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Thread: first cycle of test e

  1. #1

    first cycle of test e

    a buddy of mine has a few bottles of test e.. idk if i could say what brand it is? if i could il put it in my next post.. but he is willing to sell me it for pretty cheap and i was wondering whats a good cycle for a first timer? i was thinking 10 weeks (or less) of one shot (250) a week.. my question is what kind of side effects would i experience from this low of a dosage and how much muscle/weight would i gain in 10 weeks.. also how much would i lose at the end of the cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    And you've been here for 2+ years? Get the **** out!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Your questions are really only answerable on a personal level as so many other factors come into play such as diet, training, rest.

    For me personally 1 shot a week wouldn't see the gains I'd like, atleast 500mgs of test e

  4. #4
    OP, I agree with both of the above, but I'm feelin a bit generous 2day, so y don't u post ur stats & goals &we'll c bout gettin u set up. Hurry, my generosity runs out quick...........................J/K

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    OP, I agree with both of the above, but I'm feelin a bit generous 2day, so y don't u post ur stats & goals &we'll c bout gettin u set up. Hurry, my generosity runs out quick...........................J/K
    Lol.. Very kind

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I agree with TB 79, post some stats and we'll see what you need.also: First cycle info is all over the educational threads. Have a look. Phate's thread is a good read:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Pinning 250mg every 5 or 6 days would be perfect in my book if it's your first.Assuming you are not competing for a pro card. See how you react to it. Then expand on your 2nd. In my later cycles I would run 250mg a week and people would know I was using.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical engineer View Post
    Pinning 250mg every 5 or 6 days would be perfect in my book if it's your first.Assuming you are not competing for a pro card. See how you react to it. Then expand on your 2nd. In my later cycles I would run 250mg a week and people would know I was using.
    And if he's only 14 years old? still think the same?

    He hasn't given any stats. We have no idea what to ADVISE.

  9. #9
    sorry for replying so late guys.. i didnt think that many of you would reply that quick. Yea ive been part of this forum for about two years never really posting, just reading here and there. This would technically be my second cycle i was younger and dumber 2 years ago because i ran just dbol for a month.. dumb i kno!!... A juicer friend of mine told me it would get me bigger and i read some posts on the internet of guys using just that and had "some" good results.. I dont want to get all crazy since this will technically be my first "real" cycle.. I kind of got turned off of A.S. because as the month came to an end on the dbol i got really sick.. idk if it was a coincindence since it was the end of Febuary or what but i got extremely constipated.. And i meen extremely! to the point i ended up in the doctors office.. it ended up passing in like 2 weeks and then i was fine for a few months until i had a pretty limp d*** here and there for about 6 months.. thats another reason i got turned off.. I just had a new gf and it was pretty embaressing going soft or just flat out not getting hard every now and then.. I did take a pct (liquid nolva) after the cycle which helped as soon as i started taking it but i dont think i had enough because when it ran out i started having problems again.. i ended my cycle the end of febuary and like i said i got sick and didnt start the pct for about a week to a week and a half later.. (because i didnt kno wtf i got sick from, i didnt want to add nolva into my body since i was already f***** up.) im 22, 6'3 and 215 lbs. i been training for about 4 years more on than off until recently.. ive been working 6 days a week for the past 5 months and i want to get myself back to where i used to be, or even better i also have what i consider a pretty good job so i dont want to get too big too fast to cause any suspision and get sent for a drug test or something.. Also, im scared s***less of pinning myself so take that into consideration.. now steer me on the right path! thankyou!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    US of A
    22 u got enough hormones in your body, well maybe not any more since u did that dbol 2 years ago.
    Stick to diet and train hard that's all i can think off but i'm a newb so my advice may not be the best and i'm sure not the one your looking for .

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    IMO you're still to young. This could cause irreversable damage to your endocrine system as it's still developing. I'm also concerned with your on/off scheduling. I've considered AAS in the past but didn't because I figured if I couldn't be committed enough to be at the gym and eat a solid aas diet, what would change if I was on a cycle...Sure you might stick with it for a few weeks, but what are you gonna do when something comes up.

    No offense, but from the post you just wrote you don't seem nearly committed enough, and with that I doubt you have a strong enough base to start using aas right. As many people will tell you AAS is not a magic pill, if you're not willing to jump in with both feet...the risk won't outweigh the reward. That on top of being to young would all add to this being a bad idea. If I were you I would head over to the Diet forum, get yourself a solid diet plan, hit the gym hard for the next two years, and then if you still want to run aas, go for it at that time. Deal?

    Now, are you gonna take some advice or ignore it and fvck yourself up like most of the other newbs on here?

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