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Thread: Anavar only

  1. #1
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Anavar only

    Checking on a buddy, trying to gather some info so I have a basic understanding. I have always heard an oral cycle only is a bad call. That being said my friend is 27 185lbs & 11%bf this is also his first cycle. Don't think he looked into this much since he doesn't even have a pct lined up. He is running 50mg day for 6 weeks. Any good info to enlighten him of his what I would assume as a stupid idea. Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    bookie is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeatHead85 View Post
    Checking on a buddy, trying to gather some info so I have a basic understanding. I have always heard an oral cycle only is a bad call. That being said my friend is 27 185lbs & 11%bf this is also his first cycle. Don't think he looked into this much since he doesn't even have a pct lined up. He is running 50mg day for 6 weeks. Any good info to enlighten him of his what I would assume as a stupid idea. Thanks for the help.
    I am very curious to know what type of gains he had in strength and size?

  3. #3
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    Not a fan of oral only cycles but some get results they are happy with. I say if you aren't ready for injecting then you are not ready for the gear.

    orals can be rough on the liver so some sort of liver support is good. Milk bristle or liv25.

    orals also raise cholesterol levels as well.

    needs to run a pct of Clomid/Nolva

  4. #4
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bookie

    I am very curious to know what type of gains he had in strength and size?
    Strength not to sure but size not much at all..not worth doing just an oral.

  5. #5
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Some have ran anavar only cycles with mild success..... you wont get much in the way of size..... atleast not compared to other compounds. It can be done safely - he still needs a pct though as anavar will shut down his antural test production. His dosage is a bit low imo also.....

    With that said..... I personally wouldn't run it alone. I'd use test in every cycle......

    BJJ has a log somewhere in tis section for his anavar only cycle. You should check it out.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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