12-08-2011, 12:14 PM #1
some insight would be greatly appreciated...please
alright ill try to keep this short and sweet. a little background info. im 30 yrs old, 6 ft. been lifting since high school while playing ball. past 5-6 years, ive been lifting very seriously 4-6 days a week. completed a few half-marathons, one earlier this year. my dead lift is around low-to-mid 400s, raw, to give you an idea of strength. i jog, lift, run sprints, bleachers, heavy bag work regularly. in other words, i like to think im in pretty good shape.
never ran a cycle, never was against it, just wasnt ready. earlier this year i got hooked up with a guy earlier this year from my brother-in-law that had the gear. he had bought oral winnie from him a few times, that is all. i picked up 120 25 mg winnie tabs, and 10ml of deca 250 and nolva. it is ugl. i know, i know i should have test in there. but to be fair, i know more than a few people that ran just those two and had pretty good results. i saw it with my own eyes. anyhow, my wife is due with our first child in feb. and w/ work and school, i thought i better start now, while i have some time to my self.
i have always been pretty good at manipulating my weight, 185 is about average for me. been as low as 160 and as high as low 200s, even in the same year. before i started, i fell of pretty hard training and diet wise, like i never have before. felt pretty bad. was weighing 193. been pretty down cuz ive been worried about my unborn daughter, but i got back in the gym for a good month and started with the deca/winnie stack. 50 mg win. e/d, deca a little over 300 mg once a week. the first couple of weeks, i was gaining weight steady, i was up from 193 to 199 in about a week and a half, then it started going backwards. just took my fourth shot this past monday, im at 196. i guess i do feel stronger, but im not sure if its in my mind. i cant decide if this stuff is legit. some days im sure it is, other days i have my doubts.
so i guess im asking, from what ive told you, do you think its legit? i cant see that dude, which i have met up with a couple of times, standing behind has shit if it was bootleg. i dont think i come off as a mark, but who knows. i have been eating in a calorie surplus, training like a monster. the good news is i love lifting, its the high point of my day. i will be doing this till the day i die, with or without the sauce, but if i found out this guy is having me injecting some bullshit in my ass, i dont know what i would do to that guy. he is a mammoth, but i would do some pretty bad things if i found that out.
i know deca is slow acting, and i take that into account. and who knows, the next four weeks might be bad-ass. but shouldnt i have gained more than four pounds at this point? maybe im doing it wrong, who knows. he was test e, thinking about adding it now. also, my hair is def. thinning, so im convinced the winnie is working. but it doesnt make sense that one would work and not the other. then he said he was whatever and its readily available if i knew enough people and wanted to move some for him. i just cant see him saying that if it was bunk. anyway, i really do appreciate anyone who took the time to read all this and reply. i know its a lot, just felt like i needed to add these details to recieve an accurate response. thanks again
12-08-2011, 01:40 PM #2
give it time . deca needs time to progress and yea in my opinion test defo needed
12-08-2011, 01:54 PM #3
thanks man i really appreciate that. i was hoping that was the case. just getting worried cuz my weight shot up so much within the first couple of weeks then went backwards
12-08-2011, 02:37 PM #4
i would suggest more time as well, but do you only have 10mls of the deca because that will only last you about 8 weeks and a few days at 300mgs per week? i think minimum should be 12. deca is slow acting so takes about 4-5 weeks for your blood levels to reach the point where u start noticing really good gains. your joints should feel better though, and test would be very helpful.
12-08-2011, 03:00 PM #5
yes and test and always run a test as your base if anything...I am on a 14 wk test deca but I just started this wk...I may run it 16 but thats little long...I am running longer cause deca is slow acting and it says to run deca a little longer to see appro. gains..
12-08-2011, 03:18 PM #6
phew,, hate to see a long post from you. You should def gain a good amout off a deca /win cycle but you may have libido prbs with the test crash. May not feel it during but it will hit you afterwards. Ive actually ran to deca/win cycles long time ago when i didnt know anything and the first one was my best cycle to date. Either way id throw some test in there.
12-08-2011, 05:12 PM #7
12-08-2011, 05:14 PM #8
yeah sorry i should of been more specific, i have 10 ml. should i run the test until the deca is done, or past that?
12-08-2011, 05:17 PM #9
You can run same amount as deca , but some run test an additional week after then start pct...
12-08-2011, 05:25 PM #10
right on. also, he told me he just got in some liquid dbol and if i really wanted some size to roll with that. so what i would do is drop the winnie next monday (which would be four weeks) then start the dbol along w/ the deca and test for an additional four weeks. i know most people opt to do the opposite (win first, then dbol) thoughts?
12-08-2011, 05:37 PM #11
12-08-2011, 06:02 PM #12
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