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  1. #1
    DAAS's Avatar
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    HCG, TRT, and Clomifin

    So when I went to my endo to see if I needed TRT, I was told I needed to wait another month after my nolva stoppage, get blood work again, and then go from there.

    I asked her about HCG and she told me the only fix for low test, was to go on either Test injections or cream or we could try clomid

    1. Why would she say that about HCG, ive seen allot out there on people with low test using HCG.

    2. If Test is used I assume they would only give me a dose high enough to put me in "normal" range, but I was wondering if they sometimes would give you a bit extra to see added benifits, seeing how your taking them for life anyhow..?

    3.Why would see suggest clomifin as an option if HCG isnt.

    Ive been on clomid before and it worked fairly well, but I hated the emotional side effects and it gave me bad acne.

    4. Ive read about a steroid abuser that was prescribed TRT, used it for a year, took him self off, then used HCG for 6 months and now doesnt need anything to retain his libido and test levels....This sounds like my best option.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    first its clomiphene :P took me a while to figure that one out lolz.

    1) HCG is synthetic LH, it wont do much for restarting your HPTA or boosting test if it is low. Too much will desensitize the receptors to LH which make it less effective. It would only keep Intratesticular Testosterone volume high so your spermatogensis is still going as good as it can while you have exogenous test added in. Thats why its best for ON cycle and those on TRT to try and keep spermatogensis going

    2) Typically yes, depends on the doc, but some apparently let you manage your own injections. They typically get you to a 'high-normal' range which is plenty for daily life. You could then (if managed your own injections) take less week to week and save up then do a blast. There is more info here about that, its called Blasting and Cruising.

    3) Clomiphene will stimulate natural LH which will raise test production, it is more bioavailable than LH because its naturally made by your body. HCG has a much longer half life than endogenous LH, its made by women who need extra hormones to support the fetal growth.
    The typical dose found in studies is 25-50mg ED for several months. The low dose helps keep the responsiveness to LH fairly good, in high doses for longer periods of time it can lead to desensitization (same with HCG) which is counter productive.
    Tamox is also another option, however it really only enhances your own LH production, and doesnt increase test as much but it makes the body more responsive to LH which will then increase Test.
    Clomid, in to high of doses, can do exactly what your sides were. Those are similar sides to being on a cycle,

    4) i would like to read that, what you are refering to. Typically that doesnt happen.

  4. #4
    DAAS's Avatar
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    So HCG isnt a HRT option because eventually it will become useless and leave you worse off then before?

  5. #5
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Well, it depends on why you are low on Test. If you are low on LH, then perhaps the HCG would increase test to a point but since it has a longer half life than normal LH it doesnt work as well as other options. It kinda goes with the theory that you can use test injections to normalize the body then stop which then your body will realize the lack of hormones then begin to produce them naturally. it is an older theory that isnt used as much any more and there are other options out there.

  6. #6
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    One thing about HCG is it will significantly increase your estrogen and progesterone production. Its not really a permanent solution to TRT. If you dont want kids then testosterone injections are the best solution,if you want kids then Clomid and nolvadex is a good short term solution.
    Last edited by MR10X; 12-12-2011 at 06:44 AM.

  7. #7
    DAAS's Avatar
    DAAS is offline Senior Member
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    well what about an AI?

    Im trying to get my test back to normal after steroid use .

    Various recommended PCT's have failed. As in a few weeks after i stop i go back to hypogonadism, ill even take months off everything to see if it comes back, but no.

    it seems like everything i try only help while im on it, instead of bringing me back to normal.

    1 test e cycle @ 400mg, used AI, HCG and had ***** nolva and clomid for PCT, tried the pct 3 times now, with a couple months between each.

    If i do get put on Test, can i take clomid and hcg and still be fertile? im fine with going on test, but i really dont want baby balls

  8. #8
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    HCG is not a good permanant solution,it doest help with LH and FSH production and when you get off the HCG there wont be any LH to keep your balls working.If you permanantly go on TRT you may not be able to have kids,its not for sure but it is possible.Clomid might help with that situation but you would have to ask the doc about that.

  9. #9
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    You can take the HCG with trt to keep your balls up to size. If you still can't have kids, you can get off the TRT for a while and continue the HCG. My doc wants me to only use HCG to have kids, but it takes 4 months for it to really kick in spermato..... and I am trying to get him to have me take it along with trt, also cause I don't want baby balls.

  10. #10
    DAAS's Avatar
    DAAS is offline Senior Member
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    Why would he only want you to be on HCG for having kids and not also clomid?

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