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Thread: Anavar - Unable to get a buzz. How long after?

  1. #1
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    Anavar - Unable to get a buzz. How long after?

    Hey all -

    Kind of a strange question - and difficult to word it too ...

    I dont drink during my Anavar cycle, but one night I did have several drinks out with friends. The feeling was complete crap. Worst feeling ever - headache, tense feeling. Got the messy drunken disoriented feeling, but zero enjoyable buzz. Nothing. At the end of the night I was completely sick to my stomach, which never happens. This is definitely related to the Anavar's presence in my body, because its a stark contrast to how I normally feel drinking.

    I don't plan to continue drinking. But after my cycle I will be going on an overseas trip where a lot of partying will occurr. I've been wracking my brain trying to remember if this shitty feeling lasted after my last Anavar cycle. For the life of me I can't remember.

    I know people say Anavar "lasts" several months. At least the positive effects on your workouts. Im worried that this unenjoyable effect may last as well. I *seem* to remember several months of not really getting that "thrilling buzz" anymore - but I can't clearly recall for sure.

    Any of you guys who have done Anavar remember if you able to enjoy that "thrilling buzz" from alcohol right after you quit, or have you noticed that it takes a long time to get that back?

    Again - strange question and I know you guys hate drinking. This is moreso regarding post-cycle.

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CraigWatts View Post
    Hey all -

    Kind of a strange question - and difficult to word it too ...

    I dont drink during my Anavar cycle, but one night I did have several drinks out with friends. The feeling was complete crap. Worst feeling ever - headache, tense feeling. Got the messy drunken disoriented feeling, but zero enjoyable buzz. Nothing. At the end of the night I was completely sick to my stomach, which never happens. This is definitely related to the Anavar's presence in my body, because its a stark contrast to how I normally feel drinking.

    I don't plan to continue drinking. But after my cycle I will be going on an overseas trip where a lot of partying will occurr. I've been wracking my brain trying to remember if this shitty feeling lasted after my last Anavar cycle. For the life of me I can't remember.

    I know people say Anavar "lasts" several months. At least the positive effects on your workouts. Im worried that this unenjoyable effect may last as well. I *seem* to remember several months of not really getting that "thrilling buzz" anymore - but I can't clearly recall for sure.

    Any of you guys who have done Anavar remember if you able to enjoy that "thrilling buzz" from alcohol right after you quit, or have you noticed that it takes a long time to get that back?

    Again - strange question and I know you guys hate drinking. This is moreso regarding post-cycle.
    weird question. but, aas dont give you a 'buzz' and certainly dont last for 'months' after discontinuing.

    sounds like you were served a bad drink, ive had many bad or off pints in my time which can give the feeling you describe

  3. #3
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    The buzz is largely down to your mind and how you are feeling before you drink. If you're up for a good night and are with good fun friends then you'll get a buzz. If you anticipate feeling shitty then, well.. the mind is powerful!

  4. #4
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    I was feeling great beforehand actually. Thought I'd have a great night out. Definitely didn't have a bad drink. Living in Miami, partying is pretty much a regular thing. We're talking 40-50 nights out to compare this to. Both times I was on Anavar - I felt disgusting while drinking. Stark contrast.

    Oh well, at least it will discourage me from drinking again.
    Last edited by CraigWatts; 12-11-2011 at 02:42 PM.

  5. #5
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    i never had a steroid stop me from getting buzzed.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
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    Stop drinking.

  7. #7
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by CraigWatts View Post
    I was feeling great beforehand actually. Thought I'd have a great night out. Definitely didn't have a bad drink. Living in Miami, partying is pretty much a regular thing. We're talking 40-50 nights out to compare this to. Both times I was on Anavar - I felt disgusting while drinking. Stark contrast.

    Oh well, at least it will discourage me from drinking again.
    how you know?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Stop drinking.

    you do know that oral steroids are already bad on your liver/kidneys. So if they are already in a weakend state, why would you go and drink and put more stress on your liver? Did your urine go dark for a few days? Did you feel pain in your lower back area?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Stop drinking.
    Thats not a bad suggestion at all.

  10. #10
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    I knew no matter what I wrote in my first post, someone was going to hijack this thread and start talking about how its bad to drink at all. I already addressed the fact that I dont usually drink on cycles and already am fully aware that its not a good idea. Was hoping that would keep this thread on topic.

    This isn't about whether its smart to drink on a cycle. I stated "my question is about *post* cycle" ....

    i didnt have a bad drink
    how you know?
    Ok you're going to stick with this theory. I already responded. I live in miami. Party central. I have gone out 40-50 times in the last year and I always feel like shit if I drink on Anavar. Never otherwise. Besides, exactly what is a "bad drink" ? Moldy Greygoose?
    Last edited by CraigWatts; 12-11-2011 at 08:35 PM.

  11. #11
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    ^^^ well nobody has ever heard of anavar and drinking making you sick or stopping you from getting buzzed
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CraigWatts View Post
    I knew no matter what I wrote in my first post, someone was going to start the old and tired "Dont drink" discussion.

    Please review the first post again where I already addressed the fact that I dont usually drink on cycles and already am fully aware that its not a good idea.

    Was hoping that would keep this thread on topic.

    That being said, lets get back on topic. This isn't about whether its smart to drink on a cycle.

    I explicitly stated "My question is about POST cycle" ....
    well come on man, if you're not on anything when you're going to drink then whats the thread about? very strange, you think anavar has some sort of lasting impact on the way booze affects your brain?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CraigWatts View Post
    I knew no matter what I wrote in my first post, someone was going to hijack this thread and start talking about how its bad to drink at all. I already addressed the fact that I dont usually drink on cycles and already am fully aware that its not a good idea. Was hoping that would keep this thread on topic.
    You may not think it is relavent, but the questioned I asked would help diagnose why you felt like shit. If you were experiencing renal problems, its not a mild feeling. And if this is the case, you should get a full panel done before you head off for more party binging (if you care about your body)

  14. #14
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    Okay well upon further investigation I have come to a couple conclusions. The normal side effects of Anavar include headache and stomach ache. Its very common to have periodic headaches, and a slight queeziness throughout the day. When I drink, its these two things which become 10x more pronounced. That "ache" and swollen feeling in the head becomes much more noticeable and very uncomfortable. The slight uneasiness in the stomach turns into full-on nausea.

    Alcohol is reknown for quadrupling side effects for pretty much every drug on earth, so this could simply be that.

    I do however wish I knew what exactly causes this "anavar headache". It doesn't respond to the strongest headache medicine out there (full dose Excedrine). That says a lot to me. It implies that its not pain related, but moreso inflammation related. However ibuprofin (anti inflammatory) did nothing to help either. Very strange. Its possible it could be spikes in blood pressure. Definitely can cause head pain and that "swelling brain" feeling.

    Very curious what *specifically* causes the normal side effects of Anavar.

    Knockoutpower: Didnt mean to ignore your questions. No lower back pain or dark urine. At least no back pain. I get dark urine from my multivitamin on a daily basis anyways, so that's a difficult way to gauge.


  15. #15
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    I'm thinking your var may not be legit. there is nothing in var that would give you the symptoms you describe.

  16. #16
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    yeah if it's legit var you should be able to pump up your calves just by flexing them. Besides, no offense but your question is dumb. Never drink while on cycle, but especially while taken oral (liver toxicity) pills. Why can't you go out and party but only drink one or two drinks then switch to a non alcohol drink. And for your other question once Anavar clear's your system it's gone.

    Remember your lipid profile while on Var is shit. So you are very unhealthy for those weeks when you take it. So getting a headache could be caused by high BP like you mentioned. Moral of story if drinking on var makes you feel like shit stop doing it.

  17. #17
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    I see guys all over the web talking about headaches from anavar, and guys on steroid forums (not newbies) saying that the slight queeziness is exactly what helps people not eat so much (loss of appetite).

    Maybe im crazy.

    But hey the bottom line is - im honestly getting sick and tired of being told i dont have real anavar (same thing everyone told me on my first cycle because I had joint pain). But im only sick and tired of it because I dont know what to do to remedy that concern. How to fix it. How to be 100% sure i have legit stuff.

    The person I got it from is in south florida and supplies to all the bodybuilders in this area. He's seriously well known. So if he's handing out fake shit I would get my ass kicked to even *imply* that to him ...

    Suggestions then?
    Last edited by CraigWatts; 12-17-2011 at 01:59 PM.

  18. #18
    i never had a steroid stop me from getting buzzed.
    Lol...hahhahahahahaha Sorry just found the dry humor funny....AAS wither its Var, Test, Tren whatever is a lifestyle. Its all about sacrifice and results....No magic pill or oil here, just assistance when incorporated with a good diet and hard work out plan (sleep etc.). You should save yourself the money and stay off till your in a place in life where you can dedicate yourself to how ever long it takes to accomplish your goals then have some fun. Kind of what my father has always said, "the cart pulling the horse". Everyone wants to look like a bad ass but few are willing to do what it takes to get there....not busting your balls, I know the Miami lifestyle all to well, temptations. But, really save yourself the money and spend it when you have time to chill for a bit. Just my 2 cents

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