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Thread: Noob Questions

  1. #1
    Moose24x is offline New Member
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    Noob Questions

    Hello. I'm looking for a bit of advice here. I've done a fair amount of homework, though I'm sure it will not be enough in many of your eyes. I'm considering starting my first ever cycle and I have some areas in which I'd like answers where I'm having a hard time finding the specific information I need. I see people asking for stats in every thread here, so that's how I'll start. I'm 25 years old, 5'9 on a good day and 185lbs. I'm probably between 14-18% body fat.

    I'm considering using dianabol to get some gains as I feel I've plateaued in a big way lately. If I do take dianabol, I don't really want to stack it, but I would most likely take proviron with it, as I'd like to avoid the estrogenous effects. First question: if I get proviron, should I take it on-cycle with the dianabol or after the dianabol cycle? I believe I'd be taking it on-cycle, but I'm not sure. Also, if I take proviron (presumably on-cycle) would I still need to take nolvadex afterward (on a side note, is formadrol extreme an okay repla***ent for nolvadex/proviron?), or would the proviron be enough?

    Next, I was considering keeping the cycle pretty short. I've read that with dianabol alone, it is possible to add about 5lbs in roughly the first week of use, but that water retention is fairly high. I was thinking of limiting the cycle to two weeks as it's my first time and I'm not looking to get too insane. Is a two week cycle alright? Again, is proviron on-cycle enough, or would I need nolvadex after?

    Now, because dianabol supposedly leads to a fair amount of water retention and what I imagine would look like "puffy" gains, I'm considering following dianabol with an anavar cycle. They would not be stacked, and taken completely separately of one another. Could I use dianabol for two weeks and then follow it up with anavar in order to cut/increase strength? Ultimately, my goals are to add 5-10lbs of muscle but eventually cut my body fat% to around 12% (about 4% lower than current). I'd probably take proviron with the anavar as well as I've read that combination can help increase definition and hard muscle. If this is a feasible plan, could I begin the anavar cycle immediately after the dianabol? If not, how long would I need to wait in between? If nolvadex was necessary, would I take it after the dianabol and before the anavar, or follow the dianabol with the anavar immediately and take the nolvadex at the end of the entire plan?

    I'm thinking of going 2 weeks dianabol, 2-4 weeks of anavar and if I liked the gains/final results from the dianabol, repeating with another 2 weeks of dianabol, 2-4 weeks of anavar. Probably taking proviron throughout. Can anyone tell me if this plan is feasible and if nolvadex would be necessary if I was taking proviron (or whether or not proviron should be taken on-cycle). Like I said, I'm currently 5'9 185lbs and I would like to ultimately be 190-195lbs but a little bit leaner than I currently am.

    My diet and lifting habits are both good and while not huge by any means, I'm in very good shape and fairly well built. I'm just looking for that something extra. A little more bulk than I've been able to gain in a long while, followed by a good cutting cycle. Also, before you tell me that anavar is a "weak" steroid and that I need test or to do a stack, I've thought about what my priorities are and I'd actually probably rather just do anavar/proviron for a good cut/lean strength without adding bulk (as I'm almost satisfied with my current size) than do the dianabol at all. I'm very close to what the ideal body for me would be, and it's more important to me, ultimately, to cut a bit more and have really good definition and strength than for me to add more bulk. The reason I'm considering two short dianabol cycles is because if I could add some more bulk before cutting, it would be even better.

    Any pointers, answers, recommendations, etc. are welcome. I'm open to all knowledge and points of view, but please bare in mind the goals that I have rather than just telling me to add another complex in order to get huge or something. Also any comments on replacing proviron/nolvadex with formadrol extreme.
    Last edited by Moose24x; 12-12-2011 at 10:49 PM.

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    My honest opinion is you don't need the steroids to get the goals you wish. You could do it by diet alone. Post a full days diet and lets critique it.

    Also, the cycle you are proposing isn't worth it to run.

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    well after reading your novel especially the last 2 paragraphs i wouldnt use anything
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is online now Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    I agree with these other guys before me. I'd also like to say that oral only cycles are bad ideas.

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