / Week 1-10 | 300mg Week 11-20
    back to trt

    Dbol 20mg as front
    Test C: 250mg / Week 1-22
    Deca: 400mg / Week 1-10 | 200mg Week 11-18
    Tren E: 300mg / Week 11-20
    back to trt

    lets discuss this once and for all so it will be informative to others if they use the searchbutton

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    you want to be big thats fine. but without being rude 18% and then adding mass you are sure you increase bf%

    so really you want to be big/ fat?????

    if you dont care about the BF level than its fine. just lower the better when cycling to avoid sife effects.

    choose deca or tren dont run both.

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