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  1. #1
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Your advise please???

    I'm on test P (5th) week now but I want to add something to it and stop the test p. Originally I was only planning on doing a short cycle of test P (8wks) max.. Well change of plans... I was giong to add test e for an addition 8 to 10 weeks totaling a 13 to 14 weeks cycle... However, I can't get a hold of Test e and I'm only able to get either Test 400, Andropen or Sus.. Which of these do you guys recomend as I've never messed with any of these??

    Before anyone ask yes I've ran plenty of cycles in the past and know how to pct but I just never used any of these compounds.. I've only used test e/c/p, eq, tren a, ten e...

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Just so we know what is going you no longer have access to Prop, or are you switching for another reason?

  3. #3
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    depends whats in the t400, Ive seen most the 400 just being 400mg/mL of Test E, nothing special. A blend like Sust is harder to predict.

    that being said, I would probably go with the sust just cause it has short esters in it to ease in the transition. The problem being is that the long esters in sust will take a couple weeks to stabilize so you will need to pin some of the sust for the last 2 weeks as you finish the prop. Watch out for sides while doing this. Have an AI on hand for sure...

    the good thing is, the Sust will make you a better fighter

  4. #4
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    depends whats in the t400, Ive seen most the 400 just being 400mg/mL of Test E, nothing special. A blend like Sust is harder to predict.

    that being said, I would probably go with the sust just cause it has short esters in it to ease in the transition. The problem being is that the long esters in sust will take a couple weeks to stabilize so you will need to pin some of the sust for the last 2 weeks as you finish the prop. Watch out for sides while doing this. Have an AI on hand for sure...

    the good thing is, the Sust will make you a better fighter
    .. So you're saying to pin sust and test p together for two weeks, right?? Yes, I got aromasin on hand and currenlty running it eod.... Johnyvegas, no I did not run out of test p, I'm just not liking the results on the test P.. I think I like the long ester cycles.. I'm so use to using test e or c with some other compounds but I've never ran just one compound.. This is the only time I've ran a compound by it self (test P) and not liking the results... So you guys sugest sust??

  5. #5
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Anybodys else with some advise?

  6. #6
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Personally I would run test p with sust just depends on what you are trying to do. A pretty sweet cycle is to start out the gate with sust and supplement with test p, test c and deca here and there. This will be my next cycle. Since you already have a few weeks in I would just do sust and test p. Dont know if it would be worth it to supplement deca not sure how long it takes to kick in. Curious why you wanted to do just test p maybe you heard it was a good cutting cycle?

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I dont care how many cycles you have done.Wat are your stats?

  8. #8
    getfit28's Avatar
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    I started the Test P by it self as a front load only thinking I'd be getting my test e and eq on time but did not..
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    What do you suggest songdog?

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    i agree that you will need to continue the prop for a couple weeks while you switch

    i dont understand why u think you will have different results from a different ester, Its still test
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree with you test is test... But I know that sust will have other compounds in it.. I'm also finding that test p gave me some gains but not the BIG look as to when I'm on long ester Test e or c... I guess I'm just not to satisfied with this look on Test P. I was thinknig of swithing it to ed shots instead of eod to see if it makes a difference... The hell with it I just might stop this test p cycle on the 8th week and start my PCT so I can start a better cycle later on.. Thanks

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    sust has no other compounds in it. It all test. Just different time releases.

    i bet your diet is why you arent gaining the way you want
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    gearbox's Avatar
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    I thought of diet and training when I first read about "not liking the results"...if your bf is 11-12 I would up the calories also...

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
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    all test, doesnt matter. only diff is release times. i have every ester flowing through me on a test blend cycle i started last week all the sust esters, cyp and enth.

  14. #14
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Personally I would run test p with sust just depends on what you are trying to do. A pretty sweet cycle is to start out the gate with sust and supplement with test p, test c and deca here and there. This will be my next cycle. Since you already have a few weeks in I would just do sust and test p. Dont know if it would be worth it to supplement deca not sure how long it takes to kick in. Curious why you wanted to do just test p maybe you heard it was a good cutting cycle?
    thats a good protocol?

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