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  1. #1
    testchef's Avatar
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    4th cycle please critique

    hello all im looking into my next cycle and just looking for anyones oppinions on what ive thought of doing before i start buying.

    test p 700mg
    tren a 700mg
    mast 400mg
    equip 400mg
    d.boll 40mg am 40mg pm 1-4 weeks
    these are mg per week and shall be a 16 week cycle.

    goals- gain lean muscle keep b.f down strength gains.

    this will be my 4th cycle ive used test p and tren a before in my last cycle and handled the tren sides pretty well .

    6.4 ft
    17.6 stone
    29 years old

    pct will be tamoxifen

    as these compounds are low eastrogen converters il be running a.dex at .5 mg ed
    (do u think this is sufficient?)

    i have 6 weeks to go until id like to start this and will be doing alot of cardio to try drop bf a little more
    diets looking clean have done alot more research on micros and diet in general so am feeling good about that

    any comments or critisisms thanks

  2. #2
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    id say ur to high in body fat to start another cycle. cut down to at least 15% for sides. as for ur compounds the eq is useless at that dose, and masterone u wont see any benifits with being so high in body fat. masterone is only worth it when ur around 8% and under, it gives u a nice dry look, which u will not be seeing for along time. unless u wanna run it for the anti estrogen benifits, even still not worth it, just get sum amiridex.

    id say the dbol is not needed aswell. the tren A kicks in just as fast as the dbol. ur adding more stress onto your liver and when ur at 700 a week of tren a,u really dont need that. plus ur high bodyfat, will the dbol ur gonna blow up like a balloon. if i was you id stick with just the test and tren. 700 tren a week should lean u up and give u a huge strength gain. shoot ed with that dose to help with sides. 16 weeks is a long cycle of tren a, but im not gonna say anything as im running 20 weeks at the same dose with higher test. best of luck and enjoy the gains.

  3. #3
    testchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    id say ur to high in body fat to start another cycle. Cut down to at least 15% for sides. As for ur compounds the eq is useless at that dose, and masterone u wont see any benifits with being so high in body fat. Masterone is only worth it when ur around 8% and under, it gives u a nice dry look, which u will not be seeing for along time. Unless u wanna run it for the anti estrogen benifits, even still not worth it, just get sum amiridex.

    Id say the dbol is not needed aswell. The tren a kicks in just as fast as the dbol. Ur adding more stress onto your liver and when ur at 700 a week of tren a,u really dont need that. Plus ur high bodyfat, will the dbol ur gonna blow up like a balloon. If i was you id stick with just the test and tren. 700 tren a week should lean u up and give u a huge strength gain. Shoot ed with that dose to help with sides. 16 weeks is a long cycle of tren a, but im not gonna say anything as im running 20 weeks at the same dose with higher test. Best of luck and enjoy the gains.
    thought the eq and mast would give good definition after dropping body fat abit ?
    Still have 6 weeks hard cardio in line before starting cycling again .

  4. #4
    testchef's Avatar
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    bump ....................

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    So you plan on running all compounds for 16 weeks w/the exception being the d-bol? PCT is off and insufficient.

    Let's take a look at your diet...

  6. #6
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    way to many compounds,, at least drop the eq and dbol . What are your goals

  7. #7
    testchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    So you plan on running all compounds for 16 weeks w/the exception being the d-bol? PCT is off and insufficient.

    Let's take a look at your diet...
    7am oatmeal
    protien shake

    10am tuna salad

    1pm chicken *2 breast brown pasta veg olive oil

    3pm pre wo shake maltidextrose

    4pm post work out shake
    brown rice and chicken or turkey

    7pm 2* steaks (beef) lean

    10pm protien shake
    fish and salad

    carbs-180g =720 cal
    pro -261g =1044cal
    fat -57g =504 cal
    tdee =2304cal
    yes planning to run all for 16 weeks
    whats ur critisms with pct?


  8. #8
    testchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    way to many compounds,, at least drop the eq and dbol. What are your goals
    goals are to gain lean body mass
    and good - excellent strenght gains

    next 6 weeks looking to hammer cardio to cut bf

  9. #9
    testchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    way to many compounds,, at least drop the eq and dbol. What are your goals
    why would you choose to drop eq over mast ?

  10. #10
    redz's Avatar
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    why would you choose to drop eq over mast ?
    EQ is worthless..... All I got from it was constant hunger at 600mg/week.

  11. #11
    testchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    EQ is worthless..... All I got from it was constant hunger at 600mg/week.
    really pretty shit then.
    you ever done mast ?

  12. #12
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you ever done mast ?
    No but I have it for my next cycle.

  13. #13
    testchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    No but I have it for my next cycle.
    what you running it with ? how long ?

  14. #14
    redz's Avatar
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    I`m taking the longer ester Mast E. I`ll be running 400mg for 10-12 weeks or so along with some Tren and Test E.

  15. #15
    testchef's Avatar
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    STPETE diet is up for you
    Last edited by testchef; 12-14-2011 at 01:00 PM.

  16. #16
    testchef's Avatar
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