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  1. #1
    Hulk54 is offline New Member
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    Please Critique My Cycle

    Age: 28
    Height: 6’3”
    Weight: 225
    BF%: 14-16% (At the beginning of the cycle I will have it at 15 or a bit more.)
    Training Exp: Since my freshman year of highschool


    Length: 10 weeks

    Wk 1-10; Test Prop: 100 mgs EOD
    Wk 1-2; Anavar : 75 mgs ED
    Wk 3-4; Anavar: 100 mgs ED
    Wk 1-10; HCG :250 ius twice weekly
    Wk 1-10; Arimidex : .5 mg ED


    Length: 4 weeks

    Wk 1-2; Nolva: 40 ED
    Wk 1-2; Clomid: 100 ED
    Wk 3-4; Nolva: 20 ED
    Wk 3-4; Clomid: 50 ED

    I guess you can call this cycle a lean bulk cycle. Shed a little body fat (not an enormous amount, possibly 2-3%) while building muscle and mass.

    My primary goal is to increase my strength and speed, hence the addition of anavar into this cycle. I don’t mind the multiple pinning’s, in fact I actually look forward to it lol.

    My diet is in check, I re-aggravated a shoulder injury about a month ago, it wasn’t that serious though. Just needed to take sometime off which is why my bf% is a little high at this time. this cycle won’t be until the middle of January or so when I’m back to peak performance.

    I have a few question concerning the cycle though;

    1. Should I use HCG during weeks 1 to 10 or should I use it from week 3 to 10?

    2. Can I inject my HCG and Prop together in one syringe or do I have to do each separately? And if I have to inject separately, can I inject into the same location if it is during the same time and day?

    3. Will a 23 G x 1.5” be good for my injections?

    And finally, please critique my cycle.

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    HCG wks 3 -10 should suffice, but inject it alone (not in same pin as Prop) U can probably get away with a 1" pin if ur BF% is wut u say it is. Wut is ur cycle history?

  3. #3
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    I would run the var longer for more gains. maybe 8 weeks. If var is too expensive for you try Tbol or Winny.

  4. #4
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    would run var 1-9 or whinny..careful of whinny known to cause joint pains ( i personally tried and will never use again, but others have no problems)
    I would get an ai like adex just in cause...

    looks good

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    no point ramping var, very expensive and not going to give you the "bulk" you are looking for. I dont think the Prop @ 350/wk is going to do much in the way of bulking either. Thats a good dose for cutting. I would drop the oral and run prop @ 150 EOD... much better results

  6. #6
    SG2009 is offline Member
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    if this is your first cycle...replace the test prop with Test E or Test C....also replace the anavar with dbol ....keep the pct u had....aand spend ur arimidx and hcg money on food......unless u r a hardcore steroid user disregard this message and move on with the plan u put fwd....Take care and good luck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hulk54 View Post
    Age: 28
    Height: 6’3”
    Weight: 225
    BF%: 14-16% (At the beginning of the cycle I will have it at 15 or a bit more.)
    Training Exp: Since my freshman year of highschool


    Length: 10 weeks

    Wk 1-10; Test Prop: 100 mgs EOD
    Wk 1-2; Anavar: 75 mgs ED
    Wk 3-4; Anavar: 100 mgs ED
    Wk 1-10; HCG :250 ius twice weekly
    Wk 1-10; Arimidex : .5 mg ED


    Length: 4 weeks

    Wk 1-2; Nolva: 40 ED
    Wk 1-2; Clomid: 100 ED
    Wk 3-4; Nolva: 20 ED
    Wk 3-4; Clomid: 50 ED

    I guess you can call this cycle a lean bulk cycle. Shed a little body fat (not an enormous amount, possibly 2-3%) while building muscle and mass.

    My primary goal is to increase my strength and speed, hence the addition of anavar into this cycle. I don’t mind the multiple pinning’s, in fact I actually look forward to it lol.

    My diet is in check, I re-aggravated a shoulder injury about a month ago, it wasn’t that serious though. Just needed to take sometime off which is why my bf% is a little high at this time. this cycle won’t be until the middle of January or so when I’m back to peak performance.

    I have a few question concerning the cycle though;

    1. Should I use HCG during weeks 1 to 10 or should I use it from week 3 to 10?

    2. Can I inject my HCG and Prop together in one syringe or do I have to do each separately? And if I have to inject separately, can I inject into the same location if it is during the same time and day?

    3. Will a 23 G x 1.5” be good for my injections?

    And finally, please critique my cycle.

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SG2009 View Post
    if this is your first cycle...replace the test prop with Test E or Test C....also replace the anavar with dbol ....keep the pct u had....aand spend ur arimidx and hcg money on food......unless u r a hardcore steroid user disregard this message and move on with the plan u put fwd....Take care and good luck.
    Brilliant.................y the hell need 4 an on cycle AI, we want boobs rite................& of coarse we dont care about a full successful recovery of our testes, so no need 4 HCG either. Just fvckin BRILLIANT!

  8. #8
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    sg2009- you need to always have an ai on hand. ALWAYS and for recovery its best to use hcg if possible...there is the debate on whether to run it during cycle...but should use for pct..

    and guys he said he wanted to cut, and you recommend dbol , I would do a test only cycle before a dbol if I was cutting

  9. #9
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    He actually says a lean bulk cycle.

    I would bump up the prop as well but use the var the last 6 weeks at 50mgs per day if you are using the var for speed and some endurance. That's just my opinion

  10. #10
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    cycle looks pretty good..

    Adex @ .5mg EOD, you can always adjust throughout until you find the sweet spot.. .5mg ED is overkill

    Never used Var so I'll let others chime in, but 4 wks is short

    23g 1.5" needles should work well, maybe just don't go in all the way in smaller muscle groups or lean areas. I use 23g 1" all over and works great

    Not sure if HCG can be pinned in the same syringe as prop.. Hcg is typically injected sub q with a slin pin

  11. #11
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    sg2009- you need to always have an ai on hand. ALWAYS and for recovery its best to use hcg if possible...there is the debate on whether to run it during cycle...but should use for pct..

    and guys he said he wanted to cut, and you recommend dbol, I would do a test only cycle before a dbol if I was cutting
    HCG is never to be used as PCT. Using it during PCT would inhibit the very process you're attempting to kick start.

  12. #12
    Hulk54 is offline New Member
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    @Bear's last comment. lmao.

    And sorry for not adding in the cycle history, completely forgot. This is going to be my second cycle. My first cycle was about a year ago (close to the same time I'll be starting this cycle) and the compounds in the cycle were Test E and DBol . The cycle was a success, my gains surpassed my expectations. I know that many may ask why use Prop for the second cycle, why not a longer ester and it's due to drug testing, simply put. The faster it's out of my body the better.

    I'm going to be taking the HCG beginning the third week, bumping the test prop up to 150 eod and the var length from 4 weeks to 8 at 75 mgs throughout. I took Adex at .5 eod my first cycle, but someone told me it should be taken ed, guess they were wrong lol. Thanks for the advice guys, feel free to continue critiquing the cycle if necessary, I'm always open to suggestions and advice.
    Last edited by Hulk54; 12-14-2011 at 12:00 AM.

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