any sugestion how i should run my anavar & tets e for my cyle :
i did 3 week of anavar & did not get the rusult i was looking for so i stop after 3 week & order test E to mix with !
i have to say the anavar reduce my BF but did not gain much weight prob 5 pound in the 1st 2 week but then only strenght ...
i was taking 40mg 2x day i did it because oral was a lot more convinient for me since i have a very busy work schedule with mix hours...
my stat is
38 yr old
175 lb
5 foot 6
bf apx 11%
Cycle history: sustanon in 2002 1 cycle ( great result)
any suggestion how i should run my anavar & tets e for my cyle :
sould i take:
Clomid 100/100/50/50 or
Nolva 40/40/20/20
*********i have 8 week before i leave for cancun so want to do a 8 week cycle*** i need quick result*****
** this what i have in mind:
Weeks 1-4 250mg Test E (Monday morning)
Weeks 4-8 - 500mg Test E (Monday AM & Thursday PM)
Weeks 5-8 anavar 40mg (20mg morning-20mg night)
Clomid 100/100/50/50
or Nolva 40/40/20/20
let me know if my cycle make sense & if i miss out anything !!