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  1. #1
    maco88 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011

    New Cycle - Have a few questions please help

    Hey Guys
    I'm starting my second ever cycle. My first cycle was Sus, Trenboline and Test Ace with oxys but didn't find the results as good as what I expected. Have been advised on a new course and have got my gear can anyone advise if they have tried this course before and what results I can expect. Any comments would be most appreciated. The course consists of:

    Week 1-4 Test 500 & Deca Nandrolone , Oxymethalone tabs
    Week 5-8 Test Test Cypl, Dianabol Tabs

    I currently train 3 times a week.
    Monday I train chest and triceps
    Wednesday I train back and biceps
    Friday I train legs and shoulders.

    Please give me any advise you think would be useful.
    Thanks a mill

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Aug 2011
    Test. "Ace"? Wut r ur stats?

  3. #3
    maco88 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011
    not too sure what test ace was got it from another bodybuilder but as it was my first course I wasn't sure what to look for.
    Got some better advise this time but just want to double check it.
    Currently I'm 14stone which is around 89kilos and my height is 5ft11inches.
    I dont know my body fat % but I carry only a little fat around my abs.

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Aug 2011
    Ace is short 4 "Acetate" wich is an ester attached to Tren , not Test. Ur lack of knowledge make me believe ur not ready 4 such a potentially dangerous lifestyle. How old r u?

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    dude your getting horrible advice.
    And that first cylce was a monster. You gains should have been crazy. So your doing something wrong, eating or training.,
    But at this point the last thing you need to do is take more stuff

    Why dont you post your diet for a day and your full workout schedule
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    maco88 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011
    I'm 23 and have been training for 4 years, have started this diet about 2 months ago wasnt eating very well before that

    On a normal day I will get up and eat porriage and protein shake
    2-3hrs later I will eat 3 whole eggs with 3 additional whites in an omlete
    lunchtime consists of 2 chicken breasts and baked potato with small bit broccoli
    between lunch and tea time I normally have another shake
    dinnertime I have salmon or steak with baked potato or rice
    before bed I have protein shake and tin of tuna

    Mondays: Chest and Triceps
    * Flat bench 15reps light weight to warm up x 2 sets
    * Flat bench fliers 15reps light weight x 2 sets
    * Flat bench heavy as I can go 8-10reps x 3 sets
    * Flat bench fliers heavy as I can go 8-10reps x 3 sets
    * Decline bench press heavy as I can go 8-10reps x 3 sets
    * Flat bench dumbell pullovers heavy as I can go 8-10reps x 3 sets
    * Inclined bench press do superset to burn out the chest, dumbell press straight into flys
    * Tricep cable pull downs with straight bar until I burn out x 3 sets
    * Rope tricep cable pull downs until I burn out x 3 sets
    * Close grip bench press x 3 sets til I burn out

    Wednesday - Back and Biceps
    * Wide arm pull ups x 3 sets of 12reps
    * Cable lat pull downs x 12 reps heavy as I can go x 3 sets
    * Single arm bent over rows x 12reps heavy as I can go x 3 sets
    * Close crip pull downs heavy as I can go x 12 reps x 3 sets
    * T-Bar Rows x 12 reps heavy as I can go x 3 sets
    * Standing bicep curls heavy as I can go 8-10 reps x 3 sets
    * Seated precher curls heavy as I can go 8-10 reps x 3 sets
    * Seated dumbell hammer curls heavy as I can go 8-10 reps x 3 sets

    Friday - Legs and shoulders
    * Light squats 15-20 reps x 2 sets
    * Squats heavey as I can go 10-12reps x 3 sets
    * Squat assist heavy as i can go 10-12 reps x 3 sets
    * Leg extentions heavy as I can go 10-12 reps x 3 sets
    * Leg curls heavy as I can go 10-12 reps x 3 sets
    * calf raises on squat assist go until I burn out x 3-4 sets
    * single leg calf raise until I burn out 3-4 sets
    * shoulder press light weight 2 sets x 12-15 reps
    * shoulder press heavy as I can go 3 sets x 8-10 reps
    * dumbell shoulder press heavy as I can go 8-10 reps x 3 sets
    * rear delts 8-10 reps x 3 sets
    * lateral raises superset heavy as i can go for 12-15 reps then drop the weight and go until i burnout x 3 sets
    * upright rows heavy as I can go 8-10 reps x 3 sets
    * shoulder shrugs heavy as I can go til I burn out x 4sets

  7. #7
    Andrew7491 is offline New Member
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    what did your first cycle you mention contain? How much of each?

  8. #8
    maco88 is offline New Member
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    it's over a year ago and i've lost the info so sorry i cant remember

  9. #9
    ijbickerdike's Avatar
    ijbickerdike is offline Associate Member
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    So you ran two test esters then?????? and tren on a first cycle at 23??? and with oxy and gain was not as good as you thought, what was your diet like, was you really getting the cals you needed? sound like your diet needs work and you need to stop taking advice from which sounds like your dealer to make money from you!! anyone giving you advice like this is obviously trying to either make money from you or does not have a clue himself, go to the educationals and learn more about what you are doing before you fvck yourself up for good.

  10. #10
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    did you guys look at his chest wk out.. he is doing 16+ sets for his chest...bro you should only be doing 12 for a major muscle group..over trainging does not gain muscle... good train, good diet, and rest.. that is way to many sets and your going to get hurt..hope not

  11. #11
    ijbickerdike's Avatar
    ijbickerdike is offline Associate Member
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    Seems to be too much of everyhthing in there, fair enough he has go just needs decent advice

  12. #12
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    please read the educational threads and the steroid profile..

    deca for 1-4 will do nothing really
    some ppl use dbol to kick start there cycle.
    if it was me and I already did a FIRST CYCLE of test only

    1-12 test e at 500-600mg a wk (2 300mg shots)
    1-4 dbol at 20-30mg ed
    1-11 deca at 300-4

  13. #13
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    R.I.P My friends
    please tell me that you will never take advise from who ever gave you this cycle idea. Dumbest thing Ive seen in a long time and that says a lot for this section.

    and that first cycle, wow, just wow, please dont do anything like that again till you have proper knowledge of what you are contaminating your body with

    Best advice for your 2nd cycle is do a proper first cycle. Test @ 500/wk with a good diet, training, rest, vitamin and saying your prayers and all the little hulkamaniacs will be jealous of your results

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