View Poll Results: test higher or lower

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  • higher test

    1 33.33%
  • lower test

    2 66.67%
  • doesnt make a difference

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Results 1 to 11 of 11
  1. #1
    testchef's Avatar
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    tren / test levels

    just curious to the fact that ive heard some people say that if your running tren in high amounts your test should be lower .
    i myself ran 100mg of both tren a and test p ed and had good results .

  2. #2
    1killer80 is offline New Member
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    I have not heard that.... I know that you should not run tren without test, i also believe that both the test and the tren aromotize a lot so you will want some nolva or arimidex on hand if you start to get puffy or sore.... i suppose taking high levels of test and tren ant the same time could make this worse....

    I suggest you read the steroid profile son the two, also search gynomastia and side effects it will talk about this very combination in hear someplace I have read it....

    Also to ge the best answer tell everyone what you are doing need more info as far as dosage etc....100mgs of both e0d sounds about right, maybe the tren is to high depending on how many cycles you have more info please



  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Many guys run tren higher with test low. Cause they experience less side effects from the cycle. 2-400 test 5-600 tren is what I usually see. Then again this is not required

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i've done it both ways and they both work. It depends on what my goals are of the cycle on how i dose
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1killer80 View Post
    I have not heard that.... I know that you should not run tren without test, i also believe that both the test and the tren aromotize a lot
    test will aromatize, tren will not. You are dealing with 2 forms of side effects when you add in the 19. Test will produce your ERSE and the tren will contribute to PRSE. A-dex, letro, Aromasin are good for combating the test, but you will need something like caber or bromo for the tren... thats if you find you need it if SE's are bothering you.

    OP, this is all a game of chance and experience. Some people react completely different than others. Much like Deca , Ive seen some people run tren at the equal to or less than test theory, higher doses than test and even use it without test (not advised). Comes down to how your body reacts to these compounds.

    If your doses mentioned are ED doses, thats pretty darn high amounts. If they are EOD, thats a nice starter amount for first time tren use. Not to sound like a jerk, but if thats you in the pic and you are cycling with tren already, something is wrong with either your gear or diet/training. Just my $0.02

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    test will aromatize, tren will not. You are dealing with 2 forms of side effects when you add in the 19. Test will produce your ERSE and the tren will contribute to PRSE. A-dex, letro, Aromasin are good for combating the test, but you will need something like caber or bromo for the tren... thats if you find you need it if SE's are bothering you.

    OP, this is all a game of chance and experience. Some people react completely different than others. Much like Deca , Ive seen some people run tren at the equal to or less than test theory, higher doses than test and even use it without test (not advised). Comes down to how your body reacts to these compounds.

    If your doses mentioned are ED doses, thats pretty darn high amounts. If they are EOD, thats a nice starter amount for first time tren use. Not to sound like a jerk, but if thats you in the pic and you are cycling with tren already, something is wrong with either your gear or diet/training. Just my $0.02
    Agreed! As a matter of fact, i've been lack of late. OP posted another thread a few days ago and i asked for his diet. I'm going to have to research to see if he responded. Now that i think about it, i believe all the shakes and not enough carbs are his downfall. I'm probably wrong though...

    As far as the dosages go, when bulking i keep them the same or test a little higher as it helps my appetite. When cutting, test is always lower as to let the tren take over. That's just me though...

  7. #7
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Now that i think about it, i believe all the shakes and not enough carbs are his downfall..
    oh God, that will explain it... never understood why people think shakes are meal repla***ents. 1 PWO with some good carbs is sufficient for the day. Ive heard some people at the gym advising others on 3-4/day cause thats what they do... I cringe

  8. #8
    testchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Agreed! As a matter of fact, i've been lack of late. OP posted another thread a few days ago and i asked for his diet. I'm going to have to research to see if he responded. Now that i think about it, i believe all the shakes and not enough carbs are his downfall. I'm probably wrong though...

    As far as the dosages go, when bulking i keep them the same or test a little higher as it helps my appetite. When cutting, test is always lower as to let the tren take over. That's just me though...
    hey yes i replied to your question on my last thread diet is up and micros too.
    i only shake up to gain more protien . carbs ..... they seem to stick to me like fook i also have ibs which i get severe bloating from too.
    please note that i come here for advice so if i statrt a thread i always follow it through.

  9. #9
    testchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    test will aromatize, tren will not. You are dealing with 2 forms of side effects when you add in the 19. Test will produce your ERSE and the tren will contribute to PRSE. A-dex, letro, Aromasin are good for combating the test, but you will need something like caber or bromo for the tren... thats if you find you need it if SE's are bothering you.

    OP, this is all a game of chance and experience. Some people react completely different than others. Much like Deca , Ive seen some people run tren at the equal to or less than test theory, higher doses than test and even use it without test (not advised). Comes down to how your body reacts to these compounds.

    If your doses mentioned are ED doses, thats pretty darn high amounts. If they are EOD, thats a nice starter amount for first time tren use. Not to sound like a jerk, but if thats you in the pic and you are cycling with tren already, something is wrong with either your gear or diet/training. Just my $0.02
    my last cycle was with tren 75mg ed and 100mg test p ed. diet was not in check on my last cycle .but have done much reading in the diet forum here and i think i have improved it alot. got another 5 weeks till start my new cycle so im wanting to get everything in check first .
    yes its ed amounts.
    my new cycle is also listed under 4th cycle please critique on this forum. im tring to get as much feed back as poss before commencing .
    first two cycles where shit really diddnt know much at allm which il admit so this willm be my second big boy cycle you may say. gear is tip top its a good source from a respected member here ..
    Last edited by testchef; 12-13-2011 at 01:31 PM.

  10. #10
    testchef's Avatar
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    bump .....................

  11. #11
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    I feel like there is no right or wrong answer and it is entirely goal dependent

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