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Thread: Deca/Test E??

  1. #1

    Deca/Test E??

    Planning my next deca/test cycle. Gonna run 300mg Deca for 10 weeks, 500 mg TestE for 12 weeks. Here's the questions. First, this is my second cycle with these compounds, is 300mg Deca enough, I've been hearing 400 is the magic number. Second, I know the TestE is a long esther and needs only one injection/week. Is it better to hit 500mg of the test at once or is 250mg twice a week the same? And I've also heard hitting a mixture of the 300mg of Deca mixed with 100mg of TestE, then the remaining 400mg of TestE the next day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by thetap
    Planning my next deca/test cycle. Gonna run 300mg Deca for 10 weeks, 500 mg TestE for 12 weeks. Here's the questions. First, this is my second cycle with these compounds, is 300mg Deca enough, I've been hearing 400 is the magic number. Second, I know the TestE is a long esther and needs only one injection/week. Is it better to hit 500mg of the test at once or is 250mg twice a week the same? And I've also heard hitting a mixture of the 300mg of Deca mixed with 100mg of TestE, then the remaining 400mg of TestE the next day.
    Bro read the forum stickies and rules, noone will answer you unless u post up your stats, age, weight lifting experience etc!

    Ps. It will take 5mins of researching on here to find the answers of your questions

  3. #3
    40 yo, 5-10, 205lbs, 10-12%bf, usually consume 3600-3800 not great but GOOD calories/day, been lifting on and off since early 20's, but hard and steady for 2 years now. I have researched, and found lots of conflicting reports. Looking for some help. I'm an ectomorph, so keeping this weight isn't easy, and adding new muscle is even harder.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by thetap
    Planning my next deca/test cycle. Gonna run 300mg Deca for 10 weeks, 500 mg TestE for 12 weeks. Here's the questions. First, this is my second cycle with these compounds, is 300mg Deca enough, I've been hearing 400 is the magic number. Second, I know the TestE is a long esther and needs only one injection/week. Is it better to hit 500mg of the test at once or is 250mg twice a week the same? And I've also heard hitting a mixture of the 300mg of Deca mixed with 100mg of TestE, then the remaining 400mg of TestE the next day.
    I've never had any experience with deca so I'll let someone else more knowledgeable comment on that

    you can get away with 1 shot/week with test E but 250mg x 2/week (one shot every 3.5 days) is much better IMO much better for ur hormones will stay constant, if you did 1 shot / week, ur levels will spike up, then taper down, spike up etc! You don't want that!

    What I will suggest with the deca though is that you need to run the test atleast a week longer at the end of the cycle than the deca, it's a longer ester and you don't want deca in ur system alone!

  5. #5
    Thanks dooie, gonna run Deca for 10 weeks, and TestE for 12, that gives me 2 weeks of tese to let my sysyem recover to normal.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by thetap
    Thanks dooie, gonna run Deca for 10 weeks, and TestE for 12, that gives me 2 weeks of tese to let my sysyem recover to normal.
    Do you have a PCT in plan?? (Post cycle therapy)

  7. #7
    Yup. Clomid starting at end of cycle. Day 1, 300mg, days 2-11 100mg, days 12-21 50 mg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the dosages are fine. I would inject them both 2x a week.
    mon 250 test and 150 deca
    thurs 250 test and 150 deca
    you can mix them in the same needle
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Syd, Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by thetap
    Yup. Clomid starting at end of cycle. Day 1, 300mg, days 2-11 100mg, days 12-21 50 mg
    Get an AI to take while ON incase of Gyno or estrogen sides mate!

    And to be safe, I'd look into HCG while on also and for PCT look into Nolva say 40/40/20/20mg (40mg/day for 2 weeks and 20/day for another 2 weeks)

    You want the best recovery possible mate!

    Other than that, cycle is good, post up a log and I'll be sure to watch you grow!!

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